Top Ten Reasons to Register Now for the WorshipGod06 Conference

Worshipgod06_3 Some of you who have heard me talk about the WorshipGod06 conference, "The Glory of His Presence," are still wondering whether or not you should come. To help you with your decision, I’ve taken the liberty of listing the top ten reasons why you should make this a matter of prayer.

#10. Gaithersburg, Maryland, like all of metropolitan Washington, D.C., is lovely in August; a veritable tropical paradise, a vacation hot-spot, rivaling the Bahamas in appeal.

#9. Pre-registration ends in 5 days, July 23. You can still register at the door, but you won’t get a fancy pre-printed name tag, and you’ll avoid the potentially dangerous experience of on-site registration, which can at times be reminiscent of European soccer crowds.

#8. Jeff Purswell had to cancel out of teaching the seminar "Worshipping the Triune God," but Dr. Bruce Ware has graciously agreed to fill in for him. If you don’t know who Bruce is, see my post from yesterday. In addition, Randy Alcorn is still scheduled to speak Saturday morning on anticipating God’s presence in heaven.

#7. The price of registration includes a dessert reception on Wednesday night, and lunch on Thursday and Friday. For some of you (and you know who you are), this is one of the best features of the conference.

#6. We’ve had to close a few of the seminars due to space limitations. The sooner you register and pick your seminars the less likely you’ll be the only guitarist in the vocal workshop.

#5. You’ll have the opportunity to meet like-minded believers from exotic places like Zambia, Japan, Australia, Wales, Mexico, Switzerland, and Canada. (Unless you are from one of those countries, in which case you’ll have the opportunity to hang out with Americans. What could be more fulfilling?)

#4. Christian blogger extraordinaire Tim Challies will be live-blogging the conference. Although Tim would confess he’s not a charismatic, you wouldn’t want to miss the possibility of seeing Tim raise his hands in a moment of unguarded passion.

#3. Mark Altrogge will again be giving the announcements. Up until now,
you may have thought of announcements as a boring but necessary part of
events like this. Mark will change all that. Although many know him for his songwriting, it’s his world class announcement gift that sets him apart. Those of you who have attended past conferences know what I’m talking about. It was quite a
coup getting Mark this year, but fortunately he was able to take a
break from his world tour, where he’s promoting his new book "Announcements – Key to Revival.”

#2. You can meet Keith Getty in person, and experience his heart for equipping the church with biblically rich songs, as well as hear Keith and his wife, Kristyn, in concert Friday night. If you play your cards right (or maybe just be yourself), you may even be the object of Keith’s superb gift of mockery.

And the top reason for registering now for the WorshipGod06 Conference:

#1. You’ll have the opportunity to be equipped theologically, challenged spiritually, and trained musically by teachers who love the Savior, practice what they preach in local churches, and who desire with all their hearts to serve you. You’ll also have the opportunity to grow in your passion for God and understand better His purpose for your life.

Many folks have been praying  that God’s Spirit would be active at the conference to equip, challenge, encourage, and change those who  attend. If you aren’t able to make it, please consider praying that God would use this time for His glory, the building of His church, and the advancing of His glorious Gospel throughout the earth.

Hope to see you there.

7 Responses to Top Ten Reasons to Register Now for the WorshipGod06 Conference

  1. Tim Challies July 19, 2006 at 9:52 AM #

    “Christian blogger extraordinaire Tim Challies will be live-blogging the conference. Although Tim would confess he’s not a charismatic, you wouldn’t want to miss the possibility of seeing Tim raise his hands in a moment of unguarded passion.”

    The raising of hands is most likely to correspond with that dessert reception. As in, “who wants some more dessert?”

  2. Paul Martin July 19, 2006 at 10:54 AM #

    Actually, Tim did try to raise his hands at T4G… but he threw his laptop onto the poor guy in front of us.

    I doubt he will try again… the whole event delayed his liveblogging by over 3 minutes. And that just won’t do!

  3. Lindele July 19, 2006 at 5:18 PM #

    Already registered…but more than ever I’m looking forward to this conference, especially after reading Reason #3.

  4. Beth July 19, 2006 at 8:10 PM #

    I’m coming for reason #3.

  5. Alan Smith July 20, 2006 at 11:04 AM #

    …and to those who have been given the gift of announcing, let him announce! (in regards to #3)

  6. Scott Hill July 21, 2006 at 3:20 PM #

    I met Tim at the Shepherd’s Conference in March. I will be waiting with camera in hand to get a photo of Tim with his hands raised. I don’t think Canadians do that.

  7. Matthew Westerholm July 25, 2006 at 6:26 PM #

    I’m in … and bringing friends.

    <>< matthew.

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