I woke up this morning (late) with the songs from the Sovereign Grace New Attitude conference flowing through my brain. What a joy it was to sing such rich truths and be reminded of the sovereignty, mercy, and goodness of the Savior. What a joy it was to hear such great biblical teaching from Josh Harris, Eric Simmons, Al Mohler, John Piper, Mark Dever, and C.J. Mahaney on the topic of discernment. All the messages are available for free at the Sovereign Grace site.
I told Josh and Eric that I don’t know of any conference for singles and young couples that has a 52 year old guy in the band. But it was pure joy to be there along with five of my six children. Devon led, Jordan played drums, Megan sang a few sessions, and Chelsea and Brittany, two of my other girls, attended. God has been very kind.
Never did have time to post a blog while I was at the conference, but I wanted to post the songs we sang this year, with links. Most are available from ITunes. We’re working on getting the chart and MP3 for Devon’s new version of What a Savior. If you e-mail me at bob@worshipmatters.com I’d be happy to send you a lead sheet and guitar chart.
Saturday PM
Amazing Grace (Tree63 arrangement)
The Glories of Calvary (Steve and Vikki Cook, from Sovereign Grace Ministries Songs for the Cross-Centered Life)
All Because of Jesus (Steve Fee, from Burn for You)
Grace Unmeasured (Bob Kauflin, from Sovereign Grace Ministries Worship God Live)
Here Is Love (hymn by Robert Lowry and William Edwards, from Passion’s Hymns: Ancient and Modern)
I Love You Lord (Laurie Klein, verse 2 by John Piper, reprinted in comments below)
Sunday AM
All Because of Jesus
Great is the Lord (Tim Neufeld, Ed Cash, Doug McKelvey, from Starfield’s Beauty in the Broken)
Blessed Be Your Name (Matt Redman, from Where Angels Fear to Tread)
What A Savior (verses by Phillip Bliss music and chorus by Devon Kauflin)
Jesus Paid It All (arranged with add’l refrain by Kristian Standfill, from Passion 06: How Great Is Our God)
Sunday Afternoon
Come Thou Fount (hymn)
Unashamed (Starfied, verses 2 & 3, from Beauty in the Broken)
Sunday Night
Come and Listen (David Crowder Band, from the album A Collision)
Great is the Lord
It Was Your Grace (Mark Altrogge, Sovereign Grace Music, orig. version on Sovereign Grace Ministries Valley of Vision, remix on Asleep in A Storm)
Only Jesus (Doug Plank, from Valley of Vision)
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Isaac Watts, from Kathryn Scott’s Satisfy)
Surrender All (Rich Dalmas, Sovereign Grace Music, from Worship God Live)
Monday Morning
It Was Your Grace
Let Your Kingdom Come (Bob Kauflin, from Valley of Vision)
What A Savior
Beautiful the Blood (Steve Fee, from Burn for You)
O Great God (Sovereign Grace Music, from Valley of Vision)
In Christ Alone (Keith Getty and Stuart Townend)
Monday Afternoon
God Over All (Devon Kauflin, Sovereign Grace Ministries Overflow 4)
How Deep the Father’s Love For Us (Stuart Townend)
God Over All
Amazing Grace (a cappella)
Monday Night
Praise to the Lord (From Passion’s Hymns: Ancient and Modern)
Great is the Lord
Holy Holy Holy (Words by Reginald Heber, 1826; music by John Dykes, 1861)
His Forever (Pat Sczebel, from Worship God Live)
Come Thou Fount
Grace Unmeasured
Tuesday Morning
It Was Your Grace
All Because of Jesus
Hallelujah, What a Savior
Let Your Kingdom Come
Jesus Paid it All (Words by Elvina Hall, music by John Grape, add’l bridge by Kristian Stanfill, from Passion’s Everything Glorious)
Mr Kauflin,
Thanks so much for the great work you allow God to do through you. I was wondering if you happened to have audio or just the lyrics for the spontaneous songs you did at New Attitude.
Ed W
I hope to post on Worship Matters both the lyrics and audio to the two spontaneous songs I sang at New Attitude. Thanks for asking.
Thanks, Bob.
Where can I find the additional verse to “I Love You Lord?”
Thanks so much for serving us & leading us to the throne this weekend, Bob! And please say thank-you from me to your sons for doing the same.
hey mr. kaughlin,
i’m a glad reader of your blog, and i wanted to say thanks!
i was wondering if you knew where i could find the chords and lyrics for I Love You Lord (Laurie Klein, verse 2 by John Piper)? and also if you could include john piper’s verse. it would be awesome to praise God with lyrics that really exalt Him.
God bless! and thanks again,
Jonathan Yang
Hello Bob!!!
It was really great meeting you and having that chat with you. I was really blessed by everything this weekend. The messages from those great speakers, the worship lead by your son and you, those chats with our family groups, and the direct chats I had with some of the speakers. Thank you again for everything that you do for the Lord, and I’ll let you know how that translation project is coming along
Thanks for much for leading us in such wonderful times of worship. With only a couple of exceptions, I had never heard any of this music before and was really struck by the power of the music and lyrics. Thank you so much for posting a full list of where to find everything!
Just wanted to encourage you by thanking you for your humble service of all of us singles at Na. I enjoy reading your blog, and you are a very gifted worship leader.
I am thankful too that you posted these songs on the blog here, I cannot wait to learn some of these new ones on guitar.
Also, It was good to chat with you at Starbucks about GLAD … I’m gonna get that song you recommended!
God bless you
Mr. Kauflin,
First, let me say, “thank you so much for your music this weekend, it was a blessing an a joy to worship with you.” Second, I want to ask about the song “Man of Sorrows.” Where can I find chords and an mp3? I was extremely blessed by this new rendition of an already fantastic and cherished hymn.
Hey Bob,
How can we get that arrangement and chorus for Hallelujah What a Savior that Devon wrote??
Thank you so much for sharing these songs with us. I’ve already downloaded a few them on iTunes. It is helping me so much to be able to continue soaking myself in these truths now that I’m home!
I am so grateful for the way you serve our group of churches. God deeply impacted me during one of your prophetic songs this week. Thank you for being willing to be used of God. May He continue to richly bless you.
I was particularly struck by a worship song that used the words “surrender all” (I thought perhaps that was the name) but I can’t find the song on the songlist. Perhaps it was “God Over All”? I think we first sung it Sunday night. I would love the words. How can I get them? Thanks for serving God and us so faithfully – Beth
Hi Mr. Kauflin,
Thanks so much for serving in worship. Your prophetic song about waiting on the Lord even when He is silent ministered a lot to me. I so appreciate you using your gifting to so effectively encourage the Body of Christ!!
Thanks also for posting the links to the songs – I’m thinking about getting Steve Fee’s “Burn For You” CD for my dad for Father’s Day. Then there’s a chance we’ll be singing one of those songs on a Sunday morning!
Grace and God bless,
Thanks for asking about Surrender All. You’re right. We sang it after C.J.’s message. I updated the list with the links. Good catch!
Killer song list! I am amazed at how well these songs prepared us for the messages we were about to hear. This is exactly what I needed to meditate on before being exposed to preaching on discernment – a humbling of my heart and a renewed commitment to love Jesus sacrificially.
I found Starfield’s ‘Great is the Lord’ particularly hard to sing the first night. Wow, can I really praise God even if all I’ve ever worked for comes to nothing…? It challenged me to consider the fact that all I do is done for him, by him, and through him. Thanks for listening to the Holy Spirit as you chose what we would be singing.
I was really thankful for that 52 yr old guy in the band-prophetic words, spontaneous songs, prayers, exhortations, and Spirit-led worship collaborating w/ Devon/Josh/the band really helped me to see the Savior
This weekend helped me realize another reason why our worship leader in Gilbert,AZ is so effective
Thank you Mr.Kauflin
I saw on earlier comments that you said you were hoping to post both the lyrics and audio to the two spontaneous songs. I just wanted to say thank you in advance. One of them, in particular impacted me deeply. I know that it will be extremely encouraging and challenging to be able review it again.
Hi Bob!
Thank you SO MUCH for how you first serve Sovereign Grace so effectively by God’s grace! The Lord has used you tremendously in my life, which causes me to rejoice at thinking the Lord has used you in such God-glorifying ways in so many other persons’ lives. I thank the Lord for you!
Also, thank you for how you served us so effectively and tirelessly at New Attitude. Whew! I enjoyed the worship so much!
I have a HUGE favor to ask of you (I e-mailed a couple other SGM staff members too). I have a dear friend who was greatly ministered to by your prophetic song from Sunday night at New attitude 07 about feeling at times that the Lord is silent or have lost a loved one. They have asked me to look into seeing if we could obtain a recording of it. Was it recorded either by video or audio, and if so would I be able to obtain a copy? That would serve SO MUCH.
God bless!
In Christ alone,
Franz Schneider
Grace Community Church – Westminster, CO
P.S. Thank you also for leading such a huge choir! That was an undeserved privilege to worship Lord with you all in that way!
Who out there knows who wrote the newer 4th verse to “Come Thou Fount”?
Thanks so much for helping us by supplying this songlist. Finding great songs is so crucial to what we do. I may be missing something, but I did not see any information on “How Beautiful the Blood.” Do you have any information on it?
Hey, Todd.
Thanks for the heads up. I added the info for Beautiful the Blood, by Steve Fee.
I have a very rough copy (.wav file) of the prophetic song about God’s grace in suffering and I’ve had to listen to it over and over to make out the lyrics, but I believe these are accurate. Praise God! I struggle with Fibromyalgia and other conditions which result in chronic pain and fatigue. I cry with relief and gratitude every time I listen to my recording of this song from the Lord.
Mr. Kauflin, thank you so much for allowing yourself to be used by the Holy Spirit – I believe He is pleased and we are greatly blessed.
Do you believe that I know what is best?
Do you believe that I’ve chosen you for this test?
Though you may not understand it
Though you may not have a clue
I’ve designed what you’re going through just for you
I’ve heard the questions that you’ve asked me
When you wonder if I care
My promises are trustworthy
You can know I’ll be there
My son knows your weaknesses
Suffered in your place
He took the pain that you deserved
So that you could know my grace
There will be a day
When there’ll be no more pain
Look upon my face
And know the trial was worth it
All the things I do
I’m working now in you
To trust me, to know me, to believe me, to love me
To draw close to you
And If I heal you
I can heal you
I have power to turn this around
If you don’t healing until you see me
Anything can be changed
You wonder if I know what is best
I’ve chosen you for this test
My grace is sufficient for all that you need
My grace will lead you to me
Hey, I saw that you would send the lead sheet to “Faithful” by Steve Fee. That’d be awesome!
Francie, I’m not sure where you got that info, but I can’t send you the lead sheet to Faithful. You might be able to find it at worshiptogether.com or at Steve’s myspace site. The chords alone are available at http://pwarchive.com/song.aspx?SongID=2857&v=1.