Here are two more outlines from messages I gave at the Christian Musician Summit in Overlake, Washington.
On Saturday morning, I had the privilege of speaking to the entire group on the topic of “Does God Even Like Our Music?” I figured in a conference of almost 3000 musicians, it’s important to know whether or not our music is actually pleasing to the one we’re there to worship. The answer has little to do with style, generations, or beat. It has everything to do with our hearts and life.
In the second seminar I addressed the subject of “Worshiping God While Making Music.” To start things off I gave away a number of CD’s, and met a couple that had come all the way from Singapore to attend the conference. It was humbling to meet them. In my message, I covered the importance of skill, identifying evidences of pride, and understanding worship biblically.
I read through your notes from “Does God Even Like Our Music?” What an encouragement to me. I have been fortunate to sit under Mark Altrogge at Sov Grace of Indiana PA. What great musicians. I am now part of the church plant Sov Grace Church of Central PA and will be leading worship. Your notes revealed the sin of pride in my heart as I have been fearful that I am not a “good” musician. Thoughts such as “I cannot play like Mark or Stephen Altrogge, Greg King” have invaded my thoughts. Your article has really encouraged me as I am brought to the realization that it is not my music that worships our Father but my heart. As I consider this I see that while Mark, Stephen and Greg are great musicians their effectiveness in leading worship is that they are passionate worshipers not performers. Thank you for exposing and encouraging – God’s Spirit used your writing to expose sin, while not condemning but encouraging me. Thank you.
one of my mentors let me hear your audio sermon “worship: what really matters.” It was such a blessing to me and the people I shared it with. I am a pastor/musician and have been in-charge of the music ministry of our local congregation here in the philippines.this website has been a great help. I hope (together with other filipinos like me out there)you could visit our country in the future. Keep up the good work for God’s greater glory Bob!
Thanks for your encouragement, and for seeking to bring glory to the Savior in the Philippines.
I am so happy and blessed with your life, the way God put everything in order for you, the transparency of your service.
God speed-