My dear friends, Keith & Kristyn Getty, are releasing their first live album, LIVE AT THE GOSPEL COALITION, today. They’ve graciously allowed me to give away five free copies.
Up until midnight tonight you can leave a comment below telling us what your favorite hymn is, and you’ll automatically be entered to win. I’ll pick the winners at random and announce them tomorrow morning.
If you’d like to read more about the new album, you can do so here.
And if you aren’t familiar with Keith and Kristyn, who along with Stuart Townend are writing some of the most theologically thoughtful, gospel-rich modern hymns today , check out their site.
UPDATE: The winners have been chosen and are announced here.
My favorite hymn right now is In Christ Alone
My favorite hymn is “It is Well With My Soul.” My favorite of theirs is probably “The Power of the Cross,” though of late, “Christ Has Risen, He Has Risen Indeed” is certainly right up there.
My Jesus I love Thee.
right now we’re loving “Holy Spirit” as we’re going through Acts!
It is Well with my Soul
my favorite hymn is “The Church’s One Foundation”
O My Soul, Arise And Bless Your Maker
Before the Throne
Favorite hymn: Crown Him With Many Crowns!
Always changing, but right now: Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
My favorite hymn of all time is “Be Thou My Vision”
My favorite hymn is, “It is Well With My Soul.” It was revived my soul in so many dark times. God has used it powerfully through many generations.
In Christ Alone.
I really like the Getty’s O Church Arise.
I have lot of “favorite” hymns. One that is currently meaningful is “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”–especially the declaration: “Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him! How I’ve proved him o’er and o’er!”
It Is Well
I like almost all of the Getty/Townend hymns. My favorite of theirs, at the moment, is “O Savior of Our Fallen Race.”
But you asked for my favorite hymn, which is probably “How Sweet and Aweful is the Place.”
In Christ Alone will always be to me my favorite. So rich in doctrine, zeal, and worship. Both wonderfully trinitarian while at the same time has the room for awe and mystery. An awesome hymn!
My favorite hymn is definitely Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
And Can it be!
Power of the Cross
How Great Thou Art.
Or maybe Holy, Holy, Holy.
Or In Christ Alone.
Come thou fount!
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
My favorite hymn is Before the Throne of God Above.
If I have to pick just one, today it would be Great is Thy Faithfulness.
Favorite hymn: “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
Favorite Getty hymn: “By Faith”
Favorite (specifically Getty) hymn: “Speak, O Lord.” Such an encouragement to sing before the preaching of the Word.
Otherwise, it’s “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”
My favorite hymn for this season of life is “Be Still, My Soul”
“In Christ Alone” is certainly up there at or very near the top for me!
“In Christ Alone” or “Jesus I My Cross Have Taken”
O breath of life
Praise to The Lord, the Almighty
My favorite hymn is either “Come Thou Fount” or “In Christ Alone.”
My Fav Hymn: On Christ The Solid Rock
Favorite hymn at the moment is A Mighty Fortress. My Favorite hymn of theirs has got to be The Power of the Cross.
Thanks for doing this, Bob! You are such an encouragement to me.
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
It is really difficult to choose a favorite hymn but the first one that comes to mind is Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul by Ann Steele. It has taken on new meaning after hearing Kevin Twit explain the song. As Kevin said, You don’t have to suffer well for God to love you. That song is such an encouragement to one who is walking through difficult situations in life. He is our refuge for the trials to come.
It Is Well With My Soul
Communion Song
Jesus I, My Cross Have Taken!
“Soon shall close thy earthly mission
Soon shall pass my pilgrim days
Hope shall change to glad fruition
Faith to sight and prayer to praise!”
All I Have is Christ
Abide With Me
So hard to pick just one, but I think it would have to be How Great Thou Art
So many wonderful truths racing through my head in song right now… I’m going to go with “And Can It Be?” (Amazing Love) as my favorite!
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Too many ‘favorite’ hymns… they are our heritage and loaded with great doctrines of the faith…
How do you choose?
How Firm a Foundation
In Christ Alone
The Deep Deep Love of Jesus
etc…. ^.^
“In Christ Alone”!
A joyous shout of triumph and celebration happens every time we sing this verse:
“There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain.
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again!”
In Christ Alone
Ooh….tough one! I always come back to “Be Still, My Soul”, “The Solid Rock”, and “Fairest Lord Jesus.” So many good classics, though.
I’d say that “The Perfect Wisdom of Our God” is my favorite Getty hymn…
My favourite hymn is ‘O Lord My God (How Great Thou Art)’ closely followed by ‘I Will Sing The Wondrous Story’
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
In Christ Alone is a favorite as well as When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. Both testify to the greatness of God as displayed in the gospel.
My favorite hymn (newer) is: All I Have Is Christ
My favorite hymn is The Solid Rock. :)
Love the words of “Man of Sorrows”
Hallelujah What a Savior!
Holy, Holy, Holy
Getty Favorite: Speak O Lord
Traditional Hymn: It Is Well With My Soul
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
My favorite hymn is definitely “How Great Thou Art.” It covers the creation, the salvation and the hope for the future, and then the refrain, “Then sings my soul”, makes it very personal, which is exactly what God wants — His children to reconcile with Him and have a close personal relationship with Him.
Meanwhile, I consider “In Christ Alone” as the one which presents the Gospel best. Funnily, the part that makes liberals uneasy (“the wrath of God was satisfied”) is one of the reasons I really like it. We need hymns with text that presents robust theology.
Great is Your Faithfulness
Amazing Grace
My favorite hymn is Amazing Grace:)
Tie: In Christ Alone & It Is Well
O Great God of highest heaven
Great is Thy Faithfulness
I Need Thee Ev’ry Hour
Love In Christ Alone.
Thanks to the Getty’s and Bob for this giveaway!
We were listening to the Getty’s arrangement of “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus” last week and my 6 year old, 3 year old and almost 2 year old were all singing along (in some capacity- the 2 year old would sing out “Jesus!” whenever his sisters sang it). So, “Nothing but the Blood” is my favorite hymn this week because it’s the first one all my kids have sung together.
My favorite hymns is “Speak, O Lord”
“My heart is filled”
Favorite old hymn – I Need Thee Every Hour. Fav modern hymn – In Christ Alone
I loveeee many of the hymns / songs.. But specially:
In Christ alone.
By Faith.
Lift high the name of Jesus.
Speak o Lord
Creation sings the Father’s song.
My favorite Hymn is….
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) and Getty Hymn would be
Speak O Lord
O Church Arise – has blessed me much as I’ve gone through a significant trial involving a church.
My favorite hymns is “Speak, O Lord”
Speak, O Lord
Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise.
Whatever my God ordains
“He Hideth My Soul” by Fanny Crosby <3
Currently “Jesus Paid It All.”
In Christ Alone
Favorite Hymn: Rock of Ages
See What a Morning
“Be Thou My Vision” has always been a favorite of mine.
In Christ alone is my favorite, but I love all their songs. They teach the Gospel very clearly, tastefully and faithfully and they are a huge blessing to the body of Christ.
May God continue to give them songs for us to sing.
How Great Thou Art
My favorite hymn is Our Great Savior.
In Christ Alone
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
In Christ Alone
Be Still My Soul
Awesome hymn of trust in God’s sovereign rule. It doesn’t deny suffering, but praises God in the midst of it while looking toward the hope found in Jesus both now and into eternity.
so hard to choose-they’ve been richly blessed with talent, and have graced us with it too! for me, it’s a toss-up between the meditative plea of ”Speak, O Lord” and the thrilling triumph of ”The Power of the Cross”! And I can’t decide if I love the latter more in English or Spanish!
Right now, I’d have to go with “It Is Well With My Soul” though the choice seems to depend on the particular station in life I find myself when I’m asked this question!
In Christ Alone
Be Thou my vision
*Today* my answer is: Rock of Ages
Nothing in my hand I bring,
simply to the cross I cling;
naked, come to thee for dress;
helpless, look to thee for grace;
foul, I to the fountain fly;
wash me, Savior, or I die.
And can it be
A Mighty Fortress is Our God (especially when sung with hearty voices and gusto).
On Christ the Solid Rock
O the Deep Deep Love. It conjures a picture of being engulfed in an ocean of Jesus’ immeasurable love…. That song means a lot to me.
My favorite hymn is “I need thee every hour”. Thank you for a great giveaway!
Nothing But the Blood
Be Thou My Vision
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
One of my favorite hymns has to be “Pass Me Not (O Gentle Savior)”
I grew up singing hymns in 4 part harmony every Sunday and loved it. Not only was is beautiful singing that glorified God, but we sang for an hour weekly! Only recently (3 years) I became a part of a new church plant where we still try to incorporate 2 contemporary hymns per set. I miss the four parts, but I trust that God is still magnified and it is all about Him. Right now “My Jesus I Love Thee” in on my heart a lot. From the Getty’s “In Christ Alone” is fun to sing with my little kids around the piano because they are so loud and enthusiastic by the end of the song as it climaxes. :)
Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed
All Creatures of Our God and King (but only with the new lyrics by the Bairds)
My favorite hymn of all time is The Church’s One Foundation. ALWAYS reduces me to tears.
What Wondrous Love is This. An amazing hymn about God’s love and mercy
This the power of the cross
My favorite hymn is Lift high the name of Jesus
My favorite hymn is I Am Resolved, no longer to linger, charmed by the world’s delights… things that are higher, things that are nobler. These have allured my sight! :)
My Favorite Hymn is – There is a fountain Filled with Blood
My favorite hymn by the Gettys is without doubt “In Christ Alone”. Fantastic version of the solid hymn.
My favorite hymn right now is either “Come Thou Fount” or “There Is A Hope” or “In Christ Alone.” Oh who am I kidding, I couldn’t pick a favorite if I wanted to.
My favorite hymn is Nothing But The Blood
Take My Life and Let it Be
Be Thou My Vision
My song is love unknown
“In Christ Alone”
“Before the Throne of God Above”
“Speak O Lord”
It is impossible for me to choose a favorite among the three.
Here is Love, Vast as the Ocean
In Christ Alone. Incredible.
Come Thou Fount
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus has been resonating in my heart lately, so that would be my current “favorite.” There are truly too many to choose just one, though!
Abide With Me
Speak O LORD
Be Thou My Vision
I love their new hymn, “Lift High the Name of Jesus”
And Can It Be is (possibly) my favorite hymn. It expresses my continual amazement that God has saved me by His grace.
“In Christ Alone”
It Is Well With My Soul. Love that song!
So many good hymns to choose from. I would have to say that Martin Luther’s A Mighty Fortress is my favorite.
Among my top other ones are:
And Can It Be
Be Still My Soul
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
In Christ Alone
Eternal Father
Holy Holy Holy
Beautiful Savior/Fairest Lord Jesus
Lead On O King Eternal
Be Thou My Vision
My favorite hymn for now is the Song “The Power of the Cross”
There is so much power and truth in this song.
My favorite hymn has been “How Deep the Father’s Love For Us” for many years now!
Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
My favorite Getty hymn is “Oh How Good it is”. What a wonderful depiction of the fellowship of believers! If you haven’t heard it, buy it & listen. It will renew your spirit with your congregation, and motivate you to be closer in your walk with each other in Christ.
It is Well With My Soul
my favorite is “Christ is Risen-He’s Risen Indeed!”
thanks for all your labors
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
O Church, Arise
Before The Throne of God Above
My favourite hymn at the moment is “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me”.
In Christ Alone is my favorite hymn. It just always reminds me of my hope and my rest in Christ alone.
Be thou my vision!
On Christ the Solid Rock!
In Christ Alone… it pretty well tells the whole Gospel. It is an amazing song.
Amazing Grace
Rock of ages is probably my favorite right now.
My favorite hymn is The Power of the Cross…
Be Thou My Vision is probably my favorite hymn, both for the music and the words.
The Getty’s music is my very favorite worship music, always Christ centered! I want my first cd! :)
Of Getty songs, In Christ Alone, with O Church Arise a close second. Most days my favorite hymn is the one I am singing!
I’d have to go with “Rock of Ages”
Favourite Getty/Townend hymn, In Christ Alone
One favorite hymn of mine is, “The Love of God.”
Oh, “to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge,” Eph 3:19
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Love the story behind the man who wrote the lyrics, and that it was one of the only hymns I knew completely by heart so sang it to my daughter as a lullaby for a long time.
How Firm A Foundation. I fell in love with it when Enfield played it at WorshipGod11.
Great is Thy Faithfulness has always been one of my favorites.
And Can It Be is one of my top favorites.
“Behold the Throne of God Above” right now. I read the post here that its actually not Public Domain (quite to my surprise that Vikki Cook wrote the melody only in the 90’s), but it definitely has a timeless hymn quality to it!
Amazing Grace, it is timeless and speaks of the fact that I am a wretch, but that Christ gave His life for me.
My favorite hymn is “Be Still My Soul.”
My favorite hymn is Rock of Ages. :)
Jesus Paid it All
O Light that Knew no Dawn
I like Jesus Sinners Doth Receive. The words are so excellent and encouraging about Christ receiving us in our sinful state and forgiving us.
My favorite hymn is “In Christ Alone,” though I also love “Come, People of the Risen King” as it’s a beautiful and powerful call to worship.
I had the pleasure of being present at TGC’s National Conference when this album was recorded, so I’d love to re-live their phenomenal performances. :)
Be Thou My Vision
I have loads of favorite hymns. One of my all-time favorites is How Great Thou Art. I can remember that stirring my heart as a young lad, sung by the renowned George Beverly Shea.
In Christ Alone!
“Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!”
My favorite Getty hymn is “My Heart is filled with Thankfulness”.
As a child I used to love ‘This is My Father’s World’. Right now I’m split between ‘Lead Me to Calvary’ and ‘It is Well’.
Not sure that I could pick ONE favorite…
A few that come to mind:
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
All the Way My Savior Leads Me
Be Still My Soul
Be Thou My Vision
Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us
It Is Well
How Deep the Father’s Love
It is Well
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Definitely How Great Thou Art.
Holy, Holy, Holy!
Before the Throne of God Above
Oh God Our Help In Ages Past
My favorite hymn is “I am His and He is mine” It’s really helped me better grasp and remember how loved I truly am. :0)
Hear the Call of the Kingdom. Love that it’s upbeat
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Blessed Assurance and My Redeemer Lives
“Be Thou My Vision” …when Christ is our vision, everything else in our lives falls into proper place!
See what a morning (Resurrection Hymn)
(one of) My favourite hymn(s) is “In Christ Alone”
My favorite hymn is In Christ Alone. It gives a beautiful description of the gospel set to moving music.
There is a Fountain
A Mighty Fortress
If it counts as a hymn, “In Christ Alone.” “It is Well With My Soul” is another favorite.
Of the Getty’s music I especially love their “Communion Hymn”. My church uses it often when we partake of the Lord’s Supper. Of the non-Getty hymns, I’ve recently been enjoying “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” and “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”.
Getty/Townend hymns have been such a blessing to our church. Incidentally, introduced to us at a WorshipGod conference. Their influence on our local body was evident last Easter when all but one song that morning was penned by them. In addition to In Christ Alone and How Deep the Father’s Love for Us our church often sings Across the Lands which is one of my favorites. Thanks for asking.
My favorite hymn is The Power of the Cross. It faithfully describes the perfect sacrifice that Christ did for us.
My favorite hymn is “O Church Arise”, ‘cuz the music fits the lyrics, (the live version). Rich in eschatological perspective. It always reminds me that we are not save to fight alone but together with believers, being renewed, and set apart in the name of CHRIST our Victory and Captain.
My favorite hymn is “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” The version where you (Kauflin) wrote the forth verse. I lead is at least once a month in worship. I love the idea in the forth verse of getting home by the Sovereign will of the Lord. Blesses me immensely.
And Can It Be
Still, My Soul Be Still.
First song I ever played in church without music. Botched it, but still loved it. :)
Picking one favorite is extremely difficult, but In Christ Alone is one of the top ones. Close behind it is The Power of the Cross.
Here Is Love
And Can It Be – love the gospel imagery in that song.
Jesus paid it all
In christ alone! … Currently :)
My Favorite hymn is… In Christ Alone
“Arise, My Soul, Arise”
My favorite hymn at the time is And Can It Be. I love the question of wonderment: amazing love, how can it be, that thou my God shouldst die for me!
How Great Thou Art, or Great is Thy Faithfulness…it’s so hard to choose just one.
Picking a single favorite hymn is quite difficult, but since I must.
“And Can It Be” would be my favorite non-Getty/Townend hymn.
Our church recently learned “By Faith” (a Getty/Townend hymn), and I would say that it is a favorite of mine as well.
Favorite hymn for many, many years: “Arise, My Soul, Arise.”
Favorite hymn by Getty/Townened: “O Church, Arise.”
Didn’t even realize that they both have the word “arise” in common until I wrote this just now!
Top 4
In Christ Alone
Before the Throne of God Above
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Like a River Glorious (a favorite of our family)
Hard, hard to choose! I’d say “When I survey the wondrous cross” and “How firm a foundation”.
The King of Love My Shepherd Is. Every time I get to the last verse I can’t help tearing up.
I would say “In Christ Alone” would be my favorite.
I would also agree with many of the other comments; choosing one hymn as a a favorite is a difficult task.
For me, a favorite is “Come Thou Fount” is rich and wonderful!
Love the communion hymn “Behold the Lamb”, also right up there is “By Faith”
The Power of the Cross
My favourite hymns are “Before the Throne of God” &”What A Saviour” (Na Bands version)
Just as I am
Still my Soul be Still by the Gettys
How can I choose only one, or even two? There are so many that move my soul! I guess some of my favourites are:
Be Thou My Vision
Abide with Me
To God be the Glory
Rock of Ages (by Ruth Buchanan)
But really, I have so many favourites!
Please still accept my entry!! It’s not midnight yet in New Zealand!! :)
I will always think that “In Christ Alone” is one of THE best modern Hymns. I believe it’s written by Townend and Getty.
It is well
“My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!”
In Christ Alone
How Great Thou Art!
my favourite Hymn is ‘O For a Thousand tongues to Sing!’
Vacationing in New Zealand so agree with Karina – not yet midnight here!! I have so many favorite hymns… O Sacred Head perhaps is my very favorite.
Arise, My Soul, Arise
The Communion Hymn
Amazing Grace
Thanks to the Getty’s for bringing worshipful music back into the church.
My favorite hymn is In Christ Alone, because it reminds me of Psalm 73:25-26 which is my life verse. Both of these focus on God’s sufficiency in all things; He alone is our portion and all we need to be satisfied.
“O Church Arise.” Singing it on Sunday in our gathering!
My favorite hymn is “And Can it Be”.
Not a fair question at all…but gotta go with “Great is Thy Faithfulness”!
Lift high the name of Jesus.
My favourite hymns are “IN CHRIST ALONE” and HOW GREAT THOU ART” I really love these hymns.