Treasuring Christ Above All Things

My daughter, Brittany, sent me this video today.

It’s by the folks at Desiring God, who excel at using technology in a creative way to draw attention to what’s being said.

The content is part of a John Piper sermon set to techno music. Piper addresses the question, “How do we treasure Christ above all things?” which is at the heart of God-honoring worship. This is what we’re seeking to help people do every time we have the privilege of leading corporate worship.


5 Responses to Treasuring Christ Above All Things

  1. Matt December 14, 2009 at 3:41 PM #

    Wow! On my ride to work this morning I just started listening to Piper’s “Don’t Wast Your Life” message from 2003. Add to that message the punch of this video… that’s powerful stuff. Like Red Bull for the Christian who is allowing themself to be put to sleep by the world. Wake up man! Pray, seek God, and don’t waste your life!

  2. Carri December 15, 2009 at 2:57 AM #

    I love Piper! Some of the things he says are things you don’t hear from other pulpits. He is such a gift to the Church today. God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. I encourage everyone to download Piper’s studies from the Desiring God website. They are free.

  3. Dave December 15, 2009 at 1:42 PM #

    I think it would be just fine without the music.

  4. Bill December 17, 2009 at 4:36 PM #

    If you do like the music, check out this website from the ministry 1031 Sermon Jams, they are the source of the audio for that video. The team is doing some pretty powerful stuff with the word including messages from other preachers.


  1. House of Prayer- - December 23, 2009

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