This is a little different from my typical Monday devotion, but I thought it might be helpful to share. Yesterday, along with many American churches, we participated in “Pro-Life Sunday.” After singing two songs, we sang O God of Love by Nathan and Louise Fellingham. I then asked everyone to sit down and shared the following comments as part of our corporate worship: We just sang the lines, “You know my frame, you know how I am made, You planned all my days.” These words are taken from Psalm 139, where David writes: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” God has told us clearly in His Word that He forms each child in the womb. Yet on this day, 23 years ago, our Supreme Court challenged this truth by ruling that most laws against abortion violate a constitutional right to privacy. Since that time nearly 46 million children in the United States have never taken their first breath. Churches throughout America mark today as Pro-Life Sunday, and we want to take a few moments to remember why this is such an important issue, and pray for those who have been affected by the tragedy of abortion.
As Christians, we don’t view abortion as a political issue, but a moral issue. God has also told us in His Word:
• that from conception we are made in the image of God (Ps. 139:13)
• that children are a blessing, not an inconvenience (Ps. 127:3)
• that taking innocent human life is morally wrong.
God repeatedly condemns the destruction of the helpless. (Ps. 82:3-4) As God’s people we are called to represent both His justice and His love; His truth and His mercy. We are called to stand up for and protect the unborn, AND to extend God’s forgiveness and grace through the Gospel to those who through ignorance, selfishness, or rebellion have played a part in an abortion.
What can we do to bring glory to God in this tragic situation? We can influence others through our conversations and care, write letters, take in women in crisis pregnancies, adopt unwanted children, and most importantly be a church where human life, from conception to natural death, is seen as sacred and a gift from God. Whatever else we do, we must pray, asking God to uphold the honor of His name and His Word, and to make known His mercy through the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ. So, please join me now as we pray together.
“Father, You are the defender of the helpless and the opposer of those who condemn the innocent to death. We pray: For unborn children – that You would protect them in the womb from Satan’s plans to destroy them. For mothers and fathers – give them conviction that unborn children are made in Your image, courage to stand against those who would choose death, and compassion for the helpless. For those who have chosen or encouraged others to abort their children – that they would come to know the full forgiveness found in the cross of Christ, whose atoning death paid for ALL our sins. For those who prolong the practice of abortion through medical or legal means – that You would frustrate their efforts and cause them to love justice and mercy. For pro-life organizations, crisis pregnancy centers, and those working in the government to protect the unborn – that You would prosper their efforts and give them favor and influence in this country. For Your people, the church, that in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation we would shine as lights in the world, proclaiming truth, offering hope, and demonstrating mercy through Jesus Christ to a world lost in darkness and rebellion. We ask these things confident that You have heard us, and will act to uphold your glory in this and every area, for the sake of our Savior, Jesus Christ, in Whose name we pray”.
We finished with the song His Forever, to remind us of God’s unfailing love to undeserving sinners.
Thank you for writing so well on this unpopular issue (here in the UK at any rate). Randy Alcorn, whose book you’re reading, is a big voice on Pro-Life issues too.
God bless,