Getting Ready for WorshipGod East and West

photoWG11-0687The past few weeks I’ve been at work preparing for WorshipGod East and WorshipGod West. I’m excited for the way things are coming together and wanted to let you know what’s going on, since we don’t expect to have the website up until Feb. 1 and people have been asking for details.

WorshipGod West will be held June 27-29 at Calvary Church, Santa Ana, CA. The folks at Calvary have enthusiastically welcomed us and we can’t wait to hold the conference there. WorshipGod East is going to be Aug. 1-3 at Highview Baptist Church East, Louisville, KY. They have also been extremely gracious and kind. For the East conference I’m working on offering some pre-conference intensives (piano, choir, vocal, and guitar) on July 31.

This year’s conference theme is Called to be Faithful. In light of the massive number of options we have available to us today in corporate worship (lighting, video, instruments, arrangements, etc.), it’s easy to get distracted and off track. So this year we’re going to highlight some of the things God has called us specifically to be faithful in when we lead the church at our gatherings. Here’s the line up of messages and speakers:

Faithful to Receive –  Conversations about worship typically begin and end with what WE do. But worship is a gift, received by grace, not something that originates with us. The Father not only seeks worshipers, he creates worshipers  (John 4:1-26; ;1 Tim. 1:12-17). This message will remind us that our worship of God is rooted in and sustained by grace alone. Craig Cabaniss, senior pastor of Grace Chruch in Frisco and a well-loved speaker at WorshipGod conferences, will be giving this message at both events.

Faithful to Proclaim – While we often view “worship” as passionately expressing our feelings toward God, worship always involves proclaiming truths about God that fuel our emotional fire. What we are specifically called to proclaim is the Word of God and the gospel. God has told us that his word is living and active and will not return void, and that the gospel is the power of God  (Heb. 4:12; Is. 55:10-11; Rom. 1:16). Jeff Purswell is scheduled to give this message at WorshipGod west and Dr. Russ Moore will be serving us at East.

Faithful to Serve – Anyone involved in music ministry can be tempted to exalt themselves. But Jesus said, “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all (Mk. 10:42-44). How do we develop a servant mindset while leading people in corporate worship? What does it look like? Two younger Sovereign Grace pastors will seek to answer this question. In the West it will be Jon Payne, associate pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Gilbert, AZ. Jared Mellinger, pastor of Covenant Fellowship Church near Philadelphia, will address this topic in the East.

Faithful to Grow – Being faithful doesn’t mean doing the same things you’ve always done. Every musician and leader has the opportunity and responsibility to grow in their character, theology, and skills. I’ll have the joy of speaking to this topic at both events.

Faithful to Prepare – This doesn’t refer to preparing for a meeting, but preparing our people for suffering, death, and heaven. Congregational worship is meant to open people’s eyes to the weighty, eternal realities that we’re dealing with each time we meet. I’m thrilled that Kevin DeYoung will speak on this at WorshipGod West, and that Kevin Twit of Indelible Grace Music will be addressing it in the East.

Musical guests will include John Martin and Enfield at WorshipGod West and Mike Cosper and Sojourn Music at WorshipGod East. I’m working on some other guests as well.

Seminars at both conferences are going to be designed for pastors, worship leaders, musicians, vocalists, song writers, and tech personnel. We’re bringing back some familiar seminar speakers (Donald Whitney, Sheri Gould, Doug Gould, Matt Mason, Ken Boer, Patrick Anderson, Mike Cosper, etc.) and adding some new ones (Kevin DeYoung, Darius Fong, Malcolm DuPlessis, etc.).

Rates will be similar to last year with early bird registration starting at $90/student, $115/group of 5+, $140/individual, all of which include lunch both days. We’re also working up a special discount for any senior pastor who comes with his worship leader.

I’d appreciate prayers as we hash out the final details of the schedule.

And since I’m still working on seminar topics, if you have any ideas for something you’d like to see, leave a comment below.


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23 Responses to Getting Ready for WorshipGod East and West

  1. Trent Broussard January 14, 2013 at 9:15 AM #

    I am very excited about the Louisville location. I have attended 3 WorshipGod conferences by myself because of the cost involved in flying. The is only 5.5 hours away and I am looking forward to bringing several on our team and hope to bring my senior pastor along as well. Thank you for your faithfulness to mentor and train musicians for the local church. We are indebted to you.

  2. Lindele Elliott January 14, 2013 at 10:47 AM #

    Very excited to see Kevin Twit on the list of speakers!

  3. Richard Lee January 14, 2013 at 12:17 PM #

    So happy that there will be one in California! Hopefully I can make it this year :)

  4. William Chong January 14, 2013 at 2:29 PM #

    Don’t think we can make WorshipGod this year due to finances, distance and a baby. Looks like it will be beneficial for many people who can make it! Praying it will be fruitful and glorifies Christ.

  5. Christa Bohannon January 14, 2013 at 4:57 PM #

    I’m thankful for the opportunity to have attended the last two conferences, and Lord willing, I’ll be at WorshipGod East with others from our church. One topic that I’d be interested in hearing more on is Complementarianism in Leading Worship–specifically what it looks like practically. I understand this might be a sensitive topic for some, but considering the intended audience, I believe the WorshipGod conference could be a very appropriate setting for discussing this aspect of the broader on-going conversation.

  6. Nick Law January 14, 2013 at 6:18 PM #

    Hi Bob,

    If I lived in the US I’d be there in a flash, but I live in the UK. However, I do listen to the seminars online an have found then very helpful.

    I’d love to hear more about developing te worship life of a church, particularly in a small group setting, an how we can get people out of the mindset that worship = music, and change the church culture to help people understand what worship is in its fullness and that we were made to worship.

    That kind of thing :)

  7. Ryan Stockton January 14, 2013 at 8:24 PM #

    I have enjoyed these conferences in the past, and hope to be able to attend WG East.

    A possible topic that I would like to see addressed is ANYTHING regarding worship in a house-church environment. My church and many others here in NYC have been forced to do things differently when we were removed from our meeting places (public schools) and are now leading worship in new contexts. Would love any guidance that could be offered.

  8. Chris January 15, 2013 at 8:24 AM #


    Quick question…can you confirm the East location as Highview Baptist East is the one on
    15201 Shelbyville Road
    Louisville, KY 40245

    I want to go ahead and get a room booked and for distance sake wanted to choose the best Marriott. Thanks for everything and looking forward to August…the countdown begins!!!

    • Bob Kauflin January 15, 2013 at 9:03 AM #

      Chris, That’s the right address. Glad you’re coming!

  9. how to become a Christian January 15, 2013 at 12:00 PM #

    awesome conferences. thank you.

  10. Alan January 15, 2013 at 2:49 PM #

    Bob, curious what time the East conference ends on the 3rd. I want to bring a group, so I need to know if we’ll be able to drive back that night (10 hour drive) or need a hotel room. ‘Tis the season to submit a budget!

    • Bob Kauflin January 15, 2013 at 3:23 PM #

      Alan, thanks for asking. We’ll be ending before noon on Saturday. Thanks for making the drive!

  11. LAURA January 21, 2013 at 2:38 AM #

    So excited for the West coast! Can you confirm $90 student vs. $115 group rates? There likely will be 10+ people attending so would that be $115 for the group as a whole or each person? Are there volunteer opportunities for the conference? Thanks!

    • Bob Kauflin January 21, 2013 at 8:46 AM #

      Laura, yes, the early bird registration is $90 for a student (high school/college/seminary), and $115 per person for a group of 5 or more. At this point I’m not sure about the volunteer positions, but you can email Brittany at bhkauflin at sovgracemin dot org, and she’ll forward your request. Thanks for wanting to come!

  12. Shannon Lewis January 23, 2013 at 7:29 AM #

    Hope to hit the one in Louisville, if I can work it out. Hope you’re well, Bob!

    • Bob Kauflin January 23, 2013 at 9:06 AM #

      Shannon, would be great to have you here!

  13. Tony Gardner January 23, 2013 at 8:57 PM #

    Please provide information regarding vendor registration.

    Thank you.

    Tony Gardner
    New Creation Music

    • Bob Kauflin January 23, 2013 at 9:29 PM #

      Tony, at this point we’re not planning on having vendors at the conference. We might consider ads for the conference notebook for select vendors. Email Brittany at bhkauflin at sovgracemin dot org. Thanks!

  14. Daphne Merritt January 27, 2013 at 1:32 PM #


    You asked in the recent Worship Matters email what seminar(s) we might like to see. Because I am privileged prepare the music worship for my care group, I would greatly appreciate anything that could be helpful to that process – whether specific session or resource. Is it enough just to pray & pick? And, how do you serve a non-musical care group leader? If there is a worship leader seminar, would it be appropriate for me to attend? Thanks!

  15. Danny Bonsell January 30, 2013 at 6:00 PM #

    Will there be any partnership with local hotels for conference rates, etc.? Any recommendations? – for WG West.

    • Bob Kauflin January 30, 2013 at 11:06 PM #

      Danny, yes, we’re working with local hotels on reduced rates. That information will be available on the website, which should be up next week.


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    […] Getting Ready for WorshipGod East and West | Worship Matters The past few weeks I’ve been at work preparing for WorshipGod East and WorshipGod West. I’m excited for the way things are coming togethe… 00Share […]

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