Another Christmas CD Recommendation

Worshipmusic_1871_34446221 Last year I came across An Acoustic Christmas, by guitarist Tom Hemby. The review I read said this was a CD that would "find its way into your CD player long before the Chistmas Season begins." I’m a fan of instrumental acoustic guitar CD’s, and wondered if the product would live up to its reputation.

Here’s my report. I do indeed listen to these songs all year round. Tom Hemby is a Nashville studio musician who uses God’s gift of creativity to the utmost. He shies away from arranging a song the way others have already performed it, resulting in a CD that is truly remarkable. It’s certainly grown on me over time, but after multiple listenings, I still enjoy his treatments of these Christmas songs. The arrangements are fresh, the styles varied (classical, blues, folk, and more), the sonic quality superb, and the over effect captivating. His skillful use of harmonics is breathtaking at times.

While this CD has little to do with congregational worship, it’s a great example of one man’s efforts to glorify his Savior through skillfully crafted music.

May you be freshly humbled by the coming of the Eternal One Who left his throne of glory to be born as a babe in Bethlehem.

2 Responses to Another Christmas CD Recommendation

  1. Steve S December 23, 2005 at 2:51 PM #

    I ordered this overnight from and got it today. Bob is right — this CD is realllllly well done. Thanks for the recommendation, Bob. I would never have known about this if it weren’t for your column on it. Feel free to recommend any others, too!

    steve :)

  2. matt blick January 3, 2006 at 6:29 PM #

    hi bob
    just an idea for NEXT christmas. how’s that for forward planning!

    having just played the small selection of jazzed up carols that I always seem to do at our christmas meetings I realised that I avoid a lot of the ‘usual suspects’ cos they don’t seem to have any theological truth, gospel or ANYTHING apart from the weather and a name check of who was there (silent night etc). It’s a shame because most of the tunes are great & singable.


    how about inviting people to write a new verse for their favourite christmas favourite(old ones in public domain only). It needs to be in the language style of the original (thees & thous?) , and have some gospel truth in it (though not so much crammed in that it sticks out like a sore thumb).

    You could invite people to send the lyrics about Oct time & then post the best ones on your site for all of us to use . what do you think? I’ll even try to do one myself if you will (think I’ll try “when santa got stuck up the chimney”…just kidding!)

    happy new year

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