What’s on Tap from Sovereign Grace Music

Sovereign Grace Music exists to provide Christ exalting songs and training for local churches. I thank God for the many people who regularly let me know how God is using our songs to do just that.

Since moving to Louisville, KY in June, I’ve been asked if Sovereign Grace Music is taking a break.

Well, not exactly.

Steve Cook, who heads up our album production, moved to Louisville a couple weeks ago, but he’s been traveling back to Gaithersburg to finish up some projects as we’re getting ready for new ones.

Here’s what we’re currently working on:

From Age to Age – In case you missed it, our last album (released in April) was From Age to Age, a collection of 14 modern hymns. I’ve been encouraged by the response, including this recent review from Worship Leader magazine.

Eres Dios (You are God) – This is our third Spanish album, the first one being Sea la Gloria Solo a Ti, and our most recent Alli en la Cruz. Our first Spanish album consisted of translations, and we moved to all original songs with Alli en la Cruz. Eres Dios will be a combination of both. We’ve gone for a more modern rather than indigenous Hispanic sound, and added Sarah Jerez as a vocalist. Some of the songs we translated for this album are All I Have is Christ, Let Your Kingdom Come, Behold Our God, and Jesus, Thank You. Ryan Foglesong and David Zimmer from Enfield helped out with the tracks, as they did on The Gathering and From Age to Age. Hope to release this in September.

Together for the Gospel Live 2 – We released Together for the Gospel Live in 2008, and this is the follow up album, obviously. We recorded the singing from T4G 2010, but only ended up using one track. For this recording we added about 2000 voices and changed the venue, and I was really encouraged by the sound. Again, no bells and whistles here. Just me and a piano and 7000 voices, mostly men, belting out eternal gospel truths for God’s glory with all their hearts. Expecting a release in September or October.

Behold our God – For years Ryan, Jonathan, and Meghan Baird have been contributing to Sovereign Grace music as vocalists, songwriters, and instrumentalists. Their songs include Always Forgiven, The Prodigal, Completely Done, and most recently Behold our God. Something special happens when the Bairds get together to play and sing, and on this album you’ll get a chance to hear what that is. Their sound is a rootsy, sometimes bluesy, form of Americana, always communicated with tight harmonies and compelling lead vocals. Just what you’d expect from kids who were raised by their dad and mom to love Jesus, his church, and good music. This album contains a mix of songs for congregational singing and songs for performing. Watch for a release some time in November or December.

Live from Por Su Causa – Next month (September) I have the privilege of participating in the Por Su Causa conference in the Dominican Republic along with my good friends CJ Mahaney, and Jeff Purswell. On Sunday night of the conference we’ll be recording a live album that will include a number of Sovereign Grace songs. I’m grateful for the encouragement and support we’ve received for this album from Miguel Nunez, pastor of Iglesia Bautista Internacional, and one of the primary organizers of the conference. Lord willing, this album will come out in January of 2013.

Songs from Romans – This is an album I’ve wanted us to do for years, and now seems like an opportune time. Romans is a tour de force of gospel riches, exploding with themes of God’s glory, human depravity, justification, forgiveness, grace in suffering, creation’s longing for redemption, overwhelming victory in Christ, security in God’s love, sovereignty, mercy, holy living, and more. Hopefully, we’ll have this album ready for April 2013.

We’d appreciate any and all prayers for these projects as we continue to seek to produce Christ-exalting songs and training for the church.





27 Responses to What’s on Tap from Sovereign Grace Music

  1. Jeff August 6, 2012 at 3:29 PM #

    I’ll be praying. Looking forward to Songs from Romans!

  2. Janelle Hoos August 6, 2012 at 5:31 PM #

    Is there another album coming out from SovereignGraceKids?

  3. Tom Matteson August 6, 2012 at 8:37 PM #

    I can’t wait for that Behold Our God record and the Romans record. Both sound terrific. “Behold Our God” is my favorite song from Risen. Fantastic song!

  4. Tim Sharpe August 6, 2012 at 9:30 PM #

    This sounds excellent, Bob. I seem to remember at one point you were talking about Sovereign Grace doing a Gospel/R&B album. Did that get put on the back-burner? I’d love to hear some music in the the Israel Houghton-vein with deep, Christ-centered lyrics.

    • Bob Kauflin August 6, 2012 at 10:08 PM #

      Tim, the R&B/urban project (which it has now become) is the longest work in progress for Sovereign Grace. Still working on it. Eric McAllister is putting together some songs and musicians for us. Hope to have some news in the not too distant future.

  5. Ann August 7, 2012 at 12:43 AM #

    I SO can NOT WAIT for the Romans album!!! I’ve heard it said that Romans is the wedding ring of the Scriptures, and chapter 8 is its diamond. Awesome truths!!

  6. Jun Ang August 7, 2012 at 6:12 AM #

    This is good news, been waiting for the T4G album. Thanks in advance for blessing us with God exalting music

  7. Steve Smith August 7, 2012 at 12:14 PM #

    One of my very first CDs, when CDs were a newfangled technology, was Glad’s “Romans.” Can’t recall if you’d left them at that point (circa 1989), but it was and remains a great collection…Ergo, looking forward to SG’s release next spring. Hope you are well, Bob, and enjoying your new corner of the Kingdom.

    • Bob Kauflin August 7, 2012 at 2:16 PM #

      Great to hear from you, Steve. I contributed songs to Romans, although I had left the group in 1984. God has been very kind to us through the years. We have 10,000 reasons to bless the Lord.

  8. Amy August 7, 2012 at 12:28 PM #

    Wow! I have been so blessed by your music and ministry. Looking forward to hearing our little church singing these biblically sound songs to our God and Christ. Can not wait for the Romans album to be released. I know it will be awesome!

  9. Dexter Jun Castillon August 7, 2012 at 12:32 PM #

    So excited for the coming Songs from Romans.

  10. Matt Brady August 8, 2012 at 12:41 PM #

    Bob, thanks for the update. Looking forward to the new stuff!

  11. Barry Joslin August 8, 2012 at 7:14 PM #

    Wow. You guys aren’t letting any grass grow under your feet. I am glad to see more Spanish albums! We were in Ecuador last month and sang “Jesus Thank You” after some local believers worked with us on the translation of it. They loved it.

    Looking forward to all of the new projects!

    Barry Joslin

  12. Michael Sanelli August 13, 2012 at 11:09 PM #

    Hi Bob,
    Looking forward to the new albums. Always enjoy grabbing songs for our Church to sing from the Sov. Grace albums.
    Is there going to be a WorshipGod2013?

    • Bob Kauflin August 14, 2012 at 12:07 AM #

      Michael, Working on plans for WorshipGod13, and should know something in a month or so. We might have two locations. Thanks for asking!

  13. Michael Sanelli August 21, 2012 at 6:56 PM #

    Awesome! I’m looking forward to it. WorshipGod11 was my first Worship Conference I had ever attended. It was refreshing, helpful, and Christ-centered. I’ve listened to many of the seminars that I missed throughout this last year. Just wanted to encourage you that the ministry that the Lord has been doing through you has been both glorifying to Him and beneficial for the global Body of Christ.

    • Bob Kauflin August 22, 2012 at 2:12 AM #

      Michael, thanks for your encouraging words!

  14. Denny Daugherty August 27, 2012 at 4:44 PM #

    Looking forward to news about WG13. Wow, two locations…in that case I might have to attend both to make up for the year without having one! ;)

  15. Tan August 31, 2012 at 5:33 PM #

    Very excited and looking forward to listen to your new spanish album! All the glory to God. Greetings from Spain!

  16. Clyde October 3, 2012 at 7:39 PM #

    Any word on the T4G album?

  17. David Williams October 12, 2012 at 4:38 PM #

    Hey Bob! I was at T4G 2012 and had an unbelievable time! It was an incredible time of teaching and worship!

    A couple of the worship leaders at my church and I are wanting to plan on going to WorshipGod13! Do you have any ideas what the dates or locations might be so we can be planning?

    Thanks so much!

    • Bob Kauflin October 12, 2012 at 4:40 PM #

      Thanks, David. Working on a post for WorshipGod right now. Should be up soon.

  18. Pascual Arias Jiménez February 7, 2013 at 8:53 AM #

    Hello Bob from Dominican Republic,

    Any word on the El Dios que Adoramos Live album?

    Thanks so much,

    • Bob Kauflin February 7, 2013 at 2:58 PM #

      Pascual, we are almost finished with the mixes and hope to have it out no later than early March.

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