
Songs from WorshipGod West

1052691_10151836323334305_476574923_oEver since reading Bryan Chapell’s excellent book, Christ-Centered Worship, I’ve been more intentional about structuring songs and meetings to reflect the story of the gospel and our response to it. At WorshipGod11: The Gathering we recorded an album based on those thoughts.

More fruit from that study came at WorshipGod West. At each meeting we sought to rehearse, remember, revel in, and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ as our only hope and the means by which we’ve come to know God as our Father. Below I’ve listed the songs we sang, along with a few comments. Click on the title of the song titles to access charts and/or original sources.

THURSDAY AM | Led by Devon Kauflin and Norton Hall
Holy, Holy, Holy (PD hymn)

All Creatures of Our God and King (PD hymn, new lyrics by Jonathan and Ryan Baird)
Glorious Christ (Bob Kauflin)
Shine into Our Night (Joel Sczebel)
Grace and Peace (Joel Sczebel) From our upcoming album, Grace has Come, to be released Aug. 1 at WorshipGod East.
There Is a Fountain [PD hymn, arr. by Norton Hall]

After Message:
All I Have Is Christ (Jordan Kauflin) 

THURSDAY PM | Led by John Martin and Enfield
Crown Him with Many Crowns (PD hymn, arr. by Ryan Foglesong, on Resolved Music, Vol. 1)
How Great You Are (Pat and Joel Sczebel) 
Have Mercy on Me
(Dale Bischof & Pat Sczebel)
And Can it Be (PD hymn, arr. by Ryan Foglesong, on Rock of Ages and Resolved Music, Vol. 1)
Rock of Ages [PD hymn, arr. by Ryan Foglesong, on Rock of Ages)
The Church’s One Foundation (PD hymn, add’l lyrics and arr. by Ryan Foglesong, on Rock of Ages)

After Message:
O Church Arise (Keith Getty & Stuart Townend)
Eternal Praise (David Zimmer, Ryan Foglesong, Brian Steckler, on O, For That Day and Rock of Ages)

FRIDAY AM | Led by Josh Sczebel and Penitent Thieves
Come Thou Fount [public domain hymn]
You Will Never Change (Joel Sczebel)
Prayer of Confession:
Gracious God, our sins are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. Forgive what our lips tremble to name, what our hearts can no longer bear, and what has become for us a consuming fire of judgment. Set us free from a past that we cannot change; open to us a future in which we can be changed; and grant us grace to grow more and more in your likeness and image, through Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Amen. (John Knox)
Shine into Our Night (Joel Sczebel)
Grace Alone (Dustin Kensrue, on Grace Alone)
What Wondrous Love Is This? (Wayfarer, on The River)
My Life Is An Offering (Joel and Pat Szcebel) From our upcoming album, Grace has Come, to be released Aug. 1 at WorshipGod East.

After Message:
My Life Is An Offering 

FRIDAY PM | Led by Matt Papa and Ryan Baird and band
Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery (Matt Papa, Michael Bleecker, Matt Boswell) From Matt Papa’s upcoming album, Look and Live, scheduled for release on September 10, 2013.
It Is Finished (Matt Papa, Jennie Lee Riddle)

All Creatures of Our God and King
A God Who Saves (Joel Sczebel) From our upcoming album, Grace has Come, to be released Aug. 1 at WorshipGod East.
Now Why This Fear (Doug Plank)
Plead for Me
 (Meghan and Ryan Baird)
Behold Our God
 (Meghan, Ryan, Jonathan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge)

After Message:
Take My Life and Let It Be (PD hymn)

SATURDAY AM | Led by Bob Kauflin
O Great God (Bob Kauflin)
Come Praise and Glorify
 (Bob Kauflin & Tim Chester)
Not in Me
 (David Ward & Eric Schumacher)
Grace and Peace
Jesus, Thank You (Pat Sczebel)

After Message:
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (PD hymn, melody by Bill Moore, on Resolved Music, Vol. 1)
In Christ Alone (Keith Getty & Stuart Townend)

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9 Responses to Songs from WorshipGod West

  1. Trent Broussard July 2, 2013 at 10:40 PM #

    Reading about WorshipGod West and listening to the messages is increasing my excitement level and anticipation of WorshipGod East.

  2. Nancy Green July 2, 2013 at 10:49 PM #

    Thanks SO MUCH, Bob! we are going to be singing some of these in our church soon. Looking forward to the new albums, too!

  3. Josh Manriquez July 3, 2013 at 10:25 AM #

    Thank you so much! But no chord chart for “Grace and Peace”?


  4. Ryan Steele July 3, 2013 at 10:34 AM #

    Is there any way we can get the chord chart for Grace and Peace even though the album does not come out for another month?

  5. Gabriel Reyes July 3, 2013 at 11:38 AM #

    Will Matt Papa be at WorshipGod East?

    • Bob Kauflin July 3, 2013 at 2:03 PM #

      Gabe, no, but Matt Boswell will be with us!

  6. Sarah July 10, 2013 at 1:00 AM #

    Thank you so much for posting these! I was at WGW and was incredibly blessed by all the worship but wanted to know what several of the songs were, and hear them again. Thanks!


  1. Songlists From Worship God West Conference (via Bob Kauflin) | mgpcpastor's blog - July 3, 2013

    […] to Bob Kauflin, who has posted the songlists from the Worship God West Conference on his blog. Beyond the songs themselves, Kauflin explains the rationale behind the conscious […]

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