All Sovereign Grace Albums on Bandcamp $5 Today!

gracehascome_cover_600_FotorIn the spirit of CyberMonday, we’re selling all our digital albums on Bandcamp today for only $5. That’s right. 5 bucks.

That means you can get Grace Has Come (Deluxe Edition), From Age to Age, The Gathering, El Dios Que Adoramos, Together for the Gospel Live II, Risen, Valley of Vision, Sons & Daughters, Upward, Psalms, King of Grace, and more all for only $5. That includes accompaniment trax too.

It’s also a great time to get any one of our three kids albums, Awesome God, To Be Like Jesus, and Walking with the Wise.

And don’t forget out Christmas album, Savior!

If you think someone else might like Christ-exalting, theologically driven congregational music, you can also gift an MP3 album through Bandcamp.

One thing we love about Bandcamp is that you can download our albums from anywhere in the world. The price you pay will be in your own currency. I can assure you that $5 USD translates to something pretty cheap in your county.

So what are you waiting for?

Head on over to our Bandcamp site and enjoy the sale.




3 Responses to All Sovereign Grace Albums on Bandcamp $5 Today!

  1. Luke Miller December 3, 2013 at 12:53 AM #

    It’s still “cyber monday” here in California, but it looks like this sale is on east coast time. Any chance I can get a west coast extension?

    • Bob Kauflin December 3, 2013 at 7:02 AM #

      Sorry, Luke! The sale ended 11:59 EST, an hour later than we had originally planned. But thanks for supporting our music!


  1. Recommended Media (12.2.13) - The127Project - Read, Write, & Share Theology - December 2, 2013

    […] note that all of Sovereign Grace Music’s albums are on sale for only $5.00 […]

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