Item #1. I had lunch with my friend Ron Man today. A few years ago, I contacted Ron after reading some articles he’d written on worship. I was encouraged by his love for the Gospel, God’s glory, and the church. Since then, we’ve chatted by e-mail, exchanged resources, and shared fellowship over a few meals. I’ve found out he spends quite a bit of time in Europe, training pastors and seminarians in the theology of worship. He also has a website with many helpful articles that he’s written, and a monthly newsletter that you can subscribe to. I’ll be adding his site, Worship Resources to my Recommended Websites.
Item #2. For a number of years Sovereign Grace Ministries has sought to serve two different ministries in India, one led by Pastor Yesupadam of Love-N-Care Ministries, the other led by Wilson Barria of Logos Wholistic Ministries. Each ministry represents between 150-200 churches. From March 5-17, I’ll have the privilege of traveling to both locations to teach pastors and worship leaders for three days on biblical principles of worship and music. This will be my first trip to India, and I expect I’ll learn much more than I teach. I’m trying to use a wireless satellite hook up while I’m there so I can continue to blog. But if it doesn’t work, I thought you should know you why I’m not posting anything new for a few weeks. If you think of it, I’d appreciate your prayers for strength, faith, and fruitfulness for the trip!
Item #3. A couple days ago, Dan Hames left a comment suggesting that I write a book on some of the topics I’ve been blogging about. That was kind of you, Dan. Well…a few months ago, I submitted a book proposal to Crossway Publishers and they recently accepted it. Amazing. It’s tentatively called Worship Matters – Understanding God’s Priorities, Passions, and Purpose in Our Worship. That means that for the next few months I’ll be doing a lot of book writing. And a lot less blogging. Most of you probably won’t even notice, but I thought I’d let you know, especially to invite your prayers. I may invite your feedback along the way, as well.
As always, thanks for reading. May you be affected today, and every day, by the Father’s costly love for you in His Son.
Hello Bob,
Congratulations on the book! I look forward to reading it and being inspired to worship God in spirit and in truth. Thank you for the way you serve all of these men (and women!)! I will definitely be in prayer for you as you go to India. I am full of faith that God will meet you and the pastors you will be training. Thank you for your continued example and love for the Savior.
I am a musician and worship leader – have been at this for about 25 years. Like you, I’ve seen it all. Some of it has truly blessed me. Some of it has torn my heart out. (Some of it has torn my HAIR out, too, but that’s another story!)
Last year I finally published my book on worship (self-published) because I just “had to say something about it.”
Today, I found your series on “What Does A Worship Leader Do?”
My initial reaction was – AMEN! There really IS someone out there who is on the same wavelength as me!!! I’m NOT crazy!!!
My second reaction was that of all the books I’ve read on worship – and I’ve read a ton – I can’t think of a more clear, concise and articulate series of commentaries on where we have arrived thus far in “congregational worship.”
I actually found your series over at another website (can’t remember which one) but I want the rest of it (if there is more). I have thru Part 14 (I think?)
Also, I am looking forward to your book when it comes out.
Thank you, Bob, for being clear, honest and bold! I pray that the Lord speaks clearly through your writings and that many of our peers begin to “get it” with regards to worship!
Dan McGowan
Yes! Looking forward to the book!
Hello Bob,
How timely! Just yesterday I thought to send you a mail asking on how to pray for you in specific ways. Well, looks like the Lord used your blog to answer that question.
Thanks for letting us know what the Lord is doing in your life.
Dear Bob,
I’m so glad to hear about the book. I will be praying for you as you write! May God bless you as you put it together, then bless and spur-on plenty of the rest of us as we read and meditate.
Good news on the book Bob – you have a lot to say on these matters. Blessings to you as you go to India.
I think it’s great that you’re compiling all of your thoughts into a book. I’ve been blessed over the years through the Crosswalk newsletter and more recently by this site. I will admit that I’m disappointed that you won’t be posting much, but look forward to the finished product. I hope that you will post the updates as you progress.
Safe journeys and God bless.
-Peter Schott