Ryan Ferguson Recites Psalm 25

As a follow up to what I posted on Monday, here’s an example of focusing on the content without ignoring the container. This is a video from the WorshipGod08 conference, where Ryan Ferguson is reciting Psalm 25, using the English Standard Version (ESV) translation.  It’s about 4 minutes and very moving.

If you want to see more, you can watch Ryan’s interpretations of  Psalm 145, Psalm 22, and Hebrews 9 and 10.

If you’re interested, you can contact Ryan at ryanf@nhcconline.com.

What would happen if we always heard/read/thought about Scripture with this kind of emotion and thoughtfulness?

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8 Responses to Ryan Ferguson Recites Psalm 25

  1. Abbi S July 28, 2010 at 6:56 PM #

    He’s one of my pastors! Thanks for posting.

  2. Simon Margolis July 29, 2010 at 10:22 AM #

    Bob I was not sure how you envisioned the increased devotion/awareness/faith to look like, so this was helpful.

    But I would personally take a rather strong objection to interpreting stage animation (emotion/dramatization) to mean devotion. It seems a rather superficial ‘measure’ of the hidden treasures, to say the least.

    Do you believe if this were the norm learning (and godliness) would increase?

    • Bob Kauflin July 29, 2010 at 12:21 PM #

      Thanks for asking, Simon. No, that’s not what I meant. I didn’t do a good job expressing it clearly. Ryan spends hours seeking to better understand a passage, working it into his heart and mind, so that he might communicate it more effectively. It’s the time spent before the actual recitation that means so much. Yes, anyone can “act” in a way that makes Scripture sound meaningful. An unbeliever could do what Ryan is doing here. But in this case, I know that Ryan has grown in his relationship with God because of his commitment to study God’s Word. Is that helpful?

  3. Simon July 29, 2010 at 3:07 PM #

    Indeed, thank you.

    I suppose I tend to be cautious when it comes to ‘dramatizing’ scripture reading, or preaching of God’s word for that matter. [Clearly speaking of patterns here, not special circumstances…] For a simple reason, actually. The word of God, be it read or properly preached, is so powerful and the Spirit of the Lord so capable to illuminate its truth and make it effectual in our hearts that it appears not to need our ‘extra help’. One could whisper it very quietly from the pulpit and it would still bear fruit in the hearts (ground) He has prepared to receive it. (Whereas the thorny and other ground would not be helped even if we should sow with seemingly far greater enthusiasm or passion.)

    All the best.

    • Bob Kauflin July 29, 2010 at 4:03 PM #

      Simon, very much agree. Thank you for letting me clarify.

  4. David Lockard August 3, 2010 at 11:38 AM #

    I have never seen anyone speak scripture like this. It makes such a huge difference over someone just monotonely reading it. I also saw in the other comments that he had studied the passage to really understand the emotion behind the words. I think that this is a fantastic idea to change things up a bit and really get people to listen.


  1. Combing the Net – 7/28/2010 « Honey and Locusts - July 28, 2010

    […] Finally, check out this moving recitation of Psalm 25 (HT: Bob Kauflin): […]

  2. Not Just Another Scripture Reading › › Denny Daugherty Denny Daugherty - April 9, 2011

    […] the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 25:21-26) I decided to recite it from memory having been inspired by moving recitations of the Psalms I had heard at the Worship God Conference in 2008. I don’t recall ever experiencing scripture […]

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