Back in February, I posted a song that Chris Anderson and I wrote for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. We called it “Reformation Hymn.” I wrote about it in this post and Chris tells the backstory of how the song was written here.
Around the same time, Tim Chester, a friend from the UK, asked me if I’d be interested in putting music to some lyrics he was working on, also based on the 5 Solas of the Reformation:
Sola Scriptura: Scripture alone
Solus Christus: Christ alone
Sola Fide: faith alone
Sola Gratia: grace alone
Soli Deo Gloria: glory to God alone
I enjoyed writing Come Praise and Glorify with Tim a few years ago and thought I’d give another Reformation song a try. I like what we came up with, and we’ve creatively called it, “Reformation Song.”
The version Chris and I wrote is on the more regal side, with a stately melody in 3/4 meter. With Tim’s lyrics I took a more exuberant approach and came up with a version in 9/8.
Interns to the Rescue
On Thursday nights, I have the joy of meeting with a group of humble and gifted music and worship interns from Boyce College. I asked them if they’d be willing to come up with an arrangement of the song and they gladly obliged. I love what they put together:
Here’s the sheet music:
Reformation Song – CHART
Reformation Song – SATB
Reformation Song – LEAD SHEET
You can also download the song from CCLI SongSelect.
Always in Season
We’ll be celebrating the truths that were recovered in the Protestant Reformation for eternity. Salvation is in Christ alone, through faith alone, based on God’s Word alone, by grace alone, for the glory of God alone. And we can sing those truths any time.
But during this month, the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, it’s particularly appropriate to remember how glorious our salvation through Jesus Christ alone really is. Our hope is that songs like these will give us one more way to do it.
is there a way to get the audio file to this? wanting to do this song this month with our church…
Doug, you can download the audio file from YouTube using this site:
I love this one! Will this be on Prayers of the Saints? I would love to have a good quality recording of it.
Danny, thanks for asking! No, this song won’t be on Prayers of the Saints. But a lot of other good songs will be!
Looking forward to purchasing it when it comes out! We are doing five songs for each of the Solas at the church where I serve as the worship pastor this Reformation Sunday. As I was looking for one for “Soli Deo Gloria,” I found this one and got the right song for it!
Thank you for making this available … Is it possible to make a copy of the lyrics available? (I’d love to sing this but need to prepare a powerpoint for the congregation to join in)
Reformation Song
Tim Chester and Bob Kauflin
Your word alone is solid ground, the mighty rock on which we build.
In every line the truth is found and every page with glory filled.
Through faith alone we come to you, we have no merit we can claim
Sure that Your promises are true, we place our hope in Jesus’ name.
Gloria, gloria, Glory to God alone.
Gloria, gloria, Glory to God alone.
In Christ alone we’re justified, His righteousness is all our plea.
Your law’s demands are satisfied; His perfect work has set us free.
Gloria, gloria, Glory to God alone.
Gloria, gloria, Glory to God alone.
By grace alone we have been saved, all that we are has come from you.
Hearts that were once by sin enslaved, now by your pow’r have been made new.
Gloria, gloria, Glory to God alone.
Gloria, gloria, Glory to God alone.
Additional final verse for Reformation Sunday:
And on this Reformation day we join with saints of old to sing;
We lift our hearts as one in praise: glory to Christ our gracious King.
Music and words by Tim Chester and Bob Kauflin. Copyright 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All Rights Reserved. Administered worldwide at, excluding the UK which is adm. by Integrity Music, part of the David C. Cook family. CCLI# 7088632
Thank you!
i love this ………………….
How can I get copies of the song for the choir? If I print out copies, who do I pay for the rights?
Thanks for asking! Dan Kreider has arranged it here:
Thanks! I think our choir can do it with two rehearsals, so we’ll sing it on Reformation Sunday, 10/29/2017 in New Hampshire.
That’s fantastic! I pray it serves your church for the glory of God!
Will you holding worship conference or training 2018 in california
Maria, thanks for asking. The only WorshipGod conference we have planned in 2018 right now is in Frisco, TX, July 25-28.
Here in Mexico we want to sing in our Churches that beautiful song! Can I translate it into Spanish?
Marco, you can use this one:
And here’s the mp3:
Bob, I can’t stop listening to this song! THANK YOU for using your amazing talent to write doctrinally sound worship music. The exuberance in this is simply infectious- impossible not to join in “glory to God alone!” Love it!
Thanks so much, Angela!
Is there a guitar tab for the second guitar. I am having a small problem picking out all his notes.
I”m sorry, there’s not, Rick. Thanks for asking!
Hey Rick, I need the same thing. Did you ever get this figured out or find a resource for it? God bless,
I’ve been desperately searching for the piano score to this beautiful hymn. Unfortunately, the link above “UPDATE: Reformation Song – PIANO/CHOIR/STRINGS SCORE” does not work. Is this fixable, or can you direct me elsewhere to download or purchase the piano accompaniment? Thanks!
Julie, thanks for letting me know. The link should be fixed now.
Thank you! Much appreciated!
Good day! Would like to ask if you have available accompaniment or instrumental of this song that can be bought? Thank you so much.
I’m sorry, but we don’t have one!
oh I see.. Thank you! :)