Monday Devotions – On Sabbatical

Last week, while on a three day retreat with my care group, we talked about my priorities. It was everyone’s perspective that I needed to cut back to two days a week on this blog, to spend more time finishing my book for Crossway, due Jan. 1. I agreed. It made sense to stop doing Monday Devotions for a while, as I have to do it on my day off, and there are so many other books already available that can stimulate our hearts towards knowing God better. Let me recommend one here.

Seeing with New Eyes by David Powlison is a collection of articles he’s written over the past number of years. Every chapter is filled with insight, biblical truth, and relevant illustrations. His writings help me know God more clearly and encounter him more profoundly. I’m in the middle of reading it and am being greatly encouraged.

So until further notice, I’ll be posting on Tuesdays, and still answering questions on Friday.

3 Responses to Monday Devotions – On Sabbatical

  1. Patrick Donohue November 6, 2006 at 10:31 AM #


    Thank you for continuing to post on Tues and Fri. Maybe some of us, myself included, should cut back the amount we read blogs too. I could cut back to two days a week and still be blessed by wonderful blogs like yours.


  2. Steve Burgoon November 7, 2006 at 10:59 AM #


    I’m just a fellow traveler on the journey, so I will tell you only that God has shown me the value of simplifying things. Time to be with Him suddenly “appeared” where I would never have guessed it was possible. What a joy.

    I think all of us will continue to benefit from your blog, short or long.

    Please also let me encourage you about your work on the Valley of Vision CD. I wept as I listened to the first track yesterday. Both the words and the music pointed me to the Cross during a difficult time with a sick child, my oldest. Please accept my thanks for your work, Bob.


  3. jon November 8, 2006 at 4:31 PM #


    Thanks for reminding all of us that our resources are limited, that only God is all sufficient, and that he is able to use our limited abilities to accomplish great things for his glory as we glory in his strength and not ours. Thanks for limiting your time to that which will most serve the rest of us in bringing glory to God.


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