What I’ve Been Up To

Not writing this blog, obviously.

At some point I hope to start posting regularly again, but right now I wanted to share what’s been going on in the world of Sovereign Grace Music.

The Dominican Republic and a New Spanish Album

I got back last night from the Dominican Republic where I had the joy of speaking twice this past weekend at the Por Su Causa (For His Cause) conference, “Worship: The Purpose of Redemption.” The conference was sponsored by International Baptist Church (IBI) and a ministry called Integridad y Sabiduría (Integrity and Wisdom), both led by my good friend, Miguel Núñez. Jeff Purswell and Donald Whitney also participated as speakers.

One of the highlights was recording our second live Spanish album on Saturday night. Our first live Spanish album, El Dios Que Adoramus, came out two years ago and I was thrilled that we could do another. This new one has nine Sovereign Grace songs that have been translated into Spanish, and seven originals. It was a joy to work with Luis Núñez, Jonathan and Sarah Jerez, and the band. They all did a brilliant job and even let me play piano on a few songs.

Sovereign Grace has had Spanish churches in Juárez for decades that we’ve wanted to serve more effectively, especially Gracia Soberana led by Carlos Conteras. We’re grateful for the opportunity that we’ve been given to do that with our friends in the Dominican Republic.

Prepare Him Room, Our New Christmas Album

We’ve also been hard at work on our next album Prepare Him Room: Celebrating the Birth of Jesus in Song. This album came about as a result of my friend, Marty Machoswki (author of  The Gospel Story Bible), asking me if I was interested in producing an album to accompany an Advent curriculum he had written for New Growth Press. The album has 14 songs that include 8 originals, 4 carols with some new lyrics, and 2 traditional carols. To say I’m excited about this project would be a significant understatement. Steve Cook, Devon (my son), and Neil DeGraide have been overseeing the production. Can’t wait for you to hear it when it comes out in early September.

True Worshipers, My New Book
My first book, Worship Mattters, was originally meant to be a book for members of a congregation. Instead I ended up writing one directed to leaders. True Worshipers, is the book I was supposed to write the first time. It’s half as long as Worship Matters, and due out in September of 2015, published by Crossway.  I sent in the manuscript about two months ago and am looking forward to seeing how God might use it to encourage God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, Spirit-empowered worship in the lives of his people.



Next week I’ll be heading out to Santa Ana, CA for our second WorshipGod West event, WorhipGod14:TRIUNE. I’m grateful to that we’ll be joined by Michael Reeves from the UK, Matt Boswell, Enfield, Bruce Ware, Donald Whitney, Craig Cabaniss, Jon Payne, Doug & Sheri Gould, and more. I’ll be teaching a pre-conference seminar called, “Lessons Learned from Thirty Years of Leading,” and Sheri Gould will be teaching “The Contemporary Choir.” Pre-registration is over, but you can still sign up at the event location, Calvary Church. Also, check out the songwriting camp led by Steve and Vikki Cook, happening next Sunday through Tuesday.

At the beginning of August I’ll be in Australia serving the Sovereign Grace Church of Sydney and participating in the Oxygen conference. It will be my second time in Australia and I’m eagerly looking forward to what the Lord is going to do there.

Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville

I’ve also had a blast serving at Sovereign Grace Church each week. I get to submit the plan for the service each week, mentor other leaders, and enjoy being part of a small church again. Forty years ago I made the decision to leave a Christian band I loved to devote myself full time to the building of the local church. It’s been a decision I’ve never regretted and am only more passionate to see churches planted, nurtured, and made fruitful through the preached Word and the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m hoping to give myself to more consistent training in the years to come.

Well, that’s some of what I’ve been up to, along with loving my wife, caring for my two girls at home, and waiting for grandchildren #15 and 16 to arrive in the next 9 months, Lord willing. God is good.


5 Responses to What I’ve Been Up To

  1. parkwayworshipministry July 14, 2014 at 2:16 PM #

    Thanks for the update! I really look forward to reading your posts. I am very excited about your new book and can’t wait to read it….i just wish it was coming out before September 2015! :-)

    BTW – Have you set a date yet for the next WorshipGod conference that will be in Louisville?

    Jeff Lutz, worship pastor
    Parkway Baptist Church
    Bardstown, Kentucky

  2. joshuastarkey August 13, 2014 at 2:10 AM #

    Been waiting for news of that 2nd book. Really looking forward to getting ahold of that. Thanks Bob.


  1. Roundup: Pho, Worship, & Witness and Other Updates - July 18, 2014

    […] from Bob Kauflin about a recent trip to the Dominican Republic and some other projects he has been working on […]

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