If there are any Sovereign Grace books, albums, or resources you’ve been thinking about getting or giving to someone else, now’s the time to order them. Our February sale ends tomorrow at midnight, and you just can’t buy this stuff cheaper anywhere else.
We’re selling books for $7 or less. Here are a few I’d recommend:
Humility: True Greatness (C.J. Mahaney)
Living the Cross Centered Life ( C.J. Mahaney)
When Sinners Say “I Do” (Dave Harvey)
Sex is not the Problem (Lust Is) (Josh Harris)
Worldliness (C.J. Mahaney, ed.)
Worship Matters (not to sound self-promoting…)
Here are some of our albums you can buy for $6:
Sons & Daughters (songs on our adoption in Christ)
To Be Like Jesus (our newest kids’ CD)
Psalms (songs inspired by Psalms)
Valley of Vision (from the book of Puritan prayers)
Come Weary Saints (encouragement during trials)
Worship God Live (recorded in 2005)
Together for the Gospel Live (recorded at the 2008 conference)
Awesome God (our first kids’ CD)
And you can download any of our albums for $5. International shipping is 1/2 off, and continental shipping is free for orders over $15.
The clock is ticking.
So what are you waiting for?
Just to set the record straight… Is the deal for the 3 Songbook Set for $60 done for this year, or will it return in the coming days?
Nate, we’ll be offering the 3 songbooks for $60 in March as well. Just stop by the online store. Thanks for asking.
I appreciate your prompt response. Thanks!
As a non-Sovereign Grace member let me commend this sale to anyone hesitating.
I’m overwhelmed as a Brit, SGM payed half the postage as well as sellign quality resources to assist me in leading musical worship, not to mention improving family car journeys…. I WANT TO BE LIKE JESUS! TO WALK AND TALK LIKE JESUS!
This stuff is truely “all Age”.
I have purchased:
* Bob’s book, based on his postign and thoughtful comentary over the last 18 motnhs I’ve been following this is incredibly helpful and well roted resouce.
* To Be Like JEsus – CD fully of catchy, wel constructed and far from annoying (thankfully) all-age worship songs. Keep them coming Bob!
*Awesome God – CD
* Psalms – CD
* Sons & Daughters – CD
At 6 bucks a shot for the CDs i almost felt guitly buying them!
Thanks SGM for your willingness to support His wider church.
(a Limey Brother)