Last week I asked people to answer the question, “Why does worship matter?” in 100 words or less. I said I’d pick the top 20 answers and send them a copy of Worship Matters, so that they could post a review on their blog.
I received some great answers from as far away as Australia. Of course, if you live in Australia, you don’t think that’s far at all.
Here are some of my favorite responses. Ryan James said worship matters because everyone worships.
Worship matters because it is the inescapable activity of all people everywhere regardless of whether they are a Christian or even “religious.” All people have some sort of “god” that they orient their life around, making sacrifices for the sake of that god’s glory. In our culture, people sacrifice for everything from their stomachs to their favorite sports teams worshiping them as their functional gods. Worship matters because it is obvious that though we do not need help learning how to worship, we desperately need to understand how to worship rightly.
Daniel Borkert highlighted God’s uniqueness:
Worship matters because God matters – a simple, yet infinite reason for true worship. Only God can declare that He is perfectly holy, uniquely different from all His creation. He alone fashioned our universe ex nihilo. He alone sustains all around us – all existing because He spoke. Yet even in His holiness, He loves us who are rebels, bent against Him and naturally exalting ourselves. He proved His love through the bloody sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, who received God’s wrath against us and reconciled us to our Creator God forever. Worship matters because God infinitely matters in this universe.
A few people focused on brevity. This from Josh Centanni:
“Why do I think worship matters? ‘Cause God thinks worship matters…. ’nuff said. (don’t believe me, then go check out the first two commandments.)
Stephanie’s was the shortest, but worth remembering:
Worship matters because God is God.
I’d add, “And we’re not.” She went on to fill out her answer, focusing on the effect sin has had on our worship, and supporting what she said with Scripture, which is always wise:
Worship matters because though we were created to worship God, in our fallenness we will worship anything (Jeremiah 2:12-13). Because our hearts are “idol factories” and only as we hear the Word and respond by grace through faith will our gaze be fixed aright (Hebrews 12:2) and our hearts find true satisfaction (Psalm 16). Worship matters because God says it matters. Worship matters because God is all that truly matters.
I liked Naomi Thuli’s answer for its simplicity, substance, and creativity:
Worship matters. It’s an obedience issue. Just read Psalms. Worship matters. It’s an eternity issue. Just read Revelations.This life will pass away. Possessions will rust. Fame will fade. But love remains. And a believer’s love for God compels him to worship. Not just in this life, but the ages to come. Worship matters. Forever.
Finally, the most unique answer (at least in the way it started out) was submitted by Geoff Youngs:
Putting the toilet seat down. Flowers on your anniversary. Saying and living “I do.” Toiling week in, week out, to provide. A poem on her birthday. All ways of declaring, with our lives, who matters. Worship should matter to us as much as God does: it is our most basic response to his status, sovereignty and salvation, whether in simple obedience or exuberant song. True worship declares to God our grateful estimation of him, to the world our humble sincerity, to our hearts what is of ultimate value. Worship matters because God does.
Amen. Thanks for taking the time to send in your answers. In the days to come, I’ll link to some of the book reviews.
The Lord works in mysterious and frankly MARVELOUS ways! I have been thinking about this question, thinking about why we worship and I found some answers in this blog! Thanks for sharing the thoughts that people have about worship. As a part of a Praise and Worship team you would think I have these answers to the question why worship matters on my fingertips but I don’t! Not all of them. The word says that the Lord teaches us precept upon precept and line upon line (Isaiah 28:10). Today I was blessed coz I learnt a little more about worshiping this marvelous God that I get to call Father!
Worship matters to God because our worship is the only thing he doesn’t already own.
We are worshippers. It is natural. It is a response. When we see beauty we gesture, gasp, invite. Confronted with the living, one true God, we cannot but worship. Its that last minute goal feeling multiplied infinitely. Then, eventually, we graduate to worship Him as a choice.
Worship Matters To God.
It is one thing God can count on to be true about us. In Spirit and in truth. Worship sets the stage for His promises, for our praise to him. When we glorify God, we set ourselves to be bless beyond measure. God is please because in worshipping God, it is about loving what He loves. During my tour in Vietnam 1975, I worshipped God, not only asking Him for safety, but for peace in my spirit. The More I dwelt on Him the more peace came. Through worship I found a life in Him and have been preaching around the world since 1978. In 1989 I was healed from Lou Gherig disease. My worship played a part in healing and in my faith towards him. Worship Matters.It is the vehicle ride for everything else to function cons istently. Go for it. Tell God just how much you adore him, regardless what you are going through. Give a shout out to God.
Dr. Jerlette Mickie.
Vietnam Veteran