Where Can I Find Scripture Songs?

Shirley sent me this request today:

Please ask your readers to let me know where I may find songs taken directly from Scripture.

One of my favorite collections is the six CD’s recorded by my good friend, Mark Altrogge. They go under the title “Hide the Word.” They’re a contemporary pop-rock style and use both the NIV and ESV translations. SEEDS Family Worship is another collection of four CD’s that are well produced and geared towards families. They use the NIV translation.

If you’d like to recommend any Scripture songs, let us know. But please only suggest ones you’ve actually heard. Include the name of the project(s), translation of the Bible used, and style of music. If they aren’t readily available by a Google search, feel free to give us a way to find them as well.

By the way, I’m finishing the last two chapters of my book and sending it to the editor tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers.


13 Responses to Where Can I Find Scripture Songs?

  1. Gabriel Gagnon May 18, 2007 at 1:30 PM #

    Hello Bob!!! Good job on finishing the last two chapters of your book! When do you think your book will be published? And do you think you will send it to a translator so it could be translated in French, for your brothers in Québec, Canada? Well if I could just ask you to pray for us in Québec. It’s a pretty hard place for the advancement of the kingdom of God. I also have a desire to start translating some of your stuff in French, but I’m finding it very difficult actually. Especially for songs, the timing is different and all. Anyways! I just want to let you know I really appreciate what you’re doing for God and it is very edifying. Hopefully I can meet you at New Attitude.
    Your brother in Christ, Gabriel

  2. phil May 18, 2007 at 4:15 PM #


    Good idea to post this. Our family has used Integrity Music’s “Scripture Memory Songs” series. I don’t know if they’re still in distribution, but I found used versions on Amazon.com by typing in “Scripture Memory Songs” and “Integrity” into the search field under “music”.

    Congratulations on the imminent completion of your book. Thank you for all the labor you poured into it. I can’t wait to read it (and give it away as gifts). When do you anticipate it may be available for sale?

  3. Bill A. May 18, 2007 at 4:30 PM #

    Here’s a couple of ones we sing at church that I happen to know the scripture refs. for.

    I Will Boast by Paul Baloche @2006 – Jer. 9.23-24

    Hallelujah Glory by Scott Underwood @1995 Rev. 4:8

    No Other by David Ruis @ 1996 Ps. 87:7

    The Name of the Lord by Don Moen Prov 18:10

    Ps 91 is another great song. Although that was written by a friend, so you can’t find it anywhere. But the words are worthy of song!

  4. Bob Kauflin May 18, 2007 at 4:41 PM #


    Lord willing, the book will be out next April.

    I’ll let you know if that changes.

  5. Katie May 18, 2007 at 5:37 PM #

    The new CD called “Glory Revealed” contains all Scripture songs, although I don’t know what translation is used. Various artists compiled to make the CD, but included are Mac Powell, David Crowder, Steven Curtis Chapman, Shane & Shane, et al. The musical style is acoustic & somewhat folky. We really enjoy it!

  6. Kate Kelley May 19, 2007 at 10:53 AM #

    Bob- If your readers go to http://www.firstplace.org they’ll find a whole series of scripture memory CD’s (using the NIV translation). I’ve enjoyed these CDs for years.

    I also wanted to tell you that, as a private music instructor, I’ve created a banner for my teaching room using a quote from your blog a few weeks ago. It says “Don’t just practice till you get it right– practice till you can’t get it wrong.” It’s made a powerful impact on my playing and practicing, and I hope it will affect all my students the same way.

    Congratulations on completing the book. Several of us here in Southwest Colorado are champing at the bit to read it!

    For His honor- Kate Kelley

  7. Jordan Thomas May 19, 2007 at 5:18 PM #


    Many thanks for your Christ-filled blog. As is the case with this post, I am always helped by your efforts here.

  8. brad andrews May 19, 2007 at 11:02 PM #

    someone mentioned the integrity scripture song series. they have done an updated series called ‘word of god speak: scripture songs’ with nathan nockels producing alot of it. the titles are hope, illuminate, and shelter.

    great stuff…

  9. brad andrews May 19, 2007 at 11:09 PM #

    i forgot…

    one of the coolest scripture song cd’s that has come out lately is ‘the message: psalms’ from word.

    it includes folks like Over The Rhine, Venus Hum, Jeremy Casella, Andrew Osenga, Sandra McCracken. Ginny Owens, Phil Wickham, Rachael Lampa, Shawn McDonald

  10. Mike May 20, 2007 at 12:23 PM #

    The Sons of Korah from Australia do some great versions of the Psalms (hence the name!), mainly using the NIV, I think. Musically, they are acoustic rock, similar to light Jars of Clay songs. Enjoyed hearing them at the Blackstump festival in Australia once.

  11. Ryan Dahl May 24, 2007 at 5:43 PM #

    Integrity just released an album called “Word Of God Speak”. You can find it at http://store.integritymusic.com/product.asp?prodid=1511. Hope that helps.

  12. Michael June 3, 2007 at 4:02 AM #

    You can actually (legally) download two of the “Hide the Word” songs at this site:

  13. Robert December 12, 2012 at 3:31 AM #

    All free:


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