“Completely Done” Led by the Na Band

One of my favorite songs on our Sons & Daughters album is Completely Done. I appreciate the simple, clear, and effective way it challenges our struggles with condemnation.

Am I really forgiven?
Did God know about that sin?
What if I mess up again?
Are my sins really fully paid for?

Completely Done, by Jonathan and Ryan Baird and Rich Gunderlock, answers those questions with the assurance only the gospel can bring:

What reason have I to doubt
Why would I dwell in fear
When all I have known is grace
My future in Christ is clear

My sins have been paid in full
There’s no condemnation here
I live in the good of this
My Father has brought me near
I’m leaving my fears behind me now

The old is gone, the new has come
What You complete is completely done
We’re heirs with Christ, the victory won
What You complete is completely done

I don’t know what lies ahead
What if I fail again
You are my confidence
You’ll keep me to the end
I’m leaving my fears behind me now
© 2009 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP)

Here’s a video of the song, led by the Na Band, who will also be leading at one of the main sessions of WorshipGod11 this year.


You can download a free MP3 at the Sovereign Grace online store.

7 Responses to “Completely Done” Led by the Na Band

  1. Stephen Green July 23, 2011 at 5:57 PM #

    Amen! One of my favorite songs.

  2. Joey July 25, 2011 at 12:43 AM #

    This song didn’t quite work for our church when we tried it, but I gotta say it is one of my favorite songs. It’s hard to beat the encouragement in these words.

    By the way, Bob, I thought I remember something about you guys recording a live album at WorshipGod11 and there being some music that was going to be sent out to those attending. Is that still that case, or am I mixing things up?

    Thanks for your ministry!

    • Bob Kauflin July 25, 2011 at 3:19 AM #

      Joey, we’re planning on sending out the songs around Aug. 2. Thanks for asking!

  3. Rich July 28, 2011 at 12:48 AM #

    I love this song. I need to learn this one this weekend.

  4. how to write a song July 29, 2011 at 6:14 AM #

    I love the song and the message of the song :-)

    Especially these words:

    We’re heirs with Christ, the victory won
    What You complete is completely done

    I just can’t wait to see the second coming of our King and take us with Him wherever He is just as He promised

  5. Michaiah Bryan August 19, 2011 at 11:18 PM #

    Mr. Kauflin,

    Thank you for posting the lyrics to, performance of, and the free download of this song. God is using this song as more ammunition against the condemnation I have been fighting for years now. I pray that God will continue to use you and your ministry to edify and empower the body of Christ for many more years. God’s grace and peace be with you.


  1. Combing the Net – 7/27/2011 « Honey and Locusts - July 27, 2011

    […] I love this modern hymn from Sovereign Grace Ministries. You can find the lyrics here. […]

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