Tag Archives | church plants


Are You a UK Church Planter?

This summer, July 8-10, Sovereign Grace Ministries will be holding our first UK church planting conference. My good friend Pete Greasley are hosting the conference at Christchurch in Newport, Wales this coming July 8-10. Also speaking is another good friend, Dave Harvey, who leads international expansion and church planting for Sovereign Grace Ministries. The conference is called [CO]MISSION UK, and its purpose is t to equip church planters as well as other men that feel called to ministry, and stir ambition for how God could be glorified through their lives.

 If you’re a church planter in the UK, or if you hope to plant a church …

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Leading Worship on a Church Plant

Last week, I was talking to Matthew Williams, one of the pastors of Kingsway Community Church in Richmond, VA. They’re sending out a group of folks to plant a church in Fredericksburg, VA this fall. Matthew was asking me how I’d counsel a worship leader that’s starting out on a church plant. In the middle of our conversation I thought he might not be the only guy asking this question. So here are some the things I told Matthew I’d do if I was going to lead worship on a church plant. 1. Because people will be coming from different churches, backgrounds, and experiences, I’d plan to take extra time  to explain our philosophy of worship. Every …

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