My Music

From 1985 until the present I’ve been involved with the music of Sovereign Grace Churches as a songwriter, producer, arranger, and executive producer. Sovereign Grace is a family of churches passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1981, we’ve been devoted to planting and supporting local churches, and describe our doctrine as evangelical, Reformed, and continuationist.

The primary goal of Sovereign Grace Music is to produce Christ-exalting songs and training for the Church from our local churches. We call it sound+doctrine. We write songs that are theologically substantive, reflective of the gospel, and musically creative, to the end of building and planting churches.

You can find out more about our music at the Sovereign Grace Music website or on social media.

My other musical life was with the group GLAD. I was a member from 1972-1984, but continued to write and arrange for them until 2006. GLAD was started as a band, but became known as a vocal group due to the success of The Acappella Project, which was actually our 8th album. It’s available at GLAD’s website, or you can download the MP3s and listen to samples at Amazon.  My most well known GLAD song is probably In the First Light, which has also been recorded by Point of GraceTodd Agnew, and Travis Cottrell. Ironically, I originally wrote “In the First Light” for a local singer, Kathy Sinni, who wanted to sing an “all year round” Christmas song. Glad she asked, no pun intended.

42 Responses to My Music

  1. Darrell LeBlanc June 16, 2014 at 10:05 PM #

    Many, if not all, of the music links do not work. Just so you know. Appreciate this blog and Sovereign Grace music.

    • Bob Kauflin June 17, 2014 at 3:07 PM #

      Thanks, Darrell. We’ll get them fixed.

  2. catmariemiller April 23, 2015 at 9:10 PM #

    I’m probably one of the few 28 year olds that remember GLAD and grew up listening to The Acapella Project. LOVE IT. I even saw the group perform at University Baptist Church in Miami as a kid!

  3. Scott August 3, 2015 at 9:30 PM #

    Had a wonderful time at Worship God 15. Is there a place where I can find songs from the conference? I’m looking for This is our God?

    • Bob Kauflin August 4, 2015 at 6:12 PM #

      Scott, I’ll be posting the songs later this week. Thanks for coming to the conference!

  4. Matthew August 4, 2015 at 2:55 AM #

    Can I ask a questiion about where the money goes when buying or listening your album of SGM?

    • Bob Kauflin August 4, 2015 at 6:14 PM #

      Sure, Matthew. The money goes to pay all the costs of making the album. Those include studio costs, engineers, designers, producers, musicians, support staff, transcribers, administration, manufacturing, promotion, and distribution.

      • Matthew August 10, 2015 at 3:59 AM #

        Nice to hear that, because I love your music and the lyrics of your music really biblical and touched my heart so much to the things I made in the past, epescailly the song All I have is Christ and Oh Deep Deep Love of Jesus. So different to other CCMs I am listening, may God continue use you to produce more songs all about God the Father and to His only Son Jesus Christ :D

  5. Gloria Blair February 9, 2016 at 2:17 PM #

    Words are so hard for me to express my love for this music.I will tell you these songs cause me to worship. A precious brother of yours who’s written and sang many of the songs sent me many free ones which I will always be greatful. These songs our so glorifying of our sovereign God so thank you very much.

    • Bob Kauflin February 9, 2016 at 3:33 PM #

      Gloria, thank you for your kind words. I’m glad our songs are serving you!

  6. Jason Swiers June 2, 2016 at 1:22 AM #

    Mr. Kauflin,

    I very much enjoyed your leading us in worship for T4G. My only frustration is that T4G only happens every 2 years. Thank you Thank you Thank you!

    Is there another T4G album coming out? If so, do you know whe and I can’t wait!

    God bless you!

    • Bob Kauflin June 2, 2016 at 10:36 AM #

      Thanks, Jason! It was a privilege to lead the music for T4G. Lord willing, we’ll have another album out late August or early September. Thanks for asking!

  7. Bethel June 15, 2016 at 6:43 PM #

    I love your work with Glad. Do you own sole copyright on your arrangement of “Just As I Am?” Alas, I can’t seem to find sheet music for it anywhere!

  8. Debra Cabrera July 15, 2016 at 6:24 PM #

    Hi – I am so excited to have found your page. I picked up your book Worship Matters and am being blessed by it. We are a young Spanish church with a limited worship leader. I have been helping out and praying I can fill those shoes if ever needed – unless the Lord brings in a worship director, which we have been praying for. My question is – what Spanish resources websites, etc. would you recommend that would be able to help me in selecting good songs and with preparation. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Bruce Lang April 25, 2017 at 8:40 PM #

    Wow, not sure if you remember me from Living Word Community back in the Ron Klaus days.
    I have an old album of yours, Heroic Piano, and the tape just isn’t any good anymore. I tried to digitize it but it’s off. I did not see anything on ebay or amazon. Is there a place where that can be downloaded? I saw somewhere a heroic Piano .zip file but it’s not active anymore.

    • Bob Kauflin April 26, 2017 at 11:46 AM #

      Bruce, thanks for asking! I can’t find my copy, but might be able to find one when I get back to the office. I will let you know.

  10. Sam September 16, 2017 at 11:21 PM #

    Hello, Bob.

    I am not sure if you can help me with this, but I am dying to get a positive response from you. I have searched to the ends of the earth for the 1987 album “Arise – Windows On The World – Music For A People Of Destiny”, but have not found a single person or entity advertising it for sale. Please, how/where can I purchase the recording? Please help!

    • Bob Kauflin September 17, 2017 at 7:08 AM #

      Sam, great to hear from you. I don’t know about the “Windows of the World” title, but we have access to “Arise! Music for a People of Destiny” album. Email me at Thanks!

      • Sam September 17, 2017 at 10:27 AM #


        The email I sent to bounced back; so, I sent another email to I hope you received it.

        Thank you,

        • Bob Kauflin September 17, 2017 at 11:32 PM #

          That’s the right email address.

          • Sam September 17, 2017 at 11:56 PM #

            Thank you, Sir. I already emailed you this morning.

  11. Quyen Doan October 10, 2017 at 9:22 PM #

    Hi Bob
    My name is Quyen, a worship leader at The Alliance Vietnamese Church of Philadelphia. I am the first time here. I just bought your Worship Matters book and love it a lot ! Thank you so much for that. I am sorry for do not ask your permission to translate your song “Reformation Hymn” in Vietnamese and sing at my church to celebrate 500 year celebration of the Reformation! The church and I just loved it ! I am sorry but thank you so much for composing the song. Do I own you anything for it ?
    May God bless you.
    In Christ we serve.

    • Bob Kauflin October 10, 2017 at 10:55 PM #

      Quyen, I’m glad the song served you and thanks for translating it! Can you email me at I’d like to get a copy. Thanks so much! And I”m glad my book is serving you!

  12. Rick Kirby October 12, 2017 at 8:07 AM #

    Bob where can I find a chord sheet for the T4G arrangement of a las and did my savior bleed?

  13. Kevin October 12, 2017 at 12:18 PM #

    Hello – I have found the music to a hymn I love that is not in my church’s hymn book. What are the copyright permissions concerning being able to print out copies of the hymn “I Asked the Lord” ( to distribute in my small local church to learn the hymn, and to sing it together? Thanks.

    • Bob Kauflin October 12, 2017 at 6:21 PM #

      Kevin, thanks for asking! The words and music are public domain, so copy away!

  14. melinda December 22, 2018 at 6:44 AM #

    Were you at a house church in Purcellville Virginia, 1973-1975????

    • Bob Kauflin December 22, 2018 at 5:14 PM #

      Nope. I was in Philadelphia, attending Temple University.

  15. Jennifer Clarke March 3, 2019 at 9:07 PM #

    Just wanted to let you know how much I am being blessed by your version of the Deep Deep Love of Jesus. I sing it to myself over and over again. What a beautiful melody you have given these old lyrics. It has brought the hymn alive for me. Thank you so much. God Bless you in you work for Him.

  16. Jeff Tutterow September 2, 2020 at 5:04 PM #

    Hello Mr. Kauflin,

    In searching for an arrangement of “O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus”, I found the Enfield version posted on Youtube in 2011. I have been listening to it over and over – such a powerful message in this hymn, and such a glorious arrangement!

    Searching further led me to Resolved Music and then here. i suppose I was “resolved’ to find this music.

    Is there any place I can get an instrumental of this arrangement (mp3, WAV, etc.)? I would like to propose using it in an upcoming service to our Minister of Music.

    Let me also say I am a fan of Sovereign Grace Music. I have purchased several tracks, and it is one of the sites I look to when searching something particular. I love the well-done re-arrangements of traditional hymns and the original music.

    I look forward to your response –

    Blessings in Christ,


  17. Drew Collins April 15, 2021 at 5:24 PM #

    Any hope of “Heroic Piano” album becoming available for digital download? Like on iTunes or something?

    • Bob Kauflin April 17, 2021 at 4:55 PM #

      Drew, email me at

      • Travis G February 18, 2023 at 12:08 AM #

        Hey Bob, I sent you an email this week about some older worship albums and wasn’t sure if your email address is still active or not. I’d love to hear back.

        Kind regards!

        • Bob Kauflin February 18, 2023 at 12:04 PM #

          You should have heard back from Bekah!


  1. Interview with Greg Hagan on Becoming a Better Guitarist, PT 1 | Church Outreach Ministry - February 1, 2011

    […] also learned that Greg had attended a GLAD concert when he was a teenager that helped open his eyes to the ways different kinds of music can […]

  2. Interview with Greg Hagan on Becoming a Better Guitarist, PT 1 | church growth ministry - February 2, 2011

    […] also learned that Greg had attended a GLAD concert when he was a teenager that helped open his eyes to the ways different kinds of music can […]

  3. Resources for Leading Worship from Bob Kauflin | GraceUnited - September 7, 2012

    […] currently have the privilege of serving as the Director of Sovereign Grace Music for Sovereign Grace Ministries. My main tasks include equipping pastors and musicians in the […]

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