Yesterday I did an hour long interview with Paul Edwards of station WLQV in Detroit, Michigan. We actually met each other last week at the Together for the Gospel conference in Louisville, Kentucky. I was able to explain a little more fully some of the topics I cover in my book, Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God. Paul is a pastor in a local church and understands first-hand how congregational worship can become a source of division and heated debate. I appreciated the depth of his questions and his obvious concern for doing more than entertaining his listeners. You can check out the interview by clicking here.
5 Responses to Worship Matters Interview
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Enjoyed listening to the first part of the interview. By God’s grace SGM has a very balanced approach in regards to the importance of worship in song and the Word. Not exclusive things at all. Worship is great when we’re singing biblical truth, thinking of what God has taught us in the Scriptures, and responding to the truth of Scripture and God himself. That motivates our zeal and emotional response. Likewise, it’s wonderful to open God’s Word and be taught more about the great God we’ve been so captured by. God’s Word is exciting and amazing because God is. Both things are academic as well as emotional (for lack of a better word). God has been very good to us, indeed. Looking forward to reading your book, Bob!
Thank you so much, brother, for your devotion to the Gospel in song. Thank you for your leadership last week at T4G…how wonderful to emphatically worship our Savior using a variety of means in a musical sense (“old hymns” “new songs”). Wonderful blend of authenticity. Dr. Mohler mentioned “Soldiers of Christ In Truth Arrayed” during his message and I would like to share with you my arrangement of that hymn that we sing here in Missouri. Not a promotion at all, simply wanted to share with you what God is doing in Missouri Baptists close to St. Louis. What would be the best way to send you a copy, pdf? snail-mail? Our congregation loves “Let Your Kingdom Come,” “Jesus Thank You,” “God Moves,” “Before the Throne,” etc.
Looking forward to reading Worship Matters. Thank you, brother, for your love for Christ.
In Christ Alone,
John Spencer
Thanks for your meaningful encouragement. You can send me pdf using the “contact Bob” link below. Thanks!
Bob, I am halfway through the book, which I have been reading on a vacation. Outstanding encouragement! You have been able to put to words some of the questions that were percolating in my mind unasked for a long time. Thanks for such a great resource in helping me give God glory through my music leading!
In Him, Paul
Thanks for your kind encouragement. Reading it on vacation! Not sure it’s the best vacation reading, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it.