Worship Conference Registration Closed

I was informed this morning that when registration for WorshipGod08: Rediscovering the Psalms closed last night a total of 1626 people had signed up to come. That’s both humbling and exciting.

What that means is that registration for the conference is closed. People who show up at the door will only be able to attend the main sessions. This is a problem I’m not used to having.

A few stats:

760 first time attendees
127 high school students
619 worship leaders
31 international guests (including 14 from Canada)
Largest age group: 26-40 with 571
Second largest: 25 and below with 436
Largest church size group: 101-300 with 635 people
Largest seminar: David Powlison’s “A Calm and Peaceful Heart” with 631 signed up

I’m glad to see so many young people coming, so many attendees wanting to address issues of the heart, and so many people coming for the first time.

I’d appreciate your prayers for all those who are preparing to serve those who will be at the conference, as well as for everyone who will be coming. Looking forward to three and half days of equipping, encouragement, and encountering God through His Word, song, and fellowship, as we rediscover God’s unsearchable greatness in the Psalms.


2 Responses to Worship Conference Registration Closed

  1. Lee Kiessling August 10, 2008 at 7:57 PM #

    Thanks to you all for a fabulous conference…such hard work, and I enjoyed each day…I attended on Friday the Electric Guitar Workshop with Dave Campbell, and I’m trying to locate the handouts on scales, modes, arpeggios that were not in our notebooks that were to be posted on your website…can’t find them. Could they be attached to my email address above? Thanks…love Worship Matters and the new music, especially, from Psalms….blessings to you all…keep up the great work…Lee Kiessling.

  2. Bob Kauflin August 10, 2008 at 10:25 PM #

    Lee, you can access the conference handouts for Dave Campbell’s electric guitar workshop by going to the blog on the http://www.worshipgod08.com site or by clicking here.

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