
Interview with Tim Smith of Mars Hill

No, this isn’t me interviewing Tim Smith. It’s Tim interviewing me, which he did this past March when I was out for the Text and Context conference at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. Tim is a good friend, and someone who thinks carefully about what biblical worship is and should be. Although our church situations are different, we share the conviction that our job as worship leaders is to help people exalt Jesus Christ in their minds, hearts, and wills. We were able to spend some time together while he was here for WorshipGod08.

The interview lasted over an hour, but was cut up into smaller sections. Tim just posted the shorter videos on his Doxologist site. I’ve linked to a number of them below.

Who is Bob Kauflin? (a question that I’m sure is at the top of your list)
What is successful worship?
How should we respond in corporate worship?
What about the “experience” of gathered worship?
How should we use music in worship?

Or if you have an hour plus on your hands, you can watch the whole thing here.

Tomorrow, I’ll be posting some thoughts on what I learned from leading WorshipGod08.

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One Response to Interview with Tim Smith of Mars Hill

  1. Alan August 7, 2008 at 6:35 PM #

    I really liked the part at the beginning of the interview where you say “The whole thing?!!!” Great interview.

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