Does God Sing?

At the end of September I’ll be speaking at the Desiring God National Conference, The Power of Words and the Wonder of God. To help promote the conference, they videotaped interviews with all the main speakers, which include Sinclair Ferguson, Paul Tripp, and Mark Driscoll.

Scott Anderson spent about 90 minutes asking me various questions related to singing, the theme of my message at the conference. In this clip I talk briefly about how singing praise to God is partly motivated by knowing that God himself sings. Considering the cost the Savior paid to enable us to hear the triune God singing over us in eternity is a thought that never fails to affect me.

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4 Responses to Does God Sing?

  1. Chelsea July 11, 2008 at 11:53 AM #

    I love your thoughts on this. That must be why music is so powerful and considered a “universal language”. I’ve often wondered what it is exactly about music that grips us so much, brings people together and affects our emotions. Really when you break it down it just a series of vibrations in the air at certain frequencies. But the fact that God sings would definitely explain why we can’t help but respond to music.

  2. Nicki O'Donovan July 11, 2008 at 10:32 PM #

    This is a very moving picture…God singing over His people. To think that any choir or voice we hear on earth and the most beautiful musical sounds we create, are inspired by Him and are just a tiny reflection Him. I can’t even begin to imagine how magnificently awesome and glorious it will be to hear God sing in eternity!

  3. henny July 14, 2008 at 9:18 PM #

    Your emotion there, right in the middle, brought me to the same. I have treasured Zeph 3:17 for a long time. I’m so glad many shares the same anticipation, or at least you do.
    May that Day quickly come. When you and I will stand in the midst of the multitudes, in Jesus, listening to Him singing over us.
    Thanks for your blog.
    Praise the Lord.

  4. Dave Elsing July 25, 2008 at 4:52 AM #

    Awesome! I can’t wait for the day that christ will finally bring salvation to his people and we rejoice at the wedding supper of the lamb.

    Thanks for that Mr. K

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