Resources and Reflections from WorshipGod UK: Called to be Faithful

AMP-2014-03-06-9028-c2048_FotorIt’s been over a month ago now that we finished up our first WorshipGod UK conference, Called to Be Faithful.

This has been one of my favorite themes for a WorshipGod conference because it speaks so directly to how we should approach ministering the gospel in song. We aren’t called to be amazing, or popular, or cool, or technologically savvy, or better than the church down the street. We’re called to be faithful. God has revealed the mystery of the gospel to us and he now calls us to faithfully steward the unsearchable riches of Christ.

You can download the main sessions by clicking the titles below.

Session 1 – Faithful To Receive (Craig Cabannis)
Session 2 – Faithful To Proclaim (Jeff Purswell)
Session 3 – Faithful to Engage (Bob Kauflin)
Session 4 – Faithful to Serve (Nathan Smith)
Session 5 – Faithful to Grow (Bob Kauflin)
Session 6 – Faithful to Prepare (Mike Reeves)

Hosting a conference in another country is definitely different from hosting one in the States. It’s odd and humbling when you’re not completely familiar with customs, phrases, and locations of the city you’re in but you’re the one who’s supposed to be in the know. It gave me a better feel for what people from outside the United States feel when they come to a conference in the States. We can’t think too much about how our traditions, cultural practices, and inside jokes appear to those who are unfamiliar with them.

One of the highlights of the conference for me was having three Brits (Matt Searles,  Simon Brading, Matt Giles) lead 1-2 songs from an acoustic guitar. People appreciated seeing songs led by a single instrument and not a band, as that’s where many congregations are at. It also introduced the attendees to some great new songs, listed below. Most of all, I was grateful God is raising up so many to promote gospel-rich, theologically informed congregational songs and leadership.

I was also thankful for the opportunity to see or hang out with folks like Mike Reeves, Tim Chester, Philip Percival, Stuart Townend, and Nathan and Lou Fellingham. Mike served us well in the last main session and also on a panel. I’ve thrilled he’ll be joining us for WorshipGod: TRIUNE in the states this coming July.

I had scores of great conversations at the conference. I learned that we had over 100 churches represented, which was fantastic. I also realized we still have trouble distinguishing between worship and music. The fact that the conference was called “WorshipGod” led more than a few pastors to think it was only for musicians. While we did have seminars geared towards musicians, a significant part of the conference was geared towards the “why” of what we do in our public gatherings. So we talked about the Trinity, the gospel, the heart, prayer, the presence of God, and more. Our hope is that pastors and musicians will work more as a team in planning and preparing for the public gatherings of the church.

So next year we’ve decided to host another conference. We’ve booked the Bath Forum again for May 7-9, 2015. Thanks to the helpful evaluation forms people filled out this year we’ll be making number of improvements to the schedule, layout, and program. For one, the conference will start Thursday night and go through Saturday at 5, so people will only have to miss one day of work. We also plan on hosting a pastors’ conference during the day on Thursday. More details to come.

In the mean time, here’s a list of the songs we sang and a video overview of the conference.

Wednesday PM
Bob Kauflin and Band
All Creatures of Our God and King
Come Praise and Glorify
Shine Into Our Night
Grace and Peace
Grace Unmeasured
It Is Well

All I Have is Christ

Thursday AM
Devon Kauflin and Norton Hall
Holy, Holy, Holy
Greater Than We Can Imagine
Our Only Hope is You
Jesus Paid it All
Now Why This Fear
There is a Fountain

Show Us Christ

Thursday PM
Matt Searles
Creator Sustainer (lead sheet, guitar chart)
Mighty (lead sheet

Stuart Townend and Band
O My Soul
Come People of the Risen King
Beautiful Savior
10,000 Reasons
The Power of the Cross
In Christ Alone 

Friday AM
Simon Brading
My Soul Is Well
So Good

Bob Kauflin and Grace Church Bristol Band
10,000 Reasons
Our Song from Age to Age
Shine into Our Night
Now Why This Fear
Behold Our God

Take My Life and Let It Be

Friday PM
Matt Giles
Here is Love

Devon Kauflin and Norton Hall
Creator Sustainer
Come Praise and Glorify
Not in Me
My Redeemer’s Love
His Forever
In Christ Alone
Be Thou My Vision

O Great God

Saturday AM
Bob Kauflin and Band
Greater Than We Can Imagine
All Creatures of Our God and King
Our Only Hope Is You
Grace and Peace
Here Is Love (Matt Giles)
Before the Throne of God Above

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (PD hymn, melody by Bill Moore, on Resolved Music, Vol. 1)


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3 Responses to Resources and Reflections from WorshipGod UK: Called to be Faithful

  1. Patrick April 14, 2014 at 1:11 PM #

    “We aren’t called to be amazing, or popular, or cool, or technologically savvy, or better than the church down the street. We’re called to be faithful.”

    Well said. Appreciate SG’s efforts for equipping the church.

  2. Paul April 15, 2014 at 1:38 AM #

    Bob, trying to download the messages you posted but I keep getting sent to a page that says they no longer exist. Is that just me or are they no longer available?

    • Bob Kauflin April 15, 2014 at 8:42 AM #

      Paul, links should be working now. Thanks for the heads up.

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