A New Soundtrack for the Psalms

Psalm songs vol 1_itunes image_FotorA few weeks ago I came across an album called Psalm Songs, Vol. 1, put out by The Corner Room, aka Adam Wright. I hear hundreds of albums each year and when one stands out, it’s obvious. Psalm Songs stands out.

These aren’t congregational songs, but Scripture songs, word for word from the English Standard Version. It’s really difficult to set longer Biblical passages to music without making it sound forced and un-musical. Adam and friends overcame those obstacles. Combining elements of bluegrass, new country, pop music, and folk, these songs are musically fresh, skillfully played, and a joy to listen to.

Adam and FamilyAfter listening to the album five times through, I wanted to find out more about the man behind the music. Adam came to know the saving grace of Christ in college, and now lives in Birmingham, AL with Jessica, his wife of almost ten years, and Nora Jane, their two year old daughter. They have another girl on the way. He’s been the chief musician at Cahaba Park Church (PCA) for 7 years and plans the liturgy each week, oversees the musicians and sound technicians, leads on Sundays, and writes and records original songs. Through Corner Room Music he also seeks to serve and resource other local churches. In other words, he’s a busy guy.

But he was kind enough to answer a few questions for me:

the Corner RoomWhere did the name “Corner Room Music” come from?
My church purchased a historic house and conference center to be our church home. I was graciously given two rooms in the corner of the house: one is an office and the other a recording studio (and the quietest room I’ve ever occupied). The Corner Room seemed a fitting title.

What’s the story behind the songs on this album? Are there any you were particularly affected by when you wrote them? 
In the spring of 2014, our senior pastor, Murray Lee, announced a 16 week summer sermon series on the Psalms. I began to think of ways to incorporate Psalm 1 into the different parts of the liturgy. The first week, I spent a few hours trying to set Psalm 1 to music. I read the passage continually, thinking about its character and style, a songwriting structure, melody, and chordal accompaniment. I eventually completed an arrangement that seemed “true” to the text – and I absolutely fell in love with the process.

The next Sunday, we played the song and then Murray preached a sermon on the text. It was powerful. After seeing people’s response, I committed to writing each week. By the end of the summer, I had set 13 Psalms to music. The following summer I wrote seven more, and I chose ten for Psalm Songs, Volume I.

Adam and Nora JaneGod has used this writing process in my own life. Most weeks I had memorized the passage before the worship service the following Sunday. Now, I pray them driving in the car, I sing them to my two year old as she falls asleep, and I use them to praise God in personal and corporate worship. These songs will always have a special place in my heart and continually draw my affections to the Lord.

How can people incorporate these songs in their services? 
Due to the complexity of the arrangements and vocal range, Psalm Songs weren’t written with congregational singing in focus. I actually tried to include one in our corporate singing and it fostered more of a spirit of confusion than worship! They’re definitely more beneficial when the congregation is listening to the Word being sung. But I would love for any of these to work corporately – I challenge someone to prove me wrong!

The musicianship on the album is superb. Who was involved?
I had never produced an album before and it was liberating to be able to take the reins and bring these songs to life. I was thankful to have Act of Congress bandmates Tim Carroll, Chris Griffin and Connie Skellie on several tracks – making music with them is absolutely a joy. Ricky Skaggs’ fiddler, Andy Leftwich and bass legend, Byron House also made significant contributions. Brian Murphy and Ashley Spurling, who have produced great hymn rewrites over the past decade through Red Mountain Music, were also a welcome addition. Jason Elgin of Synchromesh Studios mixed and mastered the album and did a beautiful job creating one cohesive sound from so many different styles.

What other kinds of music have you done or do you plan to do?
This summer/fall The Corner Room will be releasing a five song EP of hymn rewrites and original worship songs called “What Great Mystery.”  As with Psalm Songs, we’ll release the album with lead sheets and chord charts for use in other church worship services. I’ve also written songs for Act of Congress in the last ten years. If you’re a fan of acoustic groups like Nickel Creek, then this band might be for you.

How do I connect with The Corner Room? WebsiteInstagram, TwitterFacebook

How can I get this album? You can buy it at the Corner Room store, or download it from Amazon or iTunes


BE ONE OF TEN PEOPLE TO WIN A FREE DOWNLOAD! Leave a comment on this post telling me what one of your favorite Psalms is in 50 words or less. I’ll pick five comment for originality and 5 at random. You have until Sunday night at midnight (approximately). I’ll announce the winners on Monday morning. UPDATE: I announced the winners here

I thank God for his gifts and am looking forward to seeing how he’s going to continue to use Adam Wright and Corner Room Music in the future to serve the broader church. In the mean time, here’s one of my favorites from Psalm Songs.


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75 Responses to A New Soundtrack for the Psalms

  1. Joe Gunter March 18, 2016 at 7:08 AM #

    I’m going for being randomly drawn.

    • Dan Lugo March 18, 2016 at 2:02 PM #

      This is my favorite post of the week on all the internet.

  2. Reuben Huffman March 18, 2016 at 7:20 AM #

    Psalm 114 is great. God’s invisible (to us) presence that made the mountains and oceans all jittery incited the psalmist to inquire of them. Mountains, sea, what ailed you?

  3. Daniel Warren March 18, 2016 at 7:20 AM #

    Psalm 51 has been my favorite for quite some time now. Even under the Levitical priesthood, David knew that the blood of bulls and goats couldn’t cover his sins, but only a broken and contrite heart would bring him back to the Lord. This is the gospel.

  4. Taryn March 18, 2016 at 7:20 AM #

    Psalm 139 comes to mind because I can still hear the voices of my children reciting it and see them acting it out after we memorized it as a family. “The night will SHINE LIKE THE DAY!”

  5. Paul Huxley March 18, 2016 at 7:22 AM #

    So many favourites – but Psalm 16 springs to mind, particularly for its ending. ‘Fullness of joy’ and ‘pleasures forevermore’ are at God’s right hand. Who is at God’s right hand? Jesus. That’s where true joy is found.

  6. Matthew Weston March 18, 2016 at 7:31 AM #

    Psalm 88 seems devoid of hope, until you realise it’s addressed to a God who is present in the suffering – and in Jesus, takes the words onto His own lips.

  7. Stui Chaplin March 18, 2016 at 7:36 AM #

    I think Psalm 22 is amazing because of the way it preaches the gospel to us. We are emotionally moved from the despair of the anointed to a great declaration of joyful praise. We see that the Lord’s deliverance will be proclaimed to his people, the nations, and future generations.

  8. Jaycen Saab March 18, 2016 at 8:26 AM #

    Ps. 22 was a moment of revelation at the beginning of my Christian walk as I realized it’s prophetic fulfillment at the cross. To this day it is a wonderful reminder of what it cost for God to provide such a great salvation.

  9. Jason Delgado March 18, 2016 at 9:20 AM #

    Psalm 73. Why? You see a “worship leader” being transparent and telling you he has the same trials and temptations as you and I. The solution was going to be with the people of God and being apart of the means of grace. And what glorious hope he found indeed!

  10. Jake peterson March 18, 2016 at 10:05 AM #

    Psalm 73 has been an anchor for my soul. Remembering that my heart and flesh will dial
    But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever… There is real hope in the midst of trial there…

    Also… psalm 103:13-14
    “As a father shows compassion to his children,
    so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. For he knows our frame;
    he remembers that we are dust”

    I am firmly in the grip of Christ. Oh what grace!

    Thanks for highlighting this project! We love singing the scriptures as a church and want to do more!

  11. Lane Gramling March 18, 2016 at 11:02 AM #

    Psalm 1 has always been my favorite. It was the first Psalm I ever memorized back when I was 4 or 5, and it’s stuck with me all these years. The tree imagery of being rooted in God’s word stands in stark contrast to the way of the wicked. Want to be faithful? Meditate over and over on the law of the Lord.

  12. Zach Dietrich March 18, 2016 at 11:10 AM #

    Psalm 16 promises that Gods goodness is never ending because not even death can stop it. And true joy, real happiness is found through living Gods ways. In your presence is fullness of joy!

  13. Richard Lee March 18, 2016 at 11:16 AM #

    Psalm 2 because it feels like we are living in these times where the nations are plotting against God and God is sitting on His throne, laughing at their puny efforts. What is even more amazing is that the offer of forgiveness is still made. It humbles me because I was just like the nations, hating God, yet He had mercy on me. The book of Psalms is so precious because of the wide range of emotions expressed. Much thanks to Adam and his team for all of their labor of love.

  14. Nicole McLernon Eckerson March 18, 2016 at 11:28 AM #

    In the darkest night of my soul, I challenged God to prove His existence. “Though the mountains fall into the heart of the sea” suddenly resounded in my mind. It brought me to Psalm 46. Verse 10 says “Be still and know that I am God.” I knew and believed.

  15. Carol S. March 18, 2016 at 11:50 AM #

    After experiencing the near death of three of our five children within a two-year period, I clung to Psalm 68 as a lifeline, especially v. 20, “Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.” Right before that verse, though, v. 19 tells me that God is my salvation and He daily bears my burdens. Whether I’m in the midst of an agonizing, excruciating, soul-wrenching ordeal or simply seeking to live for His glory amidst the daily trials of this sometimes weary life, God is the one who rescues, empowers, saves and upholds. Praise His name forever!

  16. Jon Sedgwick March 18, 2016 at 12:20 PM #

    Psalm 40 is my testimony. The greatness of God pulling me out of my sinful state and giving new life astounds me. I am now a child of God telling the amazing story of Jesus to all who will listen. To God be the glory.

  17. David Regier March 18, 2016 at 12:26 PM #

    Psalm 13 is a beautiful lament. It’s a poignant reminder of faith in the midst of pain and opposition.

  18. Matthew March 18, 2016 at 12:32 PM #

    How can I pick only ONE???!!! If I must, Psalm 27. My father was in a coma after suffering cardiac arrest. A week with no response. The Lord brought this psalm to my heart during that week, especially the final two verses. ” I would have lost heart unless I had believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” All week, this was on my heart. Thursday night, the doc was talking to us about my dads living will…life support, etc. “I would have lost heart…”

    Friday morning, he woke up. No complications. No brain damage. It was as if God simply put him to sleep and woke him up a week later! That psalm is forever linked in my life to that week. The Lord is in control, He is sovereign, and regardless of outcomes, He is good!

  19. Carol Graft March 18, 2016 at 12:45 PM #

    So many to choose from. Off the top of my head psalm 139. Used it a lot ( maybe too much), when I was teaching at the local women’s mission. Trying to encourage the women that no matter what brought them to the place of living in a shelter, that God knew from the beginning their life and loved them still. And is walking with them. In my women’s (church), we just started studying the names of God, and Elohim is the first name we are going through. I’ve read this to them, and reminded them as well…that God has always known them and loved them. Great giveaway. But, oy, such a tough question to answer to enter.:-)

  20. David March 18, 2016 at 12:53 PM #

    I was inspired to play the song “If I Give It All” by United Pursuit after reading your blog post. THANK YOU for your commitment to sharing your thoughts for all of us to learn from. You are making an impact on a lot of worshipers! If you want to hear my little Instagram cover – https://www.instagram.com/p/BDEpXmKIBp_/?taken-by=davidxfuertes

  21. Josh March 18, 2016 at 1:50 PM #

    Psalm 2. Oh to be the blessed man of Psalm 1, but until I can delight in the law perfectly I find my blessing in taking refuge in the Son! That’s the gospel right there!

  22. Josh March 18, 2016 at 1:54 PM #

    Psalm 2. Oh to be the blessed man of Psalm 1, but until I can delight in the law perfectly, I find my blessedness by taking refuge in the Son! That’s the gospel right there!

  23. Mark E Russell March 18, 2016 at 2:01 PM #

    Psalm 110 – How can you go wrong with the most frequently cited Psalm of the New Testament. Christ is the LORD!

  24. Chris Whisonant March 18, 2016 at 2:29 PM #

    Psalm 34 – It is such an encouraging Psalm for believers. The blessings and promises of the care and deliverance that God provides to us! Such a salve for our wounded hearts!

  25. Sam Van Eerden March 18, 2016 at 2:49 PM #

    This is some amazing artistry! Thank you for sharing. I had never heard of this artist before coming across this article. I love Psalm 139 for its profound encouragement and rich theology. This passage in particular is often on my mind.

    13 For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
    14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
    Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.
    15 My frame was not hidden from you,
    when I was being made in secret,
    intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
    16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
    in your book were written, every one of them,
    the days that were formed for me,
    when as yet there was none of them.
    17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
    18 If I would count them, they are more than the sand.
    I awake, and I am still with you.

    Here is the amazing statement that God has ordained all our days before we were even born, and the Psalmist proclaims that the thoughts of God (which would include the ordination of the Psalmist’s days) are “precious”. Even though the Psalmist (like us) went through hard times, he was able to say that God’s presence remained steadfastly with him (v 18). These are wonderful truths and constantly applicable. Sons of Korah has put this Psalm to beautiful music as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjxbcCQtvv4

  26. Tiago March 18, 2016 at 3:00 PM #

    Psalm 19
    So rich theologically. The first and only time I heard this psalm being preached was through John MacArthur when he went to Brazil, through a translator.

  27. Steven R. Robertson March 18, 2016 at 5:03 PM #

    Psalm 87 is one of my favorites. Regardless where you are born, you can be born again and registered in Zion, where all our springs of joy are in Zion’s King.

  28. David Currie March 18, 2016 at 7:07 PM #

    As a minister Psalm 16 is my favourite because of those times reading it to saints in their final days reminding and assuring them of the beautiful inheritance they have, that they will not be shaken, and that pleasures forevermore await them.

  29. Jake March 18, 2016 at 8:53 PM #

    Psalm 8 has taught me the beautiful interplay between transcendence and immanence. A grander awareness of Gods transcendence produces a heightened appreciation for his immanence. The truth that Jesus is so near and mindful of man that he took on human flesh is profound in itself. But,when I observe all He has made, I’m overwhelmingly stunned that the CREATOR GOD is the incarnate one.

  30. Ruth Fish March 18, 2016 at 9:08 PM #

    Psalm 84 has always been a favorite, as it helps me to picture worshipping the Lord in heaven some day, longing to be in His presence. It’s also a good reminder that He has promised to withhold nothing good from those who walk uprightly. That is a great encouragement when I am struggling with not having something that my heart desires. I wrote a poem based on this psalm as part of the application homework for a women’s Bible study at my church:

    In Your presence, Lord, I long to be
    For blessed are those who dwell in Thee.
    Give me strength, Lord, to serve You each day
    So my heart may praise You, no matter what comes my way.

    Help me to trust that You are good
    And only give me the things You should
    For You know each heart and what is best
    And in this truth, help me to trust and rest.

  31. Deb Entsminger March 18, 2016 at 10:03 PM #

    Psalm 16 is my hands down favorite – so rich and full of truth I often need to be reminded of. Throughout my walk with the Lord these past 33 years different verses have been highlighted bringing hope in the middle of the story and opening up opportunities to experience the Lord being so faithful to His promises!

  32. John Grubb March 18, 2016 at 10:15 PM #

    Psalm 119 because it tells me it is GOOD when I am afflicted for then I learn HIS ways.

  33. Jonathan Bach March 18, 2016 at 10:48 PM #

    Psalm 23 because it was my Dad’s favorite. A wonderful man, fought in World War II, built our home, loved my Mom and us. Had a stability, kindness, joy, and love that came from his Shepherd, in spite of the valley of death that took years, and his life, when I was 11 and he was just 40. Psalm 23 because the Lord is my Shepherd and the Shepherd of my wife, and He brought us together, guided us, corrected us when we strayed, and guides us now. My best man played it on classical guitar while I sang it at our reception, telling of our wonderful Shepherd and asking our guests if He was their Shepherd. Psalm 23 for me now, when I’m 20 years older than my Dad was down here, and needing his Shepherd, my Shepherd, our Shepherd, more than ever. We’ve been through the valley ourselves, holding our son while he went to his Shepherd, and saying farewell, for now, to all of our parents. He leads me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul.

  34. Andrew Manwiller March 18, 2016 at 10:50 PM #

    My current favorite Psalm is Psalm 34 summarized by verse 8. I want to taste and see God’s goodness more and more and invite others to do the same.
    I also love Scripture put to music! A great memorization tool for me!

  35. Nathan March 18, 2016 at 11:09 PM #

    I streamed it for a week from the website, then purchased psalm songs from iTunes and can’t stop listening. I was just sharing with another friend how encouraged I’ve been listening to this. I’ve been recording this week and listening to this everyday on my way to and from the studio. It’s been great!

  36. Brennan March 19, 2016 at 12:07 AM #

    Psalm 51 is my favorite psalm, because it reflects the seriousness of sin. It should be our response to every sin.

  37. Brian Prata March 19, 2016 at 12:27 AM #

    I like Psalm 136
    With its recurring refrain,
    Telling of God’s great love
    Through its recurring refrain;
    And His marvelous acts in history
    Through its recurring refrain.

  38. chrisc3ndo March 19, 2016 at 12:59 AM #

    Psalm 32 speaks to my soul time and time again. Knowing the great forgiveness of our God, knowing that I am one of those whom the Lord counts no iniquity against me, how can it be?! I keep these words close to my heart, thankful for His unending, extravagant grace.

  39. Victoria Owolana March 19, 2016 at 5:58 AM #

    I am so inspired and filled with hope and faith every time I read Psalm 126, especially when I read how the psalmist draws on his memory of God’s redemption of Zion and uses that testimony to encourage himself and others.

  40. Gary Ware March 19, 2016 at 6:55 AM #

    Psalm 51.
    The expression of repentance for breaking relationship with God, trusting God to maintain and restore that relationship better than before; then celebrating the joy of that relationship with all those around as a witness of God’s forgiveness, grace and loving kindness.

  41. Aaron Pratt March 19, 2016 at 7:41 AM #

    I was shocked, in a good way, by the musical quality of the psalms album and would love to own it!
    Psalm 64 has long been a favorite. I love the progression of first stating “my soul finds rest in God alone…” And then proceeding to preaching the gospel to my soul which is such a necessity in perilous times “my soul, find rest in God alone”! Side note, Aaron Keyes’ rendition of this psalm is superb!

  42. Michael Lockstampfor March 19, 2016 at 7:42 AM #

    Palm 65

  43. John Stegemerten March 19, 2016 at 7:54 AM #

    I love Psalm 66. Wonderful for praying through. The Psalmist invites us to both “come and see what God has done,” and to “come and hear what He has done.”

  44. Gerald March 19, 2016 at 8:19 AM #

    Can’t wait to hear this project!

  45. ivanareyes March 19, 2016 at 8:20 AM #

    I would love to have this CD, my husband introduced me to it couple of weeks ago, and every time I am spending quiet time with the Lord I try to listen through at least one of this songs. Psalms 23 my favorite psalm, and I am SO glad that you post the video for it so I can listen this song over and over again. Honestly I am amazed by this project because even though I am not a musician I have always wondered why musicians don’t put music to the actual lyrics in the Psalms If they are music already. Now with your post I understand why, I was just not aware of the challenges. Honestly this album amazes me even more after reading this. Great job Adam! God bless your heart! And thanks SO much Bob for sharing this with us.

    Ivana Reyes

  46. James Santos March 19, 2016 at 8:40 AM #

    In this season of suffering I once again draw from the words of Psalm 23, The Lord is my Shepherd and I have everything I need! The Trinitarian field of love is where I find myself this morning.

  47. James Hui March 19, 2016 at 9:13 AM #

    I love Psalm 23 – it is a wonderful expression of God’s promises to His people and the basis of our hope in his salvation – Praise God!

  48. Philip March 19, 2016 at 9:53 AM #

    Thanks for posting about this!
    I’ve been looking for some good Scripture music.

  49. Joel Carlson March 19, 2016 at 10:20 AM #

    Psalm 46 is wonderful. There is no reason to fear. The victory is secure! God protects His purpose and His people. He protects PRESENTLY.

  50. thisransomedlife March 19, 2016 at 10:42 AM #

    Psalm 46. My mum helped me memorise it as a child, but it fully came to life last year as I lived through 2 massive earthquakes (and many aftershocks) in Nepal. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever – present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way…”

  51. Jonathan March 19, 2016 at 10:53 AM #

    While there are many Psalms I could choose from, I have always been drawn to David’s heart of repentance in Psalm 51. Despite of his great error, he acknowledges that the Lord alone can make him clean.

  52. David Koh March 19, 2016 at 11:44 AM #

    Psalm 43. When I read Psalm 42 and 43, I am constantly reminded of the admonition by Martyn Lloyd-Jones and John Piper to speak truth to your self and not just to let it speak to you, which has been a wonderful encouragement in times of fear and anxiety. And Psalm 43 reminds me to plead to God to send out his light and truth to lead me to him, “then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy”! Sandra McCracken also has a wonderful song on her Psalms album based on Psalm 43.

  53. wflores March 19, 2016 at 11:48 AM #

    Beautiful Psalm 23!! It’s difficult to name a favorite Psalm because every day a read the book Psalms there is a new favorite Scripture. We need, both in English and Spanish (my native Language), more songs from the book of Psalm. For today I choose Psalm 34, first verses says: “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!”. From El Salvador in Central America.

  54. Cara Barbee March 19, 2016 at 12:45 PM #

    I just memorized Psalm 121, so that is my current favorite. However, I also love Psalm 1, because way, way back in the dark ages, the director of my youth group wrote a worship song using that Psalm as the lyrics. Later, I sang it to my babies as I rocked them, and now find myself instinctively singing it to my grandchildren, praying that they would indeed be ‘like trees planted by the water.’ I am also reading and praying through the Psalms in my quiet times, so the Psalms are a big part of my walk right now. Thank you for making this album!

  55. Michael March 19, 2016 at 12:46 PM #

    Psalm 145. It makes me exhilarated to be adopted as His son. The world paints him to be an evil dictator who damns the world, when He is really the loving source of all good. If He wasn’t committed to His glory then he would rob us of Himself. Now THAT would be evil!

  56. juliepiz March 19, 2016 at 1:13 PM #

    I love the Psalms more and more as I grow older. Psalm 84 is a favorite, because it articulates my soul’s longing for God and speaks of being on pilgrimage to Zion. I also love how personal it is. And it always amazes me when God’s name is associated, as in verse 8, with Jacob, formerly a liar and deceiver. Truly all is grace!

  57. Hannah March 19, 2016 at 3:00 PM #

    Psalm 116:8 (ESV)

    For you have delivered my soul from death,
    my eyes from tears,
    my feet from stumbling;
    I will walk before the Lord
    in the land of the living.

  58. Issa Haddad March 19, 2016 at 6:40 PM #

    Great music drawn from the Psalms. I love it!

  59. Michelle King (@mikingpd) March 19, 2016 at 10:19 PM #

    Psalm 113 – This Psalm of praise is also a confession of the many attributes of God. He is Eternal, Holy, Glorious, Judge, Sovereign, Merciful, worthy of praise.
    Also I’ve never had a child so vs. 9 reminds me that I have many spiritual children through ministry and service.

  60. Ron March 19, 2016 at 10:57 PM #

    O my. One of the SWEETEST albums I’ve heard. 10 of the Psalms – word for word ‘effortlessly’ crafted from the ESV. What at a fragrant offering to Him this would be wafting throughout our home. Beautifully arranged, deliciously blue grass flavored! Undoubtably pleasing to Him. I love this. Thank you Bob for directing us to this blessing.

    As father of 5 beautiful ‘arrows’, I had the recent opportunity to write a ‘challenge’ for my eldest, Robbie, as a graduating high school senior. It was meant to serve as our parental encouragement as he crosses this threshold of manhood. The Lord graciously led me to Psalm 25 to encourage him that David’s prayer be a personal prayer for his life. It served as the roadmap for us to inspire him to:

    1. trust in Him as his God
    2. seek Him for his chosen path
    3. be assured that The Lord is a merciful, always good Master
    4. continually fear Him through faithful confession of his sin – for God’s name sake
    5. in times of distress, look to Him alone for rescue
    6. through honesty and integrity, place his Hope in God

    … for He alone is The Ransom for His people!

  61. Bob March 19, 2016 at 11:55 PM #

    I’m going to say psalm 13 because it reminds me of the band Act of Congress. Adam has been writing and performing christian music in the secular world for over 10 years. Check out “Love Comes for free” http://youtu.be/-B-HOZyXBZA

  62. Jay Morris March 20, 2016 at 1:38 AM #

    Psalm 115 calls me to worship our great God,who does His will and gives purpose to my life and it’s trouble, for His sreadfast love and faithfulness- in comparison to the feebleness of false idols.

  63. Michael Snyder March 20, 2016 at 8:37 AM #

    Psalm 119. Won’t win this for originality but maybe randomly…

  64. Padma March 20, 2016 at 8:49 AM #

    My favourite psalm is Psalm 23.

    I have experiences every single word and verse from the Psalm.

    I have faced trials, tribulations, sickness to the point of death. I know what starvation means!

    Yet! In all I experiences goodness and mercy of the Lord following me. He kept me swelling in his house till date and believe that He will till the day I see him!!

    I love him and I continue to support that Lord is my Spepherd, I shall not want!!

  65. Brent Bodenhamer March 20, 2016 at 10:49 AM #

    Psalm 88 because that’s the way life is. Psalm 103 because that’s the way life is.

  66. Chris Youell March 20, 2016 at 1:02 PM #

    Psalm 8

    3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
    4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
    and the son of man that you care for him?

    Can’t help but worship The Mindful Creator!

  67. Luke March 20, 2016 at 3:51 PM #

    It never dawned on me before, but I recently learned (in Mark Jones’ book called Knowing Christ) that Christ Himself read the Psalms during His earthly ministry. Now when I read the Psalms, I remember that they were not only about Him, but He too found joy and comfort in reading them.

    This idea made many Psalms stand out all the more, especially Psalm 22. Here, Christ would learn of the the suffering He would bear, not only in the flesh, but the wrath of God as He took our place. He would learn of this, but then see the glory and victory that would ultimately be His after conquering death for his people. What an amazing Savior we have!

  68. Sydney March 20, 2016 at 4:43 PM #

    Psalm 67:
    Let the peoples praise You, God;
    let all the peoples praise You.
    Let the nations rejoice and shout for joy,
    for You judge the peoples with fairness
    and lead the nations on earth.
    Let the peoples praise You, God,
    let all the peoples praise You.

  69. Joanna Rose March 20, 2016 at 5:27 PM #

    I love all of Psalm 103 (Bless the Lord, O my soul!), but verses 8-10 speak deep comfort to my soul:

    8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
    9 He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever.
    10 He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.
    11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; – Psalm 103:8-11

  70. Lyndon March 20, 2016 at 8:11 PM #

    Psalm 119

  71. cindy sereda March 21, 2016 at 5:52 AM #

    Psalm 139: 13 and 14. On March 12 and March 17, we were blessed with a granddaughter and grandson. Our son and wife had a baby boy and our daughter and her husband had a baby girl. We have been blessed from God with five little miracles, 3 yrs old and under in the last few years!,, Miraculous are Your works…

  72. Nick Murray March 24, 2016 at 11:20 AM #

    Psalm 73. This was a gateway psalm for me. Through it, I discovered that the psalms were a gift from the Lord to us, giving us the words to properly express the conditions of our hearts back to Him.

  73. Saint Lewis May 17, 2016 at 1:03 AM #

    Only just recently discovered this a couple months ago for myself, & I should’ve figured you’d have already know about it. Such a BEAUTIFUL CD, & the Psalm arrangements work very well!

  74. Laun Storm September 1, 2019 at 7:29 AM #

    Psalm 18 Begins who our great God is. Our troubles faced. How He shows up. HIs rescue. Where our adversaries wind up!

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