Over on the Sovereign Grace Music Facebook site we have a race going on. In mid-June we plan to release our second kid’s CD, To Be Like Jesus. (The first was Awesome God). It’s 12 songs based on the fruit of the Spirit in Gal. 5. The songs teach that these qualities (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.) come from God himself, and that we can’t have them apart from knowing Jesus as the Savior. Yesterday, Stephen Altrogge let our Facebook fans know of a way to get two free songs from the CD when it comes out. Here’s what he wrote: Okay here’s the deal. At this exact moment we have 5,348 [UPDATE: now 6220] dedicated fans of Sovereign …
Tag Archives | Free Songs
Three More Songs from New Attitude
Last week I posted a download and stream of Nail My Glory, one of the live songs from the New Attitude conference in Louisville, KY. I have three more for you today. Ransomed The first is the song Ransomed, written by my son Jordan, with original words by John Kent (1827). A number of people commented on the use of the staccato strings, aka pizzicato. It’s not something you hear often in corporate worship but seemed to work well. You can download the song by clicking here, or listen to it below. [Audio:http://sgm.edgeboss.net/download/sgm/na/2008/na08.4_ransomed.mp3] All I Have is Christ We also used a choir of about 70 folks this …
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Na Band CD Looked Upon – Free Song
God tells us in Proverbs that “A wise son makes a glad father” (Prov. 15:20). For that reason, I’m a very happy man, because God has given me not only one, but two, wise sons – Jordan and Devon. Over the years I’ve sought to impress upon my sons that glorifying Jesus Christ for his great mercy is the reason they were created. They’re both seeking to do that as husbands, and now it’s a joy to see another expression of their response in a new CD, Looked Upon. Looked Upon (or Lu for short) is the first project of the Na Band, with Devon leading and Jordan playing drums. They’re joined by other members of my home church. The band’s purpose is to …
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New Song – How Great You Are
One of the joys of doing what I do is meeting people who share a similar passion for glorifying Jesus Christ through music. Will Pavone has been a good friend of mine for the past few years. He was part of the group Circadian Rhythm a few years ago, served as a worship pastor at McLean Bible Church, and is now at Dallas Theological Seminary. Besides being a great husband and dad, Will is a gifted songwriter. I was e-mailing him the other day about a song I’ve recommend a couple times on Worship Matters, called “How Great You Are.” Will said I could feel free to let people know about or give away any of his songs. He’s that kind of guy. So here …
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Let Your Kingdom Come MP3
Last year when we were working on the Valley of Vision project I wanted to include a song based on a prayer that communicated the Puritans’ passion to advance the Gospel. I found it in “God’s Cause,” which begins: Sovereign God, Thy cause, not my own, engages my heart, and I appeal to thee with greatest freedom to set up thy kingdom in every place where Satan reigns; Glorify thyself and I shall rejoice, for to bring honor to thy name is my sole desire. I adore thee that thou art God, and long that other should know it, feel it, and rejoice in it. I appreciate the way the author connects our love for God with a desire …
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What a Savior Free MP3 and Chart
I’ve received a number of e-mails asking for the new version of the hymn “Hallelujah, What a Savior,” that we taught at the New Attitude conference, music and chorus written by my son, Devon. I promised a while back that I’d post them, so here you go. The original version was by Phillip Bliss, an American hymn writer who died at the age of 37 in a train accident. Devon’s version is called “What a Savior.” It keeps the reflective sense of the verses, but adds a celebrative chorus that expands on Christ’s work and expresses our desire to offer our lives to proclaim how great our Savior is. We’ve sung it on Sunday mornings at Covenant Life, and …
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Random Thoughts on MP3 Downloads and Copies
I recently finished The Future of Music by David Kusek and Gerd Leonhard. It was a fascinating read. The authors discuss how the face of music distribution has changed significantly in recent years and insist that many changes are still needed. Bottom line, they think that increased access to music and freedom to distribute it legally will benefit consumers, companies, and artists alike. From the intro: Imagine a world where music flows all around us, like water, or like electricity, and where access to music becomes a kind of “utility.” Not for free, per se, but certainly for what feels like free…A brave new world is waiting for those who …