I’ll never make any apologies for encouraging Christians to live cross-centered lives, or leaders to lead in gospel-centered ways. Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross which reconciled us to God will always be central to our faith.
But while we are called to glory in the cross of Christ (Gal. 6:14), the death of Christ isn’t meant to stand alone in our thinking or preaching.
And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied. (1 Cor. 15:17-19)
Still, Thomas Schreiner makes this insightful comment:
The central event in the gospel is the death and resurrection of Jesus. These two actions belong closely together (Rom 4:25; 8:34; 1 Cor 15:3-5; 2 Cor. 5:15; Phil 3:10; 1Thess 4:14), but the weight lies on the former.”
So as we gather in a little over a month to observe Holy Week, culminating in the celebration of Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, let’s not forget to remind people why the death that preceded the resurrection was so significant — Jesus fully endured the wrath of God as our substitute, and we no longer need fear God’s wrath or punishment (Rom. 5:1-8).
Easter All Year Round
Having made that clarification, the triumphant victory of the crucified Savior over the grave is something Christians should celebrate the whole year, not just at Easter. We worship a risen Savior!
Because we tend to sing a high percentage of songs about the resurrection on Easter Sunday, I thought I’d take the opportunity to suggest some songs I’ve become aware of that highlight the resurrection, especially in view of the cross. Before you read this list, you might want to check out the other songs I suggested in 2006 and 2007.
Happy Day – Tim Hughes
Uptempo celebration of Christ’s victory over the grave.
The greatest day in history
Death is beaten, you have rescued me
Sing it out, Jesus is alive
His Name is Jesus – Judah Groveman
All Hail the Power with a new chorus.
His name is Jesus, risen Lamb for sinners slain.
A Tomb So Cold – Joel Payne
Uptempo, two verses and bridge.
A tomb so cold, no fitting place
for one whom death could never hold.
You broke the chains, defeated sin,
and glorified you rose again, and you’re reigning
Glorious – Paul Baloche
Mid-tempo song that celebrates the glory of the risen Christ.
Look inside the mystery see the empty cross
See the risen Savior victorious and strong
We Believe – Sam Hargreaves
Uptempo, three verses that explore the suffering Savior, living Savior, and coming Savior.
Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.
You Alone Can Rescue – Matt Redman
Mid-tempo song that emphasizes our inability to save ourselves.
You alone can rescue, You alone can save
You alone can lift us from the grave
Saving One – Starfield
Eminently singable song that proclaims the effects of Christ’s resurrection in our lives.
His love has made a way, the grave is overcome
Jesus is the Christ, the saving One
Christ is Risen – Jeremy Riddle
Anthemic song that celebrates Christ’s victory over the grave. May be better as a special.
Quickly now go tell the world Christ, the Lord, He is risen
The power of death could never hold Him in the grave
Come, Christians Join to Sing – Alt. lyrics vs. 3 and 4 Kevin Hartnett
A great hymn made even better by the lyrical additions of my friend, Kevin Hartnett.
Come, praise the risen Lamb, Alleluia! Amen!
He died to ransom man, Alleluia! Amen!
See What a Morning – Keith Getty and Stuart Townend
12/8 triumphant hymn filled with passionate theology.
See God’s salvation plan wrought in love, borne in pain, paid in sacrifice,
Fulfilled in Christ, the Man, for He lives: Christ is risen from the dead!
The Power of the Cross – Keith Getty and Stuart Townend
Destined-to-be-a-classic modern hymn that focuses on the meaning of Christ’s sufferings.
Curtain torn in two, dead are raised to life
“Finished!” the victory cry
The Risen Christ – Keith Getty and Phil Madeira
Hymn-like prayer, asking the triune God to help us know the Risen Christ.
O breath of God, come fill this place
Revive our hearts to know your grace;
And from our slumber make us rise
That we may know the risen Christ.
My Redeemer Lives – Samuel Medley
Some additional lyrics to this hymn on the Cyberhymnal site.
He lives to silence all my fears, He lives to wipe away my tears
He lives to calm my troubled heart, He lives all blessings to impart.
I Will Rise – Chris Tomlin
Chris personalizes the impact of the resurrection and ties it to Christ’s return.
I will rise when he calls my name, no more sorrow, no more pain.
Okay. That’s my list to get things started. What new (or old) songs have you found that focus on the meaning and significance of Christ’s death and resurrection? If you can give us links and a portion of the lyrics, that’s even better.
I Cling To The Cross – Paul Baloche & Matt Redman
I cling to the cross and everything it means
I know it’s the only hope there is for saving me
For without Your great mercy
I would be forever lost
With a thankful heart I come
And cling to the cross
Standing at the empty tomb
Promises I have in You arise
I was made alive in You
Everything You said was true
You suffered, died, and rose to bring us life
The world behind me, the cross before me
The world behind me, the cross before me
The world behind me, the cross before me
No turning back, no turning back
Hey Bob!
Here’s another Christ is Risen song we use at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. The idea behind this song is the role the cross plays in connecting the first Adam with the second. Christus Victor!
It’s the 4th song down.
Bob – thanks for this post as it will help us as we begin to prepare for celebrating. I’m a big fan of Maher’s Resurrection Day – a great song that’s fun to sing and easy for the congregation to sing and should joyfully.
I’m also partial to a different version of My Redeemer Lives. Same scripture, lyrics are a bit different by Crystal Lewis.
Also, any mention of Phil Madiera is great. I know that song and Phil is a great song writer.
Looking forward to more discussion here as we plan to celebrate Easter together.
Great topic – every Sunday is a little Easter!
A few other songs:
“Mighty to Save” – Hillsong: “you rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave”
“Marvelous Light” – Charlie Hall: “Death has lost its sting – from the grave You’ve risen victoriously”
“Christ is Risen” – Matt Maher (have not used this congregationally yet – but it’s a great song)
“Let God Arise” – Chris Tomlin: “He holds the keys of life our Lord, death has no sting, no final word”
“My Savior Lives” – New Life Church: “I know that my Redeemer lives, and now I stand on what He did – my Savior lives”
Also by Matt Maher, I’d add the song “Christ is Risen”. I love the bridge near the end:
Oh Death
Where is your sting
Oh Hell
Where is your victory
Oh Church
Come stand in the light
The glory of God
Has defeated the night
Singing Oh Death
Where is your sting
Oh Hell
Where is your victory
Oh Church
Come stand in the light
Our God is not dead
He’s alive, He’s alive!
Hopefully this link is ok:
Hi Bob,
Would you mind sharing more of Schreiner’s reasoning for emphasizing Christ’s death more than the resurrection? This is something I’ve seen a lot in SGM churches, and it’s never been something I’ve been fully comfortable with. Personally, I’ve always thought they should hold equal weight, because, while everyone dies, Christ resurrection is what makes his death unique, and is what proved the efficacy of his atonement for our sins. That’s not to say Christ’s death wasn’t critically important as the sacrifice itself, but I’d appreciate hearing more of the thought you posted above. Even better, if you know of any teaching that’s been done on this particular point, please share–I’m aware of lots of messages on the atonement as well as messages on the resurrection, but I’ve never heard a message that contrasts the importance of both.
Thanks for the list Bob – this is really helpful!
I wrote a song for Easter a couple of years ago to celebrate Christ’s resurrection – He has risen.
“…death could not hold him down
sin’s curse has now be bound
He has risen…
…and though we stood condemned
His blood has made amends
He has risen
And every tongue will proclaim
The name above every name
He has risen..”
Listen at – http://www.last.fm/music/Trevor+Hodge/_/He+Has+Risen
or – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Trevor-Hodge/13571914373
words and charts – http://www.trevorhodgemusic.com/Music_Content/Charts_%26_Tips.html
Powerful song with both the cross and the resurrection in the chorus:
At the Cross
By Stephanie Lawrence © 2008
(Vs 1)
Rugged cross, piercing pain
Gods own Son bore my shame
The Father’s plan to cover sin
Love poured out so I could live
At the cross I lay my burdens down
At the cross, mercy I have found
Death could not hold Him, or claim Him,
It’s through the cross I’m free
At the cross on Calvary
His sacrifice became the way
The veil was torn, my debt was paid
My chains released, I’m finally free
I choose to walk in victory
His body broken
His blood was poured out
My sins are forgiven
God’s mercy rained down
You can stream the song here:
The mp3 and chord chart can be downloaded here:
Bob, this song of mine fits in the “Easter all year long” category, but actually focuses on the resurrection power of God in the life of the believer.
You Rolled Away the Stone
By John Green © 2009
(verse 1)
Dead in sin, when you found me
Crushed beneath my guilt and shame
I was lost within the darkness
Until I heard you call my name
You rolled away the stone
You rolled away the stone
Lord you rolled away the stone from my heart
Alive forevermore
I’m alive forevermore
Since you rolled away the stone
Rolled away the stone from my heart
(verse 2)
Alive in Christ, since you raised me
Sheltered safe within your hands
I am walking in the light now
On your grace Lord I will stand
I’ll leave the past behind
My heart has been made new
Forever I’ve been changed by love
All because of You
All because
Listen streaming here:
Download the free mp3 and chord chart here:
Lara Marriott and I wrote this one as a modern hymn.
Her father, worship leader Laurey Berteig did a really cool arrangement the song with a choir. I’ve included a video link below. Unfortunately, when they transcribed the song, they got a few of the words wrong. The lyrics below are the correct ones.
Giver Of Grace
By John Green/Lara Marriot (c) 2009
(Verse 1)
O Great Giver of Grace
Source of boundless love divine
When sin was judged, You took our place
Our salvation to provide
(Verse 2)
On the cross despised and scorned
As the crowds mocked your name
So cruelly crowned with piercing thorns
King who bore our sin and shame
Giver of grace
Giver of grace, no one can fathom
The depth of love that conquered our sin
Christ alone our righteousness
You are the great Giver of Grace
(Verse 3)
Lamb of God, and sinless Son
The Father’s love to us revealed
His mercy poured out from Your wounds
By Your suff’ring we are healed
(Verse 4)
Now on Heaven’s throne You reign
Risen by the Spirit’s might
The Great High Priest of our faith
Christ on You we fix our eyes
Giver of grace
Choir video:
Chord chart:
Lead sheet:
Another modern hymn…
(Verse 1)
JESUS BLOOD TRULY SAVES (first chorus/ stop here)
(Verse 2)
© 2008 Elman Authement/John Green
Free chord chart and lead sheet here:
My favorite Easter song is “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” by Charles Wesley set to the tune of “Easter Hymn.” Each phrase of the song ending with these great Alleluias.
Another good hymn for a processional is “The Strife is O’er, the Battle Done” great opportunity to find some brass players in your church to play the opening Alleluias. Not sure who wrote the text but the English translation by Francis Pott is good and the music originally by Giovanni da Palestrina.
Don’t think me too strange, but I also like Keith Green’s “Easter Song.” I even like Keith’s old version(a few times a year)
On resurrrection/cross: Dr Schreiner is right that in the epistles, relatively more emphasis is put on the cross than on the resurrection (note that all his references are from epistles). But in Acts, the opposite is clearly true; in Revelation, the balance is closer, but that book still leans toward the resurrection.
Most of us, I imagine, follow the pattern of the epistles. So I think we would do well to incorporate the resurrection theme more highly in our services – particularly if we think of ourselves as living out the next chapter of Acts!
I was reading in Acts this morning where the Apostle Paul gives his defense before King Agrippa (Acts 26:22b-23):
“I stand here testifying both to small and great, saying nothing but what the prophets and Moses said would come to pass: that the Christ must suffer and that, by being the first to rise from the dead, he would proclaim light both to our people and to the Gentiles.”
John Stott comments (in The Message of Acts:
And what did Moses and the prophets say would happen? They predicted three events: first that the Christ would suffer, secondly that he would be the first to rise from the dead, and as such, thirdly, that he would proclaim light to his own people and to the Gentiles (23). More simply still, Jesus the Christ was Isaiah’s ‘suffering servant’ of the Lord, who would suffer and die for our sins, be raised and highly exalted, and become a light to the Gentiles. Further, as the gospel centres on Christ’s atonement, resurrection and proclamation (through his witnesses), the resurrection is seen to be indispensable. Paul kept on referring to it during his trials, not in order to provoke the Pharisees and Sadducees into argument, nor only to show that he was faithful to the Jewish tradition, but because the resurrection of Jesus was the beginning and pledge of the new creation, and so at the very heart of the gospel.
A meaningful discussion about the relative importance of Christ’s death and resurrection is certainly beyond the scope of blog comments! But I’ll venture a few thoughts. Even after the resurrection, Paul refers to his message as “the word of the cross” (1 Cor. 1:17-18). When we share the Lord’s supper we “proclaim the Lord’s death” until he comes (1 Cor. 11:26). Even in heaven the focus is on the Lamb who was slain (Rev. 5:6-10). All that being said, both Christ’s death and resurrection are “of first importance” (1 Cor. 15:3-4) I think Coty has it right when he says that we would do well to be more mindful of Christ’s resurrection in our thinking and gatherings.
Nick, I’m not sure what else Shreiner says as I just ran across the quote. I’d recommend CJ’s Living the Cross Centered Life, Stott’s The Cross of Christ (esp. Chap. 1), and Knox Chamblin’s Paul & the Self (esp. Chap. 3), all of which address the relative importance of the cross and resurrection. While the resurrection vindicates the efficacy of Christ’s death and is crucial to our salvation, it is Christ’s death as our substitute that paid our debt and reconciled us to God. All that to say, we worship a risen Savior!
Thanks, Bob, this is exactly what we need!
This verse of the hymn, ‘Crown Him With Many Crowns,’ is very resurrection-centered:
Crown Him the Lord of life, who triumphed o’er the grave,
And rose victorious in the strife for those He came to save.
His glories now we sing, who died, and rose on high,
Who died eternal life to bring, and lives that death may die.
Thanks for the reminder of that hymn verse Jake – it’s awesome!
High Noon
High Noon In The Valley Of The Shadow
When The Deep Of The Valley Was Bright
When The Mouth Of The Tomb
Shouted, “Glory, The Groom Is Alive”
So Long, You Wages Of Sin
Go On, Don’t You Come Back Again
I’ve Been Raised And Redeemed
You’ve Lost All Your Sting
To The Victor Of The Battle
At High Noon In The Valley
In The Valley Of The Shadow
Now The Demons, They Danced In The Darkness
When That Last Ragged Breath Left His Lungs
And They Reveled And Howled
At The War That They Thought They Had Won
But Then, In The Dark Of The Grave
The Stone Rolled Away
In The Still Of The Dawn On The Greatest Of Days
High Noon In The Valley Of The Shadow
When The Shadows Were Shot Through With Light
When Jesus Took In That Breath
And Shattered All Death With His Life
So Long, You Wages Of Sin
Go On, Don’t You Come Back Again
I’ve Been Raised And Redeemed
You’ve Lost All Your Sting
To The Victor Of The Battle
High Noon In The Valley Of The Shadow
Let The People Rejoice
Let The Heavens Resound
Let The Name Of Jesus, Who Sought Us
And Freed Us Forever Ring Out
All Praise To The Fighter Of The Night
Who Rides On The Light
Whose Gun Is The Grace Of The God Of The Sky
High Noon In The Valley Of The Shadow
When The Shadows Were Shot Through With Light
When The Mouth Of The Tomb
Shouted, “Glory, The Groom Is Alive”
So Long, You Wages Of Sin
I Said Go On, Don’t You Come Back Again
I’ve Been Raised And Redeemed
All Praise To The King
The Victor Of The Battle
High Noon In The Valley
In The Valley Of The Shadow
Copyright 2003 New Spring Publishing, Inc.
Hi Bob, thanks for mentioning Sam and Joel’s songs from RESOUNDworship, I must recommend another, more recent, one of Joel’s though that we used as an incredibly powerful opener to our Easter service last year – “Come see the Son”
The video we created to go with the song is on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp6dniY1atQ
Come, see the Son of the living God
hanging on a tree,
dying there for you and me.
Come, see the bringer of truth and grace
nailed there for us,
agony across his face.
This is love displayed,
this is mercy perfectly portrayed in Christ,
the cross of Christ.
Come, see the innocent Son of God
punished there for us,
rescuing us with his blood.
Come, see the healer of wounded souls
crucified for us,
broken there to make us whole.
Come, see the tomb where they laid him down;
the stone is rolled away,
nothing but the grave clothes now.
Come, see the King is alive again,
risen from the dead,
ushering a new age in.
This is victory,
this is life for everyone who will believe
in Jesus Christ.
Come and worship him,
come and sing to him,
come and live for him,
Jesus Christ.
CCL# 5453922 © Joel Payne / RESOUNDworship.org
Grace and peace,
great list, but i would really love to see some Keith Green in the mix! The “Easter song” for one. “There is a Redeemer,” so many great songs, what an example he was!
Coty, I think you may need to double-check your stats there. In the epistles the death of Christ is used as a metonymy for the whole event which includes the resurrection, of course. But the resurrection is referenced more frequently (by far) than the death of Christ.
I’ve just done a bit of study on this for an article I’m writing. If I’ve missed something in my study, please let me know. But from the best I can tell, resurrection language is much more prevalent in the epistles than death language.
Will, of course I’m always uncomfortable whenever conversations pit the death of Christ against the resurrection, but they do have differing purposes. I’d check out Stott’s first chapter in The Cross of Christ if you haven’t already read it. He addresses that topic. Thanks for joining in on the conversation.
This song looks at the effects of the cross and resurrection in the life of the believer.
Listen streaming & download free mp3 and chord chart:
No Condemnation
by John Green
CCLI #4306142
(verse 1)
There is now no condemnation
For all those who are in Christ
We have left behind the old ways
We have passed from death to life
We are people of the Kingdom
We are children of the light
Being changed into the likeness
Of our Savior Jesus Christ
Singing hallelu hallelujah
Singing hallelu, hallelujah
(verse 2)
There is now no condemnation
For the debt has all been paid
We share His death and resurrection
And the stone’s been rolled away
We are people of the Kingdom
We are children of the light
Being changed into the likeness
Of our Savior Jesus Christ
Singing hallelu hallelujah
Singing hallelu, hallelujah
If the Son has set you free
Then you are truly free
If the Son has set you free
Then walk in victory
This song\modern hymn covers it all birth, life, death, resurrection, glory. I’ve used it in worship at Christmas alot but it works wonderfully anytime!
From The Squalor Of A Borrowed Stable (Immanuel) by Stuart Townend
From the squalor of a borrowed stable,
By the Spirit and a virgin’s faith;
To the anguish and the shame of scandal
Came the Saviour of the human race!
But the skies were filled with the praise of heaven,
Shepherds listen as the angels tell
Of the Gift of God come down to man
At the dawning of Immanuel.
King of heaven now the Friend of sinners,
Humble servant in the Father’s hands,
Filled with power and the Holy Spirit,
Filled with mercy for the broken man.
Yes, He walked my road and He felt my pain,
Joys and sorrows that I know so well;
Yet His righteous steps give me hope again –
I will follow my Immanuel!
Through the kisses of a friend’s betrayal,
He was lifted on a cruel cross;
He was punished for a world’s transgressions,
He was suffering to save the lost.
He fights for breath, He fights for me,
Loosing sinners from the claims of hell;
And with a shout our souls are free –
Death defeated by Immanuel!
Now He’s standing in the place of honour,
Crowned with glory on the highest throne,
Interceding for His own belovèd
Till His Father calls to bring them home!
Then the skies will part as the trumpet sounds
Hope of heaven or the fear of hell;
But the Bride will run to her Lover’s arms,
Giving glory to Immanuel!
James Ward’s “Morning Sun.” …”Rising like the morning sun,
Bringing hope to everyone who sees him, Praise the Lord, his work was done, Jesus is my morning sun.”
You guys have put together some great material.
God is Alive by Steve Fee.
Death in His Grave
John Mark McMillan (writer of “How He Loves”)
This guy is a hidden gem in regards to his music and lyrics.
Though the earth cried out for blood
satisfied her hunger was
Her billows calmed the raging seas
for the souls of men she craved
Sun and moon from balcony
Turned their head in disbelief
Their precious love would taste the sting
disfigured and disdained
On Friday a thief
On Sunday a King
Laid down in grief
But awoke with the keys
Of Hell on that day
The first born of the slain
The Man Jesus Christ laid death in his grave
So three days in darkness slept
The Morning Sun of righteousness
But rose to shame the throes of death
And over turn his rule
Now daughters and the sons of men
Would pay not their dues again
The debt of blood they owed was rent
When the day rolled a new
(to chorus)
He has cheated
Hell and seated
Us above the fall
In desperate places
He paid our wages
One time once and for all
my savior lives by desperation band of new life worship
I know that my redeemer lives
And now I stand on what He did
My Saviour, my Saviour lives
Every day a brand new chance to say
“Jesus, You are the only way”
My Saviour, my Saviour lives
Newsboys – Amazing Love (You are My King).
Amazing love, how can it be
That You, my King, should die for me?
Planning to sing this on Good Friday….
To The Cross – Paul Baloche, Jason Ingram
Verse 1
Where can I go but to the cross
To the cross
For there my shame You have washed away
Where can I go but to the cross
To the cross
For there You gave up Your life for me
You gave Your life for me
Chorus 1
You stretched Your arms out wide
I lift my hands up high to my Savior
You stretched Your arms out wide
I lift my hands up high to my Savior
Verse 2
So Lord I run to the cross
To the cross
Surrender all to my Savior King
Be my ev’rything
Chains are broken
Shame has fallen
All my sins are gone
Chains are broken
Shame has fallen
All my sins are gone
He’s Alive by Evan Wickham is the hymn “I Know My Redeemer Lives” with a new chorus. The recording has some lush strings.
“Arise My Love” by Newsong
Best Easter carol was “Now the Green Blade Riseth” — we used to sing it at school. I never forgot the haunting tune. See link: http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/n/g/ngbrises.htm
Please post this song. I played it last Easter at our church and it was exceptional. So inspiring. It is the BEST Easter song I have ever heard. Everyone was so touched…it moves people to see the meaning of Easter taking each and everyone of us names to the cross.
I now play it everyday for me and my family.
Oh I forgot it is He Took My Name To The Cross by Chris Keith.
http://www.hetookmynametothecross.com itunes link
Thanks for all this folks
Great for my prep for tomorrow
I also will do
‘in Christ alone ‘ Townend and Getty of which verse three
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine –
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
One of our church’s favorites is a new Resurrection hymn called “In Him We Stand” by Trenton Thomas. Very powerful song with deep lyrics.
Mercy Tree by Lacey Sturm
I am looking for the lyrics to “Last Night”. “Last night the disciples had supper with Jesus…the last meal together before he was betrayed. After prayer in the garden, he was arrested, tortured and questioned until the next…………” Can you help me?
I’m not aware of the song, but perhaps someone else can help you!