New Songs, New CD’s, and a New Website

I’m currently in the middle of moving my office from Covenant Life Church to Sovereign Grace Ministries. The two buildings are actually connected, so it’s not that big a deal. As my responsibilities at Covenant Life have been assumed by Ken Boer, it’s released me to give more time to writing, training, and overseeing music for Sovereign Grace. We’ve also needed more office space at Covenant Life, so it was the right time to make the move. Right now all my books and CD’s are boxed up in an empty office as shelves are being installed. I should be in my new office next week.

There are plenty of things I’d like to be blogging about right now, but haven’t been able to carve out the time. So here are a few miscellaneous items.

Spontaneous Songs from the New Attitude Conference
At times when I lead corporate worship, I get an impression while I’m preparing or leading that God wants to minister to a specific group of people through a prophetic, or spontaneous, song. At the recent New Attitude Conference, I sang two which people have asked for. At one point we sang the phrase “If  you should speak or should remain in silence,” during “Great is the Lord.” I shared that I thought people were present who felt God had not been speaking to them as a result of some loss they had experienced. I then sang this song. At another session, we sang a line “I’m singing freedom all my days” from “All Because of Jesus.” Afterwards I felt God wanted to specifically address those who weren’t “singing freedom”, but were battling the guilt of past sexual sin or the power of present sexual temptation. You can listen to or download that song here.

Brian Oaks CD
Brian Oaks sent me his CD, There Still is Room, at the request of our mutual friend, Kevin Twit. I listened to it over 25 times (according to my ITunes) in the first couple weeks as I was working on my book. Brian is a fine guitarist from the Northwest, who has a great voice and has written some excellent revisions and arrangements of hymns. You can check it out here.

Glorify CD
The Sovereign Grace church in Orlando, FL has released their own project, called Glorify. It’s the first of what I hope will be many regional Sovereign Grace recordings. It’s a live project with twelve new songs for corporate worship. My good friend Todd Twining oversaw it, and Steve Cook produced it. Todd tried to involve as many people as he could and ended up using nine different vocalists, eight composers, and multiple instrumentalists. He’s doing a great job training songwriters, musicians, and worship leaders in the Florida region. Although all the cuts are worth listening to, I particularly recommend High Above All (an up-tempo song exalting God’s sovereignty), Breathe on Us (a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to work in us in specific ways), Jesus Died for Me (a beautiful celtic sounding hymn that focuses on the heart of the Gospel), and Keep Me Near (a three verse hymn that could be sung for decades).

New Site for Artists and Musicians
Another friend, Jason Harms, has started a site called The Gaius Project. Jason is part of John Piper’s church in Minneapolis, and is committed to promoting a God-glorifying pursuit of the arts. The mission statement of the Gaius project is, “To exhort and shepherd Christians in the arts and missions to go out for the sake of the name of Jesus Christ, and to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God.” He includes an Artist’s Creed that is a compelling and concise statement of how a Christ-exalting artist should think and act.

That’s it for now. Hope to get back to normal blogging at some point. Although I’ll be getting my book back for editing in a few days…

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9 Responses to New Songs, New CD’s, and a New Website

  1. Saji June 14, 2007 at 9:36 AM #

    Hi Bob,

    Nice to read that things are going upward with you. I do read your blogs and just took time out to respond this time. Hope you enjoyed your vacation. I appreciate so much what you are doing because I see you as a model in today’s worship ministry. We’ve met before and I’m looking forward to meeting you again as your time permits.

    Have a good day.


  2. Peter June 16, 2007 at 9:52 PM #


    first of all, thank you for sharing your thoughts – I thoroughly enjoy reading them.

    I have a quick question… I lead a team of about 15-17. I would like to provide them some “short” articles (3-10 pages) periodically that are challenging and also provide some fundamental regarding theological worship. Would you have any recommendation?

  3. ES June 18, 2007 at 1:28 PM #


    Thanks so much for posting a link to listen to the prophetic songs from New Attitude. Through “What part of your sin” God has freed me from my past and completely overwhelmed me with his love. He knew my sin, and chose to die for it anyway – what amazing love! What undeserved favor!

    I’m beginning to experience what it means that His blood has set me free from the power of sin that seeks to own my life. The joy found in Christ is amazing! The hope and full redemption – to live in the good of what He paid for! Wow!

    I really can’t thank you enough for sharing this good news. God is great and was greatly used through this song. Thanks!

  4. Bob Kauflin June 19, 2007 at 9:27 AM #


    Your encouragement is very meaningful. That’s exactly the effect a prophetic song is meant to have – to upbuild, encourage, and console (1 Cor. 14:3).

    The fact that God knew our sin is WHY he sent his Son to die for it. Apart from his once and for all sacrifice, we would have no hope of drawing near to God, seeing him, or enjoying his presence for a moment, much less forever. Jesus’ death paid the infinite debt we owed God for transgressing his law and obscuring his glory. What a glorious Gospel! I pray you continue to live in the good of what Jesus has accomplished.

  5. Anon June 21, 2007 at 5:26 PM #

    I also wanted to thank you very much for posting the prophetic songs from NA. “How Long O Lord” really spoke to me. It’s really encouraging to remember that God knows our fears because he created us. And that he is with us at ALL times. I recently lost a friend to suicide, and almost lost a family member to the same means. And since then I wondered where God was, and began to question his nearness & goodness. It is so helpful to be pointed back to scripture and remember that God works all things for the good of those who love him. Thank you so much for that reminder.

  6. Jessica D July 1, 2007 at 5:01 PM #

    Thank you so much for posting the spontaneous songs from Na. They both ministered to my heart deeply. I pray that God gives me the grace to sing freedom all my days! God bless.

  7. Todd Humphrey July 6, 2007 at 10:26 AM #


    Our church has benefitted much from the songs on the FUSE CD, including songs by West Coast Revival. I have not heard WCR’s new CD yet, and I would like to know if some of the songs would work well for congregational use or if they are more “solo” oriented. If you have any info for me, I would appreciate it.



  8. Bob Kauflin July 6, 2007 at 10:50 AM #


    The new West Coast Revival CD is a great project. A few of the songs are worth considering for congregational use, including Day After Day, Forever, and maybe Rising Sun. But the primary focus is presentation songs.

  9. Markay Lyon February 4, 2008 at 12:39 PM #

    Is the music available for “Jesus Died for Me”? I have listened to it on CD and love it. I would like to use it during the Lenten season at our church. Markay

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