On Vacation

This week I’m with my family, my son’s family, my other son’s family, my daughter’s family, and Eric Simmons’ family at the beach. Yes, that’s a lot of people. And we’re here to rest, read, sing, enjoy fellowship, laugh together, grow in our relationship with God and each other, share meals, and build memories. All for God’s glory.

I’ve realized over the years that if I go on a vacation with the intention of serving myself, I’ll come back less refreshed, and have a "sin-fest" along the way. Believe me, I’ve tried it. I’ve also learned that while WE might take vacations, sin and temptation don’t. My surroundings might change for a week, but my heart will still be drawn to exalt my own preferences, feelings, and opinions.

If my joy increases the more I’m like my Savior, then Philippians 2 tells me that thinking more highly of others is God’s pathway to joy. That truth applies to vacations, too. Vacations are really a unique opportunity for me to express my gratefulness to my family for the gift they are to me. So my prayer is  that this week I will serve them joyfully, encourage them to serve each other joyfully, and celebrate the fact that we can even do this together. I realize, of course, that I’ll fail miserably apart from dependence on the Savior who lives in me by His Spirit.

So I’m taking off from the blog this week. I pray your week is filled with fresh reminders of God’s costly love to you through His Son.

4 Responses to On Vacation

  1. Krystl June 5, 2006 at 5:43 PM #

    I’m praying for you and your loved ones are on vacation! Thank you for the way you served us at Na. I was DEEPLY ministered to and in many ways set free by the song you sang about parents, and how to relate to them. Is there any way I can can the song, even if it is just the lyrics? Thanks so much and God bless!!

  2. Bob Kauflin June 5, 2006 at 5:46 PM #


    Thanks for your meaningful encouragement.

    You can get the music and lyrics to the song by e-mailing my assistant, Ruth, at rmedler@covlife.org.

    And THANK YOU for praying. That is so kind of you, and greatly appreciated.

  3. David Delgado June 8, 2006 at 2:41 AM #

    Thanks so much for the encouraging word. I am on vacation with not much to do this summer (I am a music teacher) I especially related to the “Sin Fest” Along the way…to which I quickly repented….
    Thanks so much

  4. Georges Larabie June 13, 2006 at 1:51 PM #

    I’ve been aware of your ministry since the Together for the Gospel converence last April. I pastor a french church in the province of Quebec, Canada. God blessed and challenged me like never before during that conference. To Him be the glory. I appreciated your ministry and leadership in worshipping God.

    Thank-you for the insight on your family vacation. It is thought provoking and encouraging as we plan our family vacation later on this summer.

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