I Hasten Towards an Hour

The theme of this year’s New Attitude conference was discernment. One of the primary ways we develop a right perspective on things is by seeing them in light of eternity. What really matters will be so easy to discern the moment we stand face to face with our Creator.

At the last session of the conference, I read a quote from The Valley of Vision, a collection of Puritan prayers and devotions edited by Arthur Bennett. I have used this book in my personal devotions for years and it’s helped me grow in my awareness of my sin and my gratefulness for the Gospel. This particular section from the prayer "Openness" helps me better understand what I should be pursuing right now.

I hasten towards an hour
When earthly pursuits and possessions will appear vain,
When it will be indifferent whether I have been rich or poor,
Successful or disappointed,
Admired or despised.
But it will be of eternal moment that I have mourned for sin,
Hungered and thirsted after righteousness,
Loved the Lord Jesus in sincerity,
Gloried in his cross.

0 Responses to I Hasten Towards an Hour

  1. Ian McConnell May 31, 2007 at 11:02 AM #

    This is good. We are doing a series right now through the book of 1 Peter called “Living a Gospel-centered Christ-Magnifying Life No Matter What.” The “no matter what” refers to trials and suffering that are painted upon the canvas of our lives “if necessary.” One of the truths that has been used to catapult me forward in my walk of faith with the Savior is this concept of thinking about the “then” as a means of radically affecting my “now.” Peter says in verse 1:13, “set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” When I bank my all on God’s future grace that will be lavished on me in all it’s fullness “then” it will radically transform my “now.” The primary way it effects my “now” is that I will “prepare my mind for action and be sober.” Keeping eternity on my mind will thrust me into a lifestyle that is characterized by seeking the kingdom first (action). This is how God’s future grace in the gospel moves me to Christ-exalting kingdom action now. This truth has been serving me and our church family so I wanted to share it with you my brother in connection with this post!

    BTW we had a handful of our folks attend NA . . .I spent 2 1/2 listening to one of them recount how God met with them through all of the available means of grace! God was so good to him and thank you for your part and your sons’ part. It must thrill you to see Devon and Jordan using their gifts to boast in our Savior!!! And please get God Over All on a fully produced CD!!

    Could you send me the title for that prayer?

    grace & peace,


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