King of Grace 10 Year Anniversary Contest and Song Giveaway

king-of-graceTen years ago Sovereign Grace Music released King of Grace. It immediately became one of our most popular recordings.

It features twelve songs that cover themes including the gospel, justification, the cross, evangelism, sanctification, heaven, and passion for God. The musical moods range from joyful celebration to quiet reflection. Although the songs are 10 years old, we’ve continued to use a number of them.

But a lot has happened in the last ten years musically. These songs were arranged in the late nineties and I’d love to hear fresh arrangements of them.

So we’re going to have a contest.

I’m giving away two free registrations to WorshipGod11 (Aug. 10-13) to the person who can come up with the most creative arrangement of one of the songs on King of Grace.

The arrangement can alter anything but the basic melody and lyrics of a song. Along with creativity, I’ll also be looking for how the arrangement complements and supports the song. Good production won’t hurt either. Here’s all you have to do:

1. Post your new arrangement on YouTube by Dec. 31. Doesn’t have to be flashy, just audible.
2. Share your YouTube link in the comments section of this post. Or you can send it using the “contact me” tab above.
3. Wait for the winner to be announced on Jan. 12, 2011 on my blog.

Here are the songs on the album:

1. Your Great Renown
2. King of Grace
3. Your Redeeming Love
4. The Glory of the Cross
5. Behold the Lamb
6. At the Foot of the Cross
7. Your Praise Will Never Cease
8. Join All the Glorious Names
9. In You Alone
10. In My Heart
11. You Are My Everything
12. You Have Captured Me

Another way we’re celebrating the ten year anniversary of King of Grace is by giving away three song downloads: Your Great Renown, Behold the Lamb, and The Glory of the Cross.

AND…we’re selling the entire album for $6 through the end of the year. Enjoy!

You can also listen to a streaming version here.

55 Responses to King of Grace 10 Year Anniversary Contest and Song Giveaway

  1. Matt Blick October 22, 2010 at 10:09 AM #

    Argh! What a dilemma!

    I love this album so much and many of the songs were so significant in my life that I can’t imagine them any other way. But I’d love to have a go.

  2. Shannon Lewis October 22, 2010 at 3:52 PM #

    When you say “basic melody”, what do you mean? So we can mess with the melody a bit, then – just nothing that totally alters it? I ask because, as good as much of SGM’s music his, I tend to chuckle a bit when listening to this one… no offense intended. I’d love to take a shot at this, though…

  3. Shannon Lewis October 22, 2010 at 3:54 PM #

    Btw… I chuckle because it DOES need to be updated – for clarities sake, I add that. I didn’t really connect with SGM production until “Valley of Vision”…

  4. Michael Seifert October 22, 2010 at 4:58 PM #

    One of my favorite albums by Sovereign Grace Music. I have the entire album imported on my ipod.:) I would to see who would win this contest(I am not a composer or an arranger, and I would probably not be able to go to the conference anyway. Sorry this sounds like a bunch of excuses;))

  5. David MacKenzie October 22, 2010 at 6:12 PM #

    To get things rolling, readers might be interested in the radical take on “You Have Captured Me” that the Na Band and Voice (Curt Allen) recorded several years ago, alternating the song’s verse and chorus with rapped verses. The mp3 is 99 cents at

  6. Matt Spencer October 22, 2010 at 10:45 PM #

    Bob, thank you so much for this great challenge. I was saved at Covenant Life and your prophesy during “All I Have in Christ” was a central part of that day Aug. 23rd, 2009. I haven’t been able to stop playing my simple, straight ahead version of Behold the Lamb over the past 2-3 weeks, so I felt I had to enter. I hope my voice and my effort bring glory to God despite my significant musical and vocal weakness! Thank you again for this opportunity! Amen!

  7. Matt Spencer October 22, 2010 at 10:46 PM #

    Oops, now I see to share the link in the comments section:

  8. Neill October 23, 2010 at 1:10 PM #

    Quick question: we get unlimited entries?

  9. Clarice October 25, 2010 at 7:02 PM #

    Another great, inspiring “cover” to get the juices flowing. :)

  10. Colin October 26, 2010 at 6:15 PM #

    Bob, is there a date that you are hoping to have these finished? If I have the time, I would love to grab a few other folks from our worship team to help.

    • Bob Kauflin October 26, 2010 at 10:15 PM #

      Colin, Dec 31 is the cutoff. You have time…

  11. Kevin Baird November 3, 2010 at 3:54 PM #

    I have a really nice a cappella version I’d like to submit, but I’m sadly YouTube incapable. Is it possible to just send it in to you with an .mp3 file and a /pdf for the notes?

  12. Jon December 2, 2010 at 7:46 PM #


    Would it be possible for you to make that album available to stream in full somewhere until the contest ends? I’d love to enter but haven’t heard many of the songs.


  13. Ryan Egan December 3, 2010 at 9:56 AM #

    What an awesome contest! Would love to enter but not sure if I’ll have time. We’ll see! Thanks for the opportunity, Bob!

  14. Colin December 13, 2010 at 6:11 AM #

    Unfortunately, I’ll have to pull out.

    My wrist was broken in a soccer match about a week after my initial comment. I had managed to work out an arrangement and put down some drums and guitar for “The Glory of the Cross”, but there is no hope of finishing it in time. If I come back to it after I finish physiotherapy, I’ll submit it anyway, even with the deadline passed – the reward of labour is entirely sufficient!



    • Bob Kauflin December 13, 2010 at 10:57 AM #

      Colin, so sorry about your broken wrist! I pray the healing is speedy and complete. I’d love to hear what you come up with for The Glory of the Cross whenever it’s completed.

  15. Oshea Davis December 15, 2010 at 10:44 PM #

    Lord, willing I will give a stab at one or two songs. I will try and do King of Grace or Join all the Glorious Names and keep it some what close to the original but arranged different. And then maybe the song, At the Foot of the Cross, I might take a risk and make it completely different. .

  16. Birritteri Michaël December 18, 2010 at 5:06 PM #

    Merci beaucoup pour ces chansons si profondes et si belles et respectueuse de la Parole de Dieu.

    Thanks a lot for this songs so deep and so beautiful and so respectful of the Word of God.

    A French baptist reformed brother of Aix en Provence.

  17. Jon December 20, 2010 at 10:23 PM #

    It has been a joy to work on this arrangement of “You Have Captured Me”. Here is my submission to the contest:

  18. Will December 24, 2010 at 6:55 PM #

    Great songs, and a great idea for a competition!
    I first heard these songs as a 15year-old while in transition from North Carolina, to deep in the heart of Mexico with my missionary family. I still have a faded copy of the song book, with which I spent many glorious hours praising God, and struggling through the bar chords in the key of E.
    Before I heard of the competition I had just downloaded the MP3s, and “Behold the Lamb” hit me like a ton of bricks. Here is my rendition, nowhere near as professional, but still its been a great challenge to work on.

    Thanks Bob!

  19. Jason McGovern December 27, 2010 at 1:21 PM #

    Started working on this in November, and I just finally got around to finishing it. I attempted “Join All the Glorious Names”. I hope it blesses folks!

  20. Clarice December 27, 2010 at 8:20 PM #

    Yay! Finally figured out how to make a “video” with my audio recording. Not really a video…but the audio is there. Please forgive my crummy “title”…I really had no idea what I was doing. :)

    Thanks for this opportunity, Bob. It was fun!

  21. Teresa December 27, 2010 at 9:56 PM #

    Oh my, what fun! But, I only just saw this. Ugh! Not sure I can submit anything at this point. But I will if I can squeeze it in. :-)

  22. David Ward December 27, 2010 at 11:03 PM #


    Here’s my entry – I jotted these chords down when you first announced the contest and enjoyed doing something different and creative now that Christmas services are finished. Thanks for your faithful service to Jesus’ church for decades.

  23. Chris Flanigan December 28, 2010 at 11:17 AM #

    Here’s something our college band put together for “Your Great Renown”

    ps – Thanks everyone who has posted. I love that this album has impacted so many people and is still sparking creativity in so many.

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

  24. Teresa Thomas December 29, 2010 at 2:33 AM #

    I had a couple hours before I had to dart off to work this afternoon, so here’s my ‘little something’ of an arrangement for “In My Heart” by Eric Grover. I hope you enjoy it. :-)

    (Twas such wonderful music on Christmas Eve – thanks, Bob!)

  25. Teresa December 30, 2010 at 12:42 AM #

    I am not sure why, but the YouTube audio I posted is a bit ‘warbally’. (Is that a real word?!) Not sure what I did to cause that. In any case, I emailed a ‘less warbally’ mp3.

  26. Matthew December 30, 2010 at 11:17 PM #

    would I be able to get an extension?
    my computer is trying to teach me about Gods sovereinty by loading extremely slow…

    I promise to have it done tomorow…I’m gonna try to get it done tonight…but with the way my computer is running it wont be done by midnight…

    but if it’s too inconveinient I understand

    God Bless,

    • Bob Kauflin December 30, 2010 at 11:42 PM #

      Matthew, absolutely. Some time in the next few days would be fine.

  27. Rich December 31, 2010 at 12:16 PM #

    Hi Bob —
    Here I go, waiting until the last minute….
    This is my arrangement of “At the Foot of the Cross”:

    – Rich

  28. Kevin and Gill from MCC December 31, 2010 at 3:40 PM #

    Here is the finished version. this is better because the whole song is on this one LOL. Kevin and myself had such a wonderful time discovering an older worship song and being permitted to arrange a new version.

    Kevin & Gil
    Millcreek Community Church

    P.S. Bob, Dicovering SovereignGrace music and it’s minstries have helped shape our church into a more engaged body of belivers.

  29. Teresa Thomas December 31, 2010 at 7:25 PM #

    I made a last-minute change. Hope that’s okay. :-] Here is the new link to youtube:

    Happy New Year, everyone!


  30. Anthony Beltrez December 31, 2010 at 10:50 PM #

  31. Anthony Beltrez December 31, 2010 at 10:51 PM #

    Had a really bad sore throat. Hope you enjoy it.

  32. Joshua Bryant Spacht December 31, 2010 at 11:05 PM #

    Well, even if nothing comes of this I see two great benefits personally…
    Mark’s words in this song brought me to tears several times as I arranged this. So powerful and vivid to think of our Savior crowned with thorns and then to think of laying our crowns before him. I can only hope the music is as epic as the reality of the truth in the words!
    Second benefit, I have a really good start on my first arrangement for our choir for resurrection Sunday!
    Happy New Year everyone, may it be filled with love for our King.

  33. Joshua Bryant Spacht December 31, 2010 at 11:07 PM #

    Forgot the link, special thanks to David Urbinati for the upload and posting help.

  34. Jon Ruth January 1, 2011 at 12:04 AM #

    Not too recent, but it was fun!

  35. Jon Ruth January 1, 2011 at 12:04 AM #

    Oh, and I’m hoping we’re going by Central time or something!

  36. Ryan Egan January 1, 2011 at 1:06 AM #

    Well – nothing like a literal last minute entry! :-) Just received recording equipment for Christmas so this is my first-ever home recording attempt. I hope you enjoy! (and I’m a vimeo guy, not a YouTube guy, I hope that’s okay!)

  37. oshea davis January 1, 2011 at 1:21 AM #

    Couldn’t find a rock vocalist but I was able to finally find a singer.
    Here is, At the Foot of the Cross & Join all the Glorious Names.

  38. Brandon West January 1, 2011 at 11:19 AM #

    Posted December 27th on Youtube. Thanks for the Competition Bob.

  39. Clarice January 1, 2011 at 7:32 PM #

    Bob, can we vote? ;) just kidding.

    Anthony Beltrez, awesome mix of At the Foot of the Cross!! I’m going to pass it on to our worship leader. I definitely think this is a doable, fresh version. Thanks!

  40. Oshea Davis January 1, 2011 at 9:33 PM #

    My twin brother said he couldn’t hear the words so here is a new mix with the vocals turned up a little.

    They are up at my purevolume,com account so that you can download them if you swich.

    And Youtube

  41. Matthew Holcomb January 2, 2011 at 8:43 PM #

    Here’s my entry…Thank you so much for giving me more time! It took me a while because this was my first time doing anything like this. I arranged it myself, I wanted to get a chance to use my new ukulele…

    Here it is: My version of Your Great Renown

    Thanks again!

  42. Anthony Beltrez January 5, 2011 at 4:39 PM #

    Clarice, thank you so much for the encouragement! I truly appreciate it. All of these are great. This has been a great experience. Thanks Bob!

  43. Leo Galletta January 11, 2011 at 12:15 PM #

    Hi Bob,

    I vote for In My Heart.

    Thanks so much for your ministry. I loved the Glad accapella stuff and I so appreciate SGM. Our church uses much SGM in our worship now.

    Thanks again,

  44. Gregory Lee January 11, 2011 at 4:20 PM #

    #3 Hands Down!

  45. Colin March 29, 2011 at 12:29 PM #

    Bob, I finally had time (and the healed wrist) to finish the song.

    It has been further delayed, as I was entirely unhappy with my vocals. Someone much more able than myself currently serving on the worship team graciously was willing to sing the song, and I think it’s much better for it! Unfortunately, it was recorded in my apartment, which is effectively made of cement and sheet rock (you can imagine what this does to things like vocals and acoustic guitars).

    Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun to do and a joy to probe the depths of this fantastic song a bit more:


  1. Worship matters – song giveaway « RFC Music - October 26, 2010

    […] are giving away three songs (Your Great Renown, Behold the Lamb & The Glory of the cross). Grab them here while you […]

  2. What I Read Online – 01/10/2011 (p.m.) | Emeth Aletheia - January 10, 2011

    […] to the over 20 people who submitted entries for our 10th Anniversary King of Grace contest! The assignment was to come up with a new arrangement of one of the songs from the […]

  3. Behold the Lamb — Sovereign Grace Music | Renova2 - December 1, 2011

    […] song was provided by Chelsea Campbell ( Compartir:Correo electrónicoImprimirFacebookTwitterStumbleUponRedditDiggLinkedInLike this:LikeBe […]

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