Blogging to Worship God 1 – Content

Recently I’ve been reading some insightful posts by bloggers on blogging. (Specifically, these by Carl Trueman, Michael Beasley, and Timmy.) While I don’t think everyone who reads WorshipMatters has their own blog, I know that a good number of you do. And if you don’t, you might leave a comment on one.

So, I want to take this week to talk about how posting or commenting on a blog can be an act of worship to God. He tells us in 1 Cor. 10:31:

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

If we should eat and drink to the glory of God, certainly we should blog to the glory of God. Three ways we can do this are through our content, attitude, and motive. Today, we’ll look at content.

Blogs vary widely in subject matter. Many bloggers simply communicate personal updates to stay current with friends and relatives. Others share political or cultural views for a wider audience. Some companies hire bloggers to promote their products or engage potential customers. Whatever the reasons might be, Christians are called to blog for the glory of God. We can’t simply gush about our feelings. Blogging, too, falls under God’s sovereign rule. That means the topics we choose to write about should honor God.

On the positive side, that means we can write about whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8). We can view culture through the lens of God’s Word. Justin Taylor seeks to do this at Between Two Worlds. We can share ways we’re seeking to apply the Gospel to our lives. Mark Lauterbach does this at Gospel Driven Life. We can comment on all of life from a perspective the world doesn’t have: fixing our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. (2 Cor. 4:18) Carolyn McCulley does this by sharing thoughts on being single at Solo Femininity. All of these bloggers, and many more, comment on different aspects of life biblically, authentically, personally, and genuinely – but never sinfully.

Apart from the obvious exclusions (like pornography), here are a few subjects Christians blogs should never contain:

Lies: As those who follow the One Who is the Truth, we should avoid any kind of falsehood, exaggeration, or unsubstantiated claim. Sitting in front of the keyboard, it’s amazing how easily we type things that we aren’t completely sure about, that we never would want to be held accountable to, or that are slightly modified to make us sound more persuasive.

Gossip: One of the most common temptations is spread information ABOUT people we’d rather not talk to directly. This isn’t the same as referencing public knowledge for the sake of illustration, which can be helpful for building discernment. But too often, we share embarrassing or sinful behavior we’ve heard about others simply to exalt our own ego.

Intimate details: Some blogs read like personal diaries, where no attempt is made to curtail offensive language, sinful desires, or immoral thoughts. What holds true for our speech, holds true for our blogs:

“But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.” (Eph. 5:3-4, ESV)

Another factor to consider in blogging is the links we include. I’ve wondered if some bloggers get paid by the link. (If so, I want to find out about it…) While there are relatively few blogs that you’ll probably agree with everything on (including this one), we have a responsibility to delete any that consistently post ungodly content.

Blogging may seem relatively new, but it’s simply another outlet for glorifying God or something else. Let’s make sure it’s the Savior who’s being honored by what we do both on and off the Internet.

Tomorrow we’ll look at using a blog to glorify God through our attitudes.

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8 Responses to Blogging to Worship God 1 – Content

  1. blind beggar January 4, 2006 at 12:15 AM #

    What an interesting and timely topic.

    Timely because I decided the other day to quit visiting Christian blogs that consistently attack, demean, criticize and condemn other Christians.

  2. Jon January 4, 2006 at 3:50 AM #

    Hey Bob, I enjoyed your worship seminar this past week. I try to keep my blog appealing to nonbelievers, while not withholding the gospel, or my spiritual thoughts. I look forward to reading your future posts.

  3. Steve S January 4, 2006 at 6:21 AM #

    This is good. I have been doing a lot of thinking about this since getting involved with blogging myself six months ago. I think it’s always very good to be reminded of these things, and I look forward to reading the rest of this, Bob.

    steve :)

  4. Timmy Brister January 11, 2006 at 11:35 AM #


    Thank you for this post (and for the ones which followed). I think that there needs to be accountability (me first) by other fellow Christian bloggers when they are not writing with the character of Christ. As I look back, there have been times where I have been ashamed of not only what I said, but how I said it. As I have been humbled and grieved over that, I hope to not repeat the faults of my past as an immature blogger to more responsible, Christ-honoring blogging. Thank you for bringing this much needed post to the forefront of the Christian blogosphere.

  5. rainbow April 23, 2008 at 10:19 AM #

    I just read this, because I just started to blog this year.
    But it is still so relevant.
    Thanks, Bob.
    Soli Deo gloria.

  6. Bob Kauflin April 23, 2008 at 10:22 AM #


    Thanks for your encouragement. May the Savior be glorified in our blogging!

  7. Wendy Fitts June 29, 2008 at 2:59 AM #

    Praise God that you have written on the topic of Christian Blogging. I have had my Christian blog up and running for several months now. I was actually in God’s Word one day, and doing my daily devotions and the Holy Spirit laid it on my heart to start a christian blog. So from day 1 the title of my blog and all the content that I write/post has one focus or mission; which is for God to get all the Glory, Honor, and Praise through those things that the Holy Spirit lays on my heart to “blog” about. So my spirit literally leaped for joy when I ran across your blog, which has some awesome articles specifically pertaining to the concept of “blogging” for the Lord.

    I have a testimony that I would like to share, which just occurred this week from a ready of my blog who lives in Iran. I am grateful to God for using me to be a witness to this young man, who did not know God but he was also not a “practicing” Muslim. So I prayed with him via online chat, and it was an awesome move of God. The young man like one of my posts so much, he asked my permission to translate it into his own language so his family and friends could read the divinely inspired words from my post. I give God all the Glory for setting up this international connection! It just goes to show you that you never know how, when, or where that God is going to use you for His Kingdom. Praise the Lord!

    So then today I find out that has added me to their online portal with a section that features popular Christian Blog’s. I do not view this as my own success, but I give God all the Glory! Because this opens up an additional avenue to minister through “blogging” and tell others about the Gospel on a platform which is easily accessible by millions and millions of unsaved as well as saved.
    I have added your site to my Blogroll and links, because I hope other Christian “bloggers” will take heed to the message you are delivering. Abundant blessings to you and your family.

  8. Bob Kauflin June 29, 2008 at 7:06 AM #


    Thanks for your kind words, and thanks for using your blog to bring glory to God. May more people share your passion!

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