Free Copy of Worship Matters for Twenty Bloggers

Worship Matters, the book, has been out for a few weeks now, and I’ve been encouraged by initial responses. When I was writing it, I prayed that the book would be give worship leaders, pastors, and musicians a clear and practical biblical perspective on how they can most effectively serve the church in the area of corporate worship. Seems to be having that effect so far. A few folks have already reviewed the book on their blog. You can check them at Discerning Reader, Gospel Prism, and CROSS-eyed.

In an effort to get word out I’m giving away 20 copies of Worship Matters for people who will review it on their blog. Just send me an email at the “Contact Bob” link below ( and tell me in 100 words or less why you think worship matters. I’ll announce the 20 best entries (judged on content, creativity, and brevity) on Monday of next week. Your email has to be received by midnight on Saturday.

Last week I mentioned the four brief videos we made for the book, one for each section. David Altrogge (Mark’s son) and Michael Hartnett of Vinegar Hill Pictures oversaw the shoot. We did all four videos in a day, which was pretty amazing. We shot them at or near Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. because it gave us a number of options for settings.

Things went fairly well until we got outside and had to deal with cars coming by every 30 seconds. Although it sounds like I’m connecting my sentences in the videos, I probably said some of these lines 15-20 times. David encouraged me to follow a script that was posted on an easel about 15 feet away, which I’m sure made editing a whole lot easier.

Here’s the first video on “The Leader.” Love to hear your thoughts on what I share here, and also how I might use these videos not only to promote the book, but as a means of training in a local church context.

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14 Responses to Free Copy of Worship Matters for Twenty Bloggers

  1. Joel Lee May 14, 2008 at 12:49 PM #

    Awesome. I’ve been looking forward to your new book for a while. You’ve been such a blessing and encouragement in my growth in Christ. Since I first visited this blog, I’ve seen a lot of Biblical views on worship that I hadn’t seen before. Thank you greatly.

  2. Matt May 14, 2008 at 7:47 PM #

    Bob, I’ve been reading the book for a few weeks now, really trying to take it in. It has both encouraged and challenged me. Thank you for your candor and honesty within the pages, showing your mistakes as well as the positive things you’ve experienced as a “lead worshipper.” It is an extremely humbling spot to step into, and I’m so thankful for the time and energy you spent working on giving a Biblical view of worship. It has been a huge blessing.

  3. dave May 14, 2008 at 7:57 PM #

    I’d do it, but since I already have a copy I guess there are others who should – and hopefully there’s five copies I bought from SGM flying over the pond to me too!!

    Just finished it last week – what a quality book (I’ll add to my ‘part 1’ review sometime soon.

    But, let me say – Bob, I really appreciate both the time you put into writing it and the way you approached it. The theology is soooo helpful – on doctrine, on cross-centredness, on church, and the reflections on your personal experience ground it in ways that are so obviously applicable. So, I’m thankful to God for the way he has used you to serve us in this way.

  4. Josh Centanni May 14, 2008 at 8:01 PM #

    Very cool! This blog has been a great resource and I’d be willing to bet that your book is also a super cool resource as well. Thanks a lot for the give away opportunity!

  5. Emily May 15, 2008 at 1:24 PM #

    Super cool. I look forward to reading your book.

  6. David Delgado May 15, 2008 at 2:04 PM #

    I must say your book took me by surprise. I have been “Battling God for His Glory” in my own life for a long time and about 8 months ago things began to change, when I took my first full time worship leading Job. By His Grace he is changing me and he is breaking through my “stuff”. I was thinking i was going Crazy until I read your first chapter and saw that this really was the beginning of something new. (I Read it the first day it was released)I must say reading your book has helped me see God in a whole new light. Glory to God he is breaking though my pride and getting the Glory he deserves.

    I appreciate your work and all the help you have given me recently (in a REAL way) May God receive all the Glory


  7. Bob Kauflin May 15, 2008 at 2:33 PM #


    Your encouragement is very meaningful. It’s amazing how we can miss the simple things, isn’t it? I mean, worship is about gloriyfing God, not me.

    So glad God is using the book to serve you in some way.

  8. Tyler Thayer May 19, 2008 at 1:40 AM #

    Sweet. I can’t wait to read it. I love your visits to Cornerstone; the worship nights rock. Your passion for worship is such an encouragment.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  9. Jessica Halim May 21, 2008 at 6:13 AM #

    Hi Bob, i like your first example in the video about you and the other guy in a conference and how you realised that you ‘worship your own opinion about worshipping God instead of worship Him’ – because that’s what i’m struggling with lately. Being a songleader myself, i found myself can be over-criticizing other people’s way of songleading and in turn i couldn’t enjoy the singing session the way i should’ve, and maybe more importantly, i ended up didn’t worship God the way i should… Maybe i missed the point, just like what you said in the video…

    That’s why i’m so looking forward to read your book and share it with the others in our music team – here in Australia!

    Jess H

  10. Bob Kauflin May 21, 2008 at 6:56 AM #


    Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for your encouragement regarding the book. I pray it serves your team.

  11. Jessica Halim May 22, 2008 at 7:29 AM #

    By the way, Bob, we aren’t quite familiar with Sovereign Grace’s ministries or resources here except for your CDs/music and Josh Harris’ books, (i mentioned that i’m from Australia, didn’t i?), and i’m quite new to your blog. So there’s a friend of mine just had a quick glance over the title of your book, and she’s puzzled by the sub-title of your book: “Leading Others To Encounter the Greatness of God”. Now, as we come from evangelical background, she might be rather puzzled that it sounds like a charismatic book’s title (or sounds mystical?). I don’t know how to answer her since I haven’t read the book, but i’m sure it’s not about that, so what would you say to her? Or do you mind telling me the reason why you chose the subtitle as it is?
    (am i making myself clear?)


  12. Bob Kauflin May 22, 2008 at 9:43 AM #


    Thanks for your question. Coming up with a subtitle was no easy task. I described the process in an earlier post which you can access by clicking here. My hope was to come up with a subtitle that would engage a more “mystical” understanding of worship, without turning off someone who is more doctrinally oriented. The aim was to get people to read the book!

  13. Jessica Halim May 24, 2008 at 9:35 AM #

    Ahh i see… so you want to explore both side of worship as well as attract both side of readers.
    Definitely your subtitle attract first attention, at least it does it to my friend… ^^


  1. “Worship Matters” is here! - Plus my promised Sunday Recap | i am an offering - May 28, 2008

    […] while back Bob Kauflin offered the opportunity to win a free copy of his new book that shares the title of his website.  We were asked to tell why worship matters in 100 words or […]

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