New Song — Jesus Died for Me

Glorify is a live recording from Metro Life Church, one of the Sovereign Grace churches in Orlando, FL. I posted on it briefly a while back. The CD has a number of great songs, but I wanted to focus on one we taught our church this past Sunday, Jesus Died for Me. The original lyrics were written by William Hiley Bathburst, but the music and additional words are by Steve and Vikki Cook. The bridge that the Cooks added soars musically and reminds us that we owe everything to the One who redeemed us from the punishment we deserved and reconciled us to God. It’s a beautiful song in a varying time signature, that uses a penny whistle on the turnaround. We used a choir to sing the first two verses and the bridge, and then invited the congregation to join in. Here are the lyrics:

Vs. 1
My God when I approach Your throne
And all Your glory see
This is my stay and this alone
That Jesus died for me

Vs. 2
How can a soul condemned to die
Escape your just decree?
A vile unworthy wretch am I
But Jesus died for me

What glorious love, redeeming love
That bore my shame on Calvary
I will forever sing His praise
Because I owe Him everything

Vs. 3
Weighed down with sin’s oppressive chain
Oh how can I get free?
No peace can all my efforts gain
But Jesus died for me

Vs. 4
One day I’ll look upon Your face
And this will be my plea
“Save me by Your almighty grace
For Jesus died for me”
Copyright 2006 Before the Throne Music.

Our congregation loved it. I think yours will, too. You can listen to a clip of the song and buy the CD at the Glorify website.

Click here for the lead sheet, and here for the guitar chart.

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6 Responses to New Song — Jesus Died for Me

  1. Ryan January 30, 2008 at 3:44 PM #

    Hey Bob, this comment is not regarding this post, forgive me. But I have a question for ya,

    How do you (general “you” as well as “you” personally) get people to love worshiping God? I am trying at my church, and I realize that only God can work in a person’s heart, but he has called me to bring people to him as well. However, people arrive late, start packing their stuff to leave during the last song, etc… We have tried switching things around in terms of order, etc… We use the worship time as not just a song time, but have times to pray, interact with the music, etc… However, I feel like I’ve got at least 3 songs a week or so that end up being “throw-away” songs. It sucks, but I’m kinda not sure what to do at this point. Any thoughts would be really appreciated. Any links or ideas to help me teach or help our people to love God enough to WANT to worship him corporately. Man. Long comment.

    See you at the conference,
    ~Ryan Stockton

  2. Bob Kauflin January 30, 2008 at 4:42 PM #


    This post might help.

    Sounds like, though, the problem is more than just switching the order of the meeting. People have to want to come to meet God, be with his people, and have their hearts transformed by the Gospel and God’s Word. I’d talk to your pastor and strategize together what you can do to build people’s faith for the meeting.

  3. Bob Kauflin February 5, 2008 at 10:24 AM #

    I talked with Steve Cook about the last line of this hymn and he suggested singing, “I’m saved by Your almighty grace.” A helpful solution.

  4. west February 5, 2008 at 11:56 AM #

    I have “cognitive rest” with Steve’s rephrasing.

  5. Ruth Burge February 11, 2008 at 11:06 AM #

    So I took your advice and ordered the CD and love the song. So, now how do I get a lead sheet for it so we can use it in our worship? Thanks!

  6. Sam Parish April 26, 2019 at 5:16 PM #

    “Jesus, Died for Me” is my favorite song by Vikki Cook. Thank you Vikki awesome job on the remake. I often need to be reminded that Jesus died for me.

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