Last year we produced our first “Christmas” CD, called Savior: Celebrating the Mystery of God Become Man. It contains twelve original songs that celebrate the incarnation of our Savior, and I think it’s one of our strongest projects. We wanted to put this album out because every Christmas a worship leader’s dilemma is finding new songs to sing. So we decided to contribute some new ones to the mix.
I’d love for more people to know about this CD. So I’m going to give away a free copy of the Savior CD to the first 100 people who e-mail me and fulfill the following conditions:
1. You write a blog that gets over 1000 hits a month
2. You’ll write a review of the CD by December 1 (a great use of all that free time over the Thanksgiving holidays)
3. You’ll include specific comments on at least three songs.
4. You live in America (if you’re an international friend, see below under “one more thought”)
If you don’t write a blog, you can still play. I’m willing to give out 50 of the CDs to non-bloggers, if you’ll send an e-mail to ten friends giving them a mini-review of the CD.
Please make sure your e-mail includes your full mailing address and your blog URL, if you have one. My assistant, Chelsea, who also happens to be my daughter, will get back to you to let you know if you were one of the first 100. Thanks for helping me get the word out.
One more thought. I’ll send out a Savior CD to the top ten people who give me a really creative reason for why I should send you one. I’ll include international readers on this one. Please limit your reason to 150 words.
Send your e-mail to Thanks!
And if you just want to get the CD you can order it here, or download it from iTunes here.
If you’re interested, here’s a video we put together when Savior first came out, where I explain why we chose to do this project.
Thanks for the reminder about this cd. Along with “Valley of Vision” and “Worship God Live” this cd is indeed one of Sovereign Grace’s strongest projects. It will make a good gift for various family members…
Hi Bob! I don’t have a blog that gets over a 1000 hits, but I’d love to send an email to friends reviewing your CD.
I teach worship ministry at Manhattan Christian College in Manhattan, Kansas. I have really appreciated your blog in my preparations for class. In fact, two of my classes are required to read a couple of your articles and respond to them (so if you end up with a bunch of responses from Kansas toward the end of the semester, now you’ll know why :))
Thanks so much for your ministry. Your commitment to Biblical, theologically sound, God-honoring worship is truly appreciated.
Blessings to you and your ministry,
Genilyn McCaffrey
Last year we did “Sleep, Jesus, Sleep” at our Christmas Eve service as a performance piece. This year starting in October, I’ve been teaching “Salvation Is Born” to the congregation so that we can sing it during December. And we are going to do “Glory Be to God” as a performance piece, with our children’s choir doing the hosannas. This CD has been a great resource, not to mention a joy to listen to.
We purchased this CD this year and chose four songs from it to be the centerpiece of our Christmas Eve service. I have been blessed and am praying that those in attendence will be blessed by the centrality of Christ through this music in our service.
I don’t want a free CD (I bought it last year) but I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to bully the people in charge of music at your church into singing more Sovereign Grace songs? I’ve tried everything short of Blackmail so far…
“I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to bully the people in charge of music at your church into singing more Sovereign Grace songs?”
Hahaha! I’m a person in charge of music, and I suggest giving them a copy of a Sovereign Grace CD as a present. And maybe say, “I hope this CD really blesses you. I’ve found (fill in name of song[s]) to have Christ-exalting lyrics and a singable, memorable melody.” Then pray! Or give money for one of them to attend the WorshipGod08 conference next July/August. That would open their eyes (and ears!) to amazing congregational singing, as well as encourage and equip them. And thank them for all the work they do, recognizing that they are trying to honor God and bless the body with music for the services and probably get a lot more criticism than appreciation.
All that failing, maybe blackmail IS the way to go.
Speaking as one who is often the one bullied or at least attempted to be bullied into singing certain songs I would try and find out what criteria the worship leader uses to choose new songs. If it is whatever is popular at the moment then you may been in for some long conversations, but if it is something more spiritual and visionary then maybe suggest a SG song for a specific theme or event. I have people bring me songs every week, but I already have a list of about 50 songs I would like to do, but can’t for sake of time. Even if I like a song it just ends up in the list with the rest of the songs we should be doing but aren’t yet. If it is good enough I might move it up.
Also familiarity is very helpful so the suggestion about giving them a SG CD for Christmas is a great idea.
I appreciate what you are attempting to do. God’s Grace to us is free but it came at a terrible price. That is worth singing about. Christ never made us beg for his love or jump through hoops or write 1000 word essays. All we have to do is accept the gift that is symbolized by Christmas. It was been over 150 years since a song about Christ and Christmas became a tradition That doesn’t include the chipmunks and Alan Jackson’s Honky Tonk Christmas. Tell me where I can buy the CD then I will write a review about whether it was worth the price.
Thanks for stopping by. Send me you address and I’ll send you a Savior CD. Then you can let me know if you think it would have been worth paying for it.
Hi, Bob!
I don’t have a blog and I don’t believe in emailing friends en masse. But I do have a platform – I teach international students from Asia (English lit). At Christmas time we do advent as a class as a way of introducing them to the nativity story – some of them have never heard the story before! I’d love to have some Biblical Christmas music to share with them…
Lori Blair
I got a copy earlier from Sir Kauflin and we have been waiting with bated breath to do track number 1 corporately. Next week we finally get to breathe. Solid theological offerings akin to Stuart Townend in its lyrical weight. Very incarnational and nature of Christ in its approach. We are even brining in a vibraphone and chimes to spice it up like the CD.
Very nice open acoustic arrangements that can be adapted to be more electrified or even more minimalistic. Good stuff.
I Need Free Christian Songs thank you !
Are there any other sites that gives free sample products and some other free stuffs?`:”