To Be Like Jesus Kid’s CD Now Available

m4265-00-21_sI’m very happy to announce that our new album for kids, To Be Like Jesus, is now available at the Sovereign Grace online store.

Why another kid’s CD? A few reasons.

  • We think there’s a need for more children’s songs that aren’t simply adult songs with kid’s voices.
  • We’d like to see more kid’s songs that proclaim truth rather than express love for God, which many children don’t have yet.
  • We wanted kids to see that God wants us to be joyful, loving, faithful, gentle, etc., because that’s the way he is.
  • We also wanted kids to see that it’s impossible to be joyful, loving, faithful, gentle, etc. apart from believing the gospel and being empowered by God’s Spirit.
  • We wanted to serve children’s ministries and families who are looking for contemporary worship songs with substance for kids.

While the target age is 6-10, we think older children, and even adults will enjoy the project. Here’s a list of the songs, and the corresponding fruit of the Spirit (some are fairly obvious):

To Be Like Jesus
Because You First Loved Me (Love)
Gotta Wait (Patience)
You Show Me Kindness (Kindness)
Nothing Better Than Jesus
Jesus, You’re My Hope (Self-Control)
Good and Gracious (Goodness)
Make me Faithful (Faithfulness)
Give me Self-Control
Gentle Like Jesus (Gentleness)

Putting the album together was a joy. Steve Cook produced it, using Sara Groves’ rhythm section. We utilized 13 Sovereign Grace songwriters and 8 vocalists. All but 4 of the songs were co-writes. I loved the fact that so many folks were able to contribute.

We included two general songs as well as two songs on self-control because we couldn’t decide which one to include…and we figured no parent would mind their child hearing more about self-control.

The To Be Like Jesus CD contains guitar charts for all the songs as well as MP3s of the accompaniment tracks. We hope that will make it easier to use these songs both in churches and families.

I couldn’t be more excited about the project. If you have any ideas for helping us to get the word out, let me know.


13 Responses to To Be Like Jesus Kid’s CD Now Available

  1. Chris Roberts June 23, 2009 at 10:12 AM #

    Look forward to getting this. But please note the link to the online store is broken, remove the extra http://

  2. Trent Broussard June 23, 2009 at 11:07 AM #

    I love the tracks I have heard and am so excited to hear the full CD. We are already planning to use the title track for our VBS in August. Thanks for a wonderful project.

  3. Kyle June 23, 2009 at 12:12 PM #

    Your “Sovereign Grace online store” link doesn’t seem to work.

    I’m ordering the CD today, and I’ll review it on my blog/facebook/twitter pages.

    Thanks to you and all the SGM folks for continuing to provide truth-saturated, Gospel-centered songs for churches and families. Your CD releases are yearly highlights for me and my family.

    • Bob Kauflin June 23, 2009 at 2:27 PM #

      Thanks for the update on the link. It’s fixed now.

  4. Roy Chang June 24, 2009 at 3:27 AM #

    Hi Bob,

    Will the accompaniment tracks be available for download? It’d be great if these songs can be used in Singapore. Thank you.


  5. Matt Blick June 28, 2009 at 12:58 PM #

    “If you have any ideas for helping us to get the word out, let me know”.

    You could send out some review copies to worship bloggers like..oh I don’t know…me!

    (Just thought I’d ask before I go ahead buy one and probably review it anyway!)

  6. Mikes Sumondong June 29, 2009 at 6:24 PM #

    My prayer is for the album to be a success! A focus on truth is a good move.

  7. Monica Sharman July 2, 2009 at 6:58 PM #

    Our local radio station ( interviewed my husband on June 30 on his new book, “Through the Bible with My Child.” When they did the gift pack for the giveaway, it was my husband’s book…and your new kid’s CD! I couldn’t have asked for a better combination!

  8. Elias Musallam July 6, 2009 at 10:07 PM #

    We received the album about 4 days ago and have not stopped listening to it yet. We are learning one new song (fruit of the spirit) as a family as we drive to church each Sunday morning. Many thanks from this dad, my kids have already got some of these tunes stuck in their head as they softly sing them around the house. Another big thanks for always keeping “Truth and Doctrine” and the heart of your music, even with a kids cd too.

  9. Bill January 30, 2011 at 3:19 AM #

    Roy, I think you can get that from the store as well, click on “Buy MP3”. Also the album is on iTunes.


  1. To Be Like Jesus Kids CD | blog of dan - June 23, 2009

    […] Bob Kauflin gives 5 reasons for another kid’s […]

  2. A smorgasboard from around the web « - June 26, 2009

    […] Sovereign Grace Music has released another children’s album entitled, To Be Like Jesus. Read about it here. […]

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