I’ve been using the English Standard Version as my primary Bible for about six years and have benefited from its clarity, faithfulness to the original languages, and its beauty. Here’s Crossway’s explanation of why they published the ESV in the first place:
The goal and vision of the ESV Study Bible is, first and foremost, to honor the Lord—in terms of the excellence, beauty, and accuracy of its content and design; and in terms of helping people come to a deeper understanding of the Bible, of the Gospel, and of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Crossway is a not-for-profit publishing ministry and all receipts from the ESV Study Bible go directly toward the support of this ministry goal around the world.
On Oct. 15 Crossway will be publishing an ESV Study Bible. The list of contributors is impressive and includes J. I. Packer, Wayne Grudem, Thomas Schriener, John Piper, Bruce Ware, and many more. I’ve seen samples and it’s going to be a great tool for growing in an understanding and love for God’s Word. And if you lead worship in your church or another context, this will be a superb resource. The video below contains an overview (with an endorsement from the senior pastor at my church, Josh Harris). You can check out more videos at the ESV Study Bible site. You can pre-order a copy here.
i dont mean to be a debbie downer, but i read a quote somewhere speaking of the incredible ways in which bible publishers find new ways to sell us the same bible. now i realize a study bible is different than that bible with the metal casing and that sweet scribbled cross on the front, but it really is curious how many of us have multiple bibles at home. i know i have close to ten and i only use one, occasionally picking up my greek bible for a little help. and there are so many people in the world who have never seen a bible, or heard of a bible. i wonder if sometimes we are more concerned with staying christian cool than we are in being responsible believers using our moneys wisely, supporting the church, the needy, the hungry, the oppressed, and in spreading the wonderful gospel of Christ.
Thanks for bringing up this point. Totally agree that we can become dull to the privilege of owning even one Bible and think that a new Bible’s cover or layout justifies buying just one more…But that doesn’t deter my commitment to recommend biblical resources that will help us understand and appreciate God’s word better so that we might be equipped and motivated to support the church, the needy, the hungry, the oppressed, and to spread the wonderful gospel of Christ.
Suggestion: If everyone you know has a dozen bibles, maybe it would be a good idea to have a “Bible drive” at your church. Collect up everyone’s unused copies, box them up, and ship them to one of the missionaries your church supports (or to a missions agency that can make good use of them). Our church has had similar book drives for our missionaries in recent years…