The Book is Finally Done

picture-1.pngFor those of you who have been following this blog for a while, you know that I’ve been working on a book for over a year now. I’m happy to report that I’m finally done. The book will be called Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God and will be published by Crossway. I mailed in the final manuscript about two weeks ago, and I’m one happy guy. Lord willing, it will be available in April.

The book is written for those who lead congregational worship in song, but I think it will serve anyone in leadership, as well as Christians who want to discover more about what it means to worship God. Not surprisingly, I’m already thinking about what I didn’t say and what I could have said better, but thankfully, it’s out of my hands now and I don’t think Crossway is going to let me change anything.

I originally asked my dear friend C.J. Mahaney to write a foreword, because no one has influenced my life more in the area of leading worship. But C.J. thought I should ask someone who might be better known and not a part of Sovereign Grace. So I asked Matt Redman, a man I respect and appreciate deeply. Matt said he wasn’t able to do it. Then I asked John Piper, another man I respect and appreciate deeply. He couldn’t do it either. I went back and asked C.J. again and he again encouraged me to think of someone who might introduce the book to a wider audience. During that conversation I told him about some recent conversations with Paul Baloche that were encouraging. “What about Paul?” he asked.

I had thought of Paul previously, but decided against asking him because I critique one of his songs, “Above All,” in the book. “I can’t ask someone to write a foreword for my book when I say something critical about one of their songs.” But I’ve known Paul for a few years, and thought I’d ask him anyway, after alerting him to the fact that I used his song as a negative example.

Surprisingly, Paul agreed to write the foreword. Or maybe I should say unsurprisingly, because Paul is a genuinely humble man. For as long as I’ve known him he has never stopped seeking to grow in his love for the Savior or his commitment to serving God’s people. So he wrote a very kind foreword. And I’m very grateful.

I’ve also been receiving endorsements, which has been humbling. When I asked people to endorse my book, I was well aware that all of them carry full loads, and have better things to do than read a pre-published manuscript. But for whatever reason, people have found time and have been sending me gracious comments. I can only believe the best and assume they really read the book…

All that to say, I’m grateful for the opportunity to even write a book, and even more grateful to actually see it published. I’d appreciate your prayers that God use it in some small way to raise up more leaders committed to God-glorifying, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered corporate worship.

And if you’re one of those people who likes doing things months in advance, feel free to pre-order a copy at Amazon.

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23 Responses to The Book is Finally Done

  1. Gabriel Gagnon November 28, 2007 at 6:41 PM #

    Wow!!! You finished it! Congrats! From my point of view it feels like you just started it. Hahaha, Well I’m glad you’re done and I can’t wait to read it!!! I’m sure it’s very God glorifying. don’t stop what you’re doing! Keep it Christ-Centered

  2. Miguel Medina November 28, 2007 at 6:47 PM #

    Praise God! He has used you for His glory and I’m completely in faith that He will do the same with the book.

  3. Ryan Stockton November 28, 2007 at 8:34 PM #

    Congrats Bob! God has worked in you to be an inspiration to myself and many others who check out your blog. I pray that your book touches many lives to make more and better worshipers of our big-time God! I’ll pick up a copy as soon as I can!

  4. Dave Miers November 28, 2007 at 10:44 PM #

    congrats on finishing.

    hope and pray that God would use it for his glory.

  5. Aaron Campbell November 28, 2007 at 11:13 PM #

    Congratulations, Bob! That is great news for you and for all of us who can’t wait to get our hands on it! So when are you going to start your next book? ;)


  6. Samuel Sutter November 28, 2007 at 11:33 PM #

    Congrads! I’m excited about this contribution to the Church. I look forward to reading it.

  7. Sam Shin November 29, 2007 at 12:15 AM #

    Bob, I am so happy for you and have been richly blessed by your ministry. This is one book on worship I plan on passing along to many. I also have really appreciated your review of Paul Baloche and it has really made me appreciate him as well. Thank you.

  8. Bob Kauflin November 29, 2007 at 6:59 AM #

    All, thanks for the encouraging comments. They’re very meaningful.

    Aaron, I’m thinking of just focusing on music for the rest of my life. It’s a lot easier. I’ll never say again that writing a song is hard.

  9. West Breedlove November 29, 2007 at 8:41 AM #

    Congrats friend. Thanks for serving us in such a tangible way.

  10. don gale November 29, 2007 at 8:49 AM #

    Hey Bob,

    Do you think we could get a table of contents, an outline, or something? Do you know when it will be released? Reading your post, it made me think of how nerve-racking it could be writing a book. Authors really put themselves out there to be ridiculed and criticized. Sounds like a humbling experience. I can’t wait to read the book. Thanks.

  11. Jayson Wittrup November 29, 2007 at 9:24 AM #

    The Paul Baloche thing is soooooo encouraging! I am fully impressed with the humility to give and accept criticism with love. The world just simply does NOT operate that way.

    Praise God for the way that the Gospel works in both of your lives!

  12. Ryan November 29, 2007 at 10:30 AM #

    Congratulations, Bob! I’m really looking forward to reading your book. And props to Paul for being a man with a life that matches his mouth. I always knew there were so many reasons he is one of my favorite worship leaders!

  13. Bart Byl November 29, 2007 at 10:54 AM #

    Bob, that’s great! Your wisdom, humility and gospel-centredness is such a gift to the body of Christ. Can’t wait to read and recommend your new book. Also, thanks for coming out to Vancouver and preaching at Crossway a couple weeks ago – you’re one of my favourite preachers.

  14. Emily November 29, 2007 at 11:15 AM #

    Congrats Bob! The book has been on my Amazon wish list for a while now. I can’t wait to read it!

  15. Ted Slater November 29, 2007 at 11:36 AM #

    Bob — I’ll write your forward! I know of at least one woman and two toddlers who consider me well-known. :-)

    I’m looking forward to purchasing a copy of your book, Bob, and sharing it with my worship team here in Colorado Springs.

  16. phil November 29, 2007 at 12:47 PM #

    Congratulations, Bob! I can’t wait to read your book, and to give a copy to our worship leader!

  17. Jeri Tanner November 29, 2007 at 5:29 PM #

    Very exciting, Bob! I am looking forward to getting my own copy and giving others away. This book should prove to be very useful and a great blessing.

  18. Paul Hayes November 29, 2007 at 10:28 PM #

    Bob,What a relief for you! As the old Dylan album title went: “Slow Train Coming”! It was fascinating to see behind the scenes what writing a book is like. Thanks for going through all the trials to help your brothers in Christ!
    Paul Hayes

  19. Drew November 30, 2007 at 1:22 PM #

    Hey Bob,

    I’ve only recently begun reading your blog, but your thoughts here have opened my mind to a new perspective and appreciation for God’s grace and how it relates to musical worship. I have only a small, non-leadership role in our church’s music ministry, but I can’t wait to read your book. THANK YOU for your devotion to the Gospel!

  20. Dan Wilt December 4, 2007 at 9:06 AM #

    Congrats. The baby is officially born.

    Good work.


  1. i am an offering - November 29, 2007

    Paul Baloche Proves Himself Again…

    I’ve always enjoyed Paul Baloche as a worship leader for many reasons.  He writes good music that’s singable and full of great content.  He creates fantastic resources for worship leaders and is a good teacher.  I met him once and he too…

  2. Can you say “Anticipation”?: Bob Kauflin’s new book “Worship Matters” « FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH - November 29, 2007

    […] Bob Kauflin’s new book “Worship Matters”  Well, apparently it’s FINALLY DONE!  This one book I am most definitely […]

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