Songs from WorshipGod East: Called to be Faithful

IMG_0175_FotorWe sang a lot of songs at WorshipGod East: Called to be Faithful. Some were familiar, some were new. But all of them were designed to enable the word of Christ to dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16). That happened not only through the content of the songs but the way they progressed. In each session we started with songs that emphasized the greatness of God, leading to an awareness of our sinfulness and need for forgiveness. How sweet it was to follow that with songs and Scriptures that confirmed the grace and peace we’ve received by trusting in Christ’s substitutionary death for us on the cross.

I was grateful for the guys who led each session. They include Devon, my son, from Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville, Brooks Ritter and Chad Watson from Sojourn Church, and Matt Mason from The Church at Brook Hills. It’s encouraging to see God raising up so many younger leaders who are committed to leading music for the church in a way that is theologically driven, pastorally sensitive, and musically accessible.

Here’s the list of what we sang along with the Scriptures that were read. Click on the title of the song titles to access charts and/or original sources.

Wednesday PM – Grace Has Come Album Pre-Release

Rom. 1:1-7
The Gospel Was Promised
Rom. 3:10-19
Our Only Hope is You
Rom. 5:6-11
A God Who Saves
Rom. 5:18-21
Grace Greater Than Our Sin (traditional)
It’s Your Grace
Rom. 8:1-4
Our Hope is Alive
Rom. 8:10-11, 28-30
All Glory Be Forever
Glory Awaits
Rom. 8:31-39
O My Soul, Arise
Nothing in All the Earth
Rom. 12:1
My Life is an Offering
Grace and Peace
Rom. 16:25-27

Thursday AM – Bob and Band

Ps. 145:1-7
Praise God
Come Praise and Glorify
Shine Into Our Night
Eph. 2:4-7
Grace and Peace
My Redeemer’s Love
Behold Our God

All I Have is Christ

Thursday PM – Devon Kauflin and Norton Hall

Psalm 100
All Creatures of our God and King

The Gospel was Promised
Heb. 1:1-4, Col. 1:15-20
Glorious Christ
Ps. 51:1-4, Col. 2:13-15
Now Why This Fear
There is a Fountain (chart)
Rom. 8:31-39
Nothing in All the Earth

O Church Arise

Friday AM – Sojourn

Come Ye Sinners
Heb. 8:1-2
Approach My Soul The Mercy Seat

Is. 30:15, 18
Not in Me
Shine Into Our Night
Our Hearts Still Burn

For Your Sake

Friday PM – Matt Boswell

How Rich a Treasure
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery (From Matt Papa’s upcoming album, Look and Live, scheduled for release on September 10, 2013.)

Friday PM – Matt Mason and Brook Hills Band

Praise to the Lord the Almighty (with Ps. 146:1, 5-9, Ps. 148:1, 5, 13)
Grace and Peace (Ps. 32:1, 11)
Jesus Firm Foundation (Col. 2:6-7)
How Great Thou Art

O Great God

Saturday AM – Bob and Sovereign Grace Church band

Psalm 148
All Creatures of our God and King

Greater Than We Can Imagine
Titus 3:3-8
Not in Me
Completely Done
Take My Life and Let it Be (traditional)
Nothing in All the Earth

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (PD hymn, melody by Bill Moore, on Resolved Music, Vol. 1)


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6 Responses to Songs from WorshipGod East: Called to be Faithful

  1. Tony Weber August 7, 2013 at 9:20 PM #

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for putting together such a Christ-centered and God-honoring event!

    I left with renewed resolve to be faithful to serve and to be faithful to grow in my walk with Christ and in my musical abilities. Thank you for your faithfulness to serve the Lord!

    • Bob Kauflin August 7, 2013 at 9:42 PM #

      Tony, your comment was so encouraging as it was exactly what we prayed would be the fruit from WorshipGod. Thanks for coming.

  2. Chris Yarborough August 8, 2013 at 9:41 AM #

    Thanks so much for posting this helpful list. Was just soaking everything in during the conference. A great experience and a providential “shot in the arm”.

    Grace and peace!

  3. Kevin Cooper August 8, 2013 at 3:10 PM #

    using “Grace and Peace” and “Shine In Our Night” this week with the congregation. So excited, renewed, refreshed, cleansed. What a Great Shepherd we serve! he leads us beside still waters and green pastures, He restores our soul. This is what the conference was to me: Fresh water, grace and peace.

  4. Frank V. August 25, 2013 at 9:09 PM #

    Love it! Superb material. Thx. for the post.


  1. WorshipGod East Seminar Audio [Index] - August 15, 2013

    […] sound and tech teams, and more. General session audio is also available, along with a song list and thoughts on the conference from Bob […]

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