Yesterday, I posted some of the workshops from WorshipGod11 for leaders, songwriters, and tech teams. Here are a few more that focus on instrumentalists, leading kids to worship Christ, dealing with burnout, and the leader’s prayer life. Donald Whitney shared on simplifying your spiritual life and using Scripture as a basis for your prayers. There’s also a seminar for women taught by my wife that addresses facing every season of life with faith. Enjoy.
Bass, Drums, Guitar
Strengthening the Drum/Bass Connection, PT1 – Ryan Foglesong and David Zimmer (outline)
The foundation of the worship team is the rhythm section composed of the drummer and bassist. Musical chemistry between these members is worth a great deal of attention and development. In Part 1, David & Ryan look at the history of this chemistry; its conception in jazz to its evolution in funk, rock, and contemporary popular music. They also cover practical tools in the form of basic theory for bass and drums, common groove patterns, and achieving consistency in tempo.
Strengthening the Drum/Bass Connection, PT2 – Ryan Foglesong and David Zimmer (outline)
In Part 2, David and Ryan apply practical tools as we look at how to serve a worship song: filling in the spaces, and listening and reacting within a band context. Finally, they demonstrate how the drum and bass can build a song from beginning to end.
Guitar Conversations – Mike Cosper, Patrick Anderson, Paul Hoover
Join the conversation about the best ways to incorporate acoustic and electric guitars in the worship band. Especially for “gear-heads.” Mike, Patrick, and Paul talk about that mythical “perfect tone” that so many electric guitarists pursue, and why worship leaders across the country are slapping capos on their acoustic guitars and playing every song in G. Let’s learn from our experiences and failures as we pursue excellence as guitarists!
Chord Voicings and Concepts for Guitar – Patrick Anderson (outline) (packet)
Tired of playing the same four chords? Want to be more creative with your guitar parts? Looking to become more expressive in your playing? Patrick takes a deeper look at practical chord voicings for the guitar. Beginners and more seasoned players alike will be challenged as he discusses a variety of concepts that will equip you to be a more creative guitarist and musician. Applicable for both acoustic and electric players.
A Faith for All Season – Julie Kauflin (for women) (outline)
A woman’s world is constantly changing. How do we maintain steadfast trust in God through so many different seasons of relationships and responsibilities? In this seminar, Julie Kauflin (my amazing wife) shares from her own experiences how God has helped her remain secure in Him as a vocalist, sound engineer, wife of a worship leader, mother, and grandmother.
Redefining Burnout – Jon Payne (outline)
How do you know when it’s time to stop serving on your team and when God is calling you to persevere through challenges and even grow through them? How can you tell whether stepping down is wisdom or selfishness? In this seminar, Jon Payne discusses the differences between character, gifting, and faith, and will inspire you to live for God’s agenda rather than our own.
Simplify Your Spiritual Life – Don Whitney
For many people, simplifying means nothing more than “doing less.” But simplifying is not so much about doing fewer things as it is about doing the right things. This distinction is even more important when it comes to simplifying the spiritual part of life. For even the “ideal” simple spiritual life (whatever that is) will still be a busy one. Like Jesus and the Apostle Paul, anyone devoted to loving God and people will lead a full and active life. But such a life will also be more focused, fruitful, and satisfying because it emphasizes the right priorities. In particular, this session is for those who want hope and help to start simplifying their spiritual lives.
Praying Through Scripture – Don Whitney
Too many Christians suffer from an inadequate, boring, or non-existent prayer life. In this potentially life-changing seminar, Don Whitney shares how to turn the words of the Scriptures into the wings of your prayers.
Behind Closed Doors – Joseph Stigora
Sometimes Christians emphasize public devotion to the exclusion or neglect of personal devotion. Others minimize gatherings of the church and focus on how we relate to God individually. But God is concerned about the vitality of both, as well as how they relate to each other. In this seminar, you’ll be equipped and challenged to practice in private what you proclaim in public.
Leading Children to Worship Christ – Jared Kennedy (outline)
How is leading a children’s worship gathering different from leading an adult gathering? Should children be led to memorize, recite, or sing Bible passages that give personal assurance? Should children be expected to participate in worship if they are not yet converted? Jared Kennedy, who serves at Sojourn Community Church, shares thoughts on how parents and children’s ministries can think through these questions. He also suggests guidelines for choosing songs for children that involve their bodies, engage their hearts, teach biblical truth, and move them towards trust in Christ.
Wow. You’ve given me a year’s worth of study material in a single blog post. Thank you!!
Bob, thank you so much for this great resource. Looking forward to (Lord-willing) being at the next WorshipGod Conference!
Hi Bob, any chance that the drum/bass and guitar workshops were recorded on video also?
Nate, sorry, but we didn’t record those on video. Maybe next time!
Thank you. Great resource. Do you have the packet for drum? and also the packet for bass?
Nga-My, please email me at the contact tab above and I can sent the packets to you.
Thank you for the resources Bob! They’re brilliant and a blessing to the church!
When are you or members of your team coming to Asia to do some training?:-)
We would love to have you!
God bless.
Thanks, Adam! Where in Asia are you?
Hi Bob,
I’m in Singapore. I’m privileged to be leading the worship ministry of a 3 year old church that God has blessed incredibly.
The website is: