I’m excited to let our European friends know that Sovereign Grace Music will be hosting our first WorshipGod UK conference 5th-8th March, 2014, in Bath, England. The theme is Called to be Faithful.
WorshipGod UK is designed to encourage and equip pastors, musicians, vocalists, songwriters, tech personnel, those involved in planning or leading congregational worship, and anyone who wants to grow in their understanding and practice of biblical worship.
The lineup of speakers and musicians includes Mike Reeves, Jeff Purswell, Tim Chester, Craig Cabaniss, Donald Whitney, Stuart Townend, Nathan and Lou Fellingham, Philip Percival, and more.
The idea for doing a UK conference came as a result of talking to Nathan Smith, pastor of Grace Church, a Sovereign Grace church in Bristol. He wanted to equip the musicians in his church and as we talked the vision grew. Why not seek to serve leaders and musicians in other churches? I suggested we could do something similar to what we had done this year at WorshipGod West and WorshipGod East and he agreed to do the groundwork in the UK.
My burden for this conference is to encourage and equip those who faithfully labor in their churches, week in and week out, to serve God’s people through word and song. They may not have a CD or be known outside their community. But they’re faithfully stewarding the gift of proclaiming God’s Word and the gospel through song.
But what does faithfulness look like as a leader? As a musician? As a songwriter? As a sound engineer? How do we make sure we’re keeping the main things the main things? How do we resist the world’s definitions of success and pursue what matters to God?
We’ll be discussing these questions and more at WorshipGod UK. The main sessions will address how God calls us to be faithful to receive his grace, proclaim the gospel, engage with him, serve others, grow in our knowledge and skills, and prepare people for eternal realities.
You’ll also be able to attend 4 of 26 seminars, with topics including planning your meeting, the leader’s relationships, working with other generations, songwriting, making room for the Spirit’s leading, prayer, sound applications, as well as vocal and instrumental classes.
And if the conference isn’t enough for you, you can also register for a pre-conference intensive on Wednesday afternoon (1-4:30pm) where I’ll be speaking specifically to those whose responsibility is to plan and lead corporate worship. I’ll be covering topics that include the role of the worship leader, pastoring through song, and a leader’s relationships.
Rates are available for individuals, groups of 5+, and students. Super early bird rates last through December 7, which is less than three weeks away! So when we say super early bird, that’s what we mean.
You can check out the WorshipGod UK website for more information.
And please help us spread the word!
WorshipGod UK on Twitter
WorshipGod UK on Facebook
[…] a previous post, I highlighted how the conference came to be, largely as a result of conversations with my good […]
[…] a previous post, I highlighted how the conference came to be, largely as a result of conversations with my good […]