Sovereign Grace Songbook Now Available

For over 20 years, Sovereign Grace has been seeking to write and publish biblically faithful, Christ-exalting, emotionally moving songs to serve our churches in congregational worship. Songs that help us, as John Piper has said, think truly so that we might feel duly. Songs that enable God’s Word and purposes to be planted deeply in our hearts.

About 7 years ago, we published our first songbook. I’m happy to let you know that we’ve finally updated that songbook and released a a two-volume set that contains nearly every song we’ve published for the past twenty one years, including Mark Altrogge’s "I Stand in Awe," "Forever Grateful," and Vikki Cook’s "Before the Throne of God Above." 258 songs in all.

Our hope is that these songbooks will be a useful tool for families, small groups, and especially churches with musicians who are more comfortable reading music rather than playing by ear.

Each song is presented in a 2-staff piano arrangement
with chord symbols. “Slash” chord symbols make it easy for both guitarists and bass players to use. In
addition, each song includes from one to six Scripture references.
We included the Scriptures both for personal reflection, and when leading others in worship. Indexes at the back
of each book help you locate songs by title, first line, or Scripture

Each songbook, A-K and L-Z,  can be purchased individually for $36, or you can purchase both volumes for $65 at the Sovereign Grace store. However, if you’re buying for your church, you can get the set for $58 by applying here.

-60 Responses to Sovereign Grace Songbook Now Available

  1. Paul Martin June 28, 2006 at 11:25 AM #

    If only I had known about that church discount…! :-)

    I picked these up at T4G, Bob, and they are a fantastic resource. Thanks so much for all the effort in putting them together. Our keyboardist has particularly appreciated the books.

    Sovereign Grace songs are such an integral part of our worship of the Lord it is hard to imagine how we would delight in Him without them. That probably sounds like overstatement, but I am quite serious… and thankful.

    Please keep glorying in Him and writing songs for us to sing with you!

  2. phil June 28, 2006 at 1:44 PM #

    Our church bought the songbook at the “Together for the Gospel” conference. I love it! The chords to some of the songs are hard for below-average guitar players like me, but thankfully, the back has a helpful chord chart for the more difficult chords in the book (which helps me move toward becoming an average guitar-player).

    Thanks to SGM for these theologically rich, cross-centered, God-glorifying songs that perfectly marry Scriptural truth and love for for Christ through those truths, using excellent music!

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