This video captures one of the highlights of the WorshipGod06 Conference hosted by Sovereign Grace Ministries this past August. Ryan Ferguson shared a memorized dramatic presentation of Hebrews 9 and 10 from the ESV Bible. The power of God’s Word came through in a fresh, compelling way. Ryan, a member of North Hills Community Church in Greenville, South Carolina, has actually memorized the entire book of Hebrews. However, we only asked him to share two chapters with us at the conference.
As my family celebrates Thanksgiving tomorrow along with most Americans, we are going to express gratefulness to God for the innumerable blessings we’ve received from his hand, including food, clothing, shelter, our church, friends, and more. But this video reminds us of the greatest reason we have for giving thanks. God has sent his Son to be the complete and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Anyone who turns from their sins to trust in what Jesus Christ accomplished can now draw near to God through the atoning death of the only Savior. Eternity won’t be long enough to express our thanks to God for his mercy and kindness to rebels. By the way, if you’re interested in more info on Ryan, he is the Manager of the Fine Arts Center at Anderson University and also serves as a director in the theater department there. You can contact him at Also, if you’re interested in a practical, proven plan to memorize large portions of Scripture, I highly recommend this method proposed by Dr. Andy Davis. |
12 Responses to Ryan Ferguson Recites Hebrews 9 and 10
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This is wonderful and soul stirring. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I pray that churches all across the world will be blessed and served by men and women who will stand up to present the word of God in this dynamic and affecting way. And I pray that all of us will be encouraged to hide God’s word in our hearts and commit more of it to memory.
Thanks again for the way you continually serve God’s people, Bob.
Rejoicing in grace,
I think Mr. Ferguson should record his own little version of the ESV :-P.
When I imagine Jesus, or Paul, or Peter, or the others, reciting the Scriptures to the masses, it is with this kind of passion and fervor. What light it sheds on those two wonderful chapters!
Wow… thanks so much for posting this. How thankful for a passionate example like Mr. Ferguson; may we, as Kyle mentioned, be dynamic, charismatic, joyful, humble, and bold as we proclaim the power of God’s word.
Hope your Thanksgiving was receiving thanks and giving thanks and glory to God for all that He has done!
Thanks for this video. What an inspiration it has been to me and a motivation for me to memorize the Scriptures. I believe Ryan has shown that he not only knows the Scripture but has understood them as well. May God be praised!
Absolutely fabulous! And extremely helpful in understanding that text. Praise God for Ryan’s gift.
Very interesting.
Hundreds of millions of Muslims memorize not just *single* books of the Qur’an, but the entire book.
Thanks for stopping by.
I’m not sure that “hundreds of millions” of Muslims have memorized the entire Qur’an, or what your point in sharing that statistic is. It’s not our memory that will save us, but our relationship with Jesus Christ.
I DO know that God promises to bless anyone who meditates on His Word (Psalm 1), and memorization certainly contributes to effective meditation. Most importantly, though, God wants us to come to the know the Savior His Word directs us to trust in.
thank you so much.
Is amazing the power of the Scripture!
May God be Praised for give us His Holy Son and His Holy Bible.
God Bless You Mr. Ferguson because this has been a great blessing for me.
I am wondering if the video of Ryan Fergusen on his dramatic presentation of Hebrews 9 & 10 is available for purchase?
Beverly, I’m sorry, but it’s not available for sale. Thanks for asking!