More Songs from New Attitude

On Sunday night and Monday morning at the New Attitude conference we added 17 string players to the band. Pretty amazing. None of it would have been possible apart from the gifts and labors of Judah Groveman, a cellist/guitarist/songwriter in our church who spent many hours arranging the parts. He did a brilliant job.

They string players were all from Sovereign Grace churches. They’ve spent years developing their skills on violin, viola, or cello. Thank God for their parents who obviously have made a significant financial investment over the years.

One of the songs we sang with strings was Nail My Glory, written mostly by my son, Devon, with a little help from his dad. Original lyrics are by Isaac Watts. They recorded a version on the Na Band’s latest CD, Looked Upon. Here’s what it sounded like at New Attitude:


You can also download Nail My Glory by clicking here.

Also, I sang two spontaneous songs at the conference. These are prophetic impressions that express God’s heart for an individual, a group of people, or a specific situation (I’m planning to post something about spontaneous songs next week). The first song was for those attending who weren’t sure why they had come, and possibly didn’t know the Lord.

You can download it by clicking here, or stream it below.


Here are the words:

You didn’t come here on your own
I’ve known about you all along
And though I seem distant to you now
My power is at work to draw you to Me
But you’re holding on to what you can do
And in the end you know it will fail you
There is only one Savior, one Savior
My Son, who came for you

Only I can break down your pride
And show you why my Son came to die
It’s because all you could ever do
Would not be enough to reach me

Only, only my Son
Could pay for what you’ve done
His mercy is free to you
And you can receive it
Let go of your pride and believe it
That he shed His blood for you.

The other song I sang was for those experiencing ongoing, chronic pain. You can download it here, or listen to it below.


These are the words:

Do you believe that I know what is best?
Can you believe that I’ve chosen you for this test?
Though you may not understand it
Though you may not have a clue
I’ve designed what you’re going through just for you.

I’ve heard the questions that you’ve asked me
When you wonder if I care
My promises are trustworthy
You can know I am there
And my Son knows what it is
He suffered in your place
He took the pain that you deserved
So you could know my grace

And there will be a day
When there’ll be no more pain
You’ll look upon my face
And know the trial was worth it
In all the things I do
I’m working now in you
To trust me, to know me
To believe me, to love me
To draw close to me

And if I heal you, I can heal you
I have the power to take this away
But if you don’t see it until you see me
Will anything be changed?

You’ve wondered if I know what is best
I’ve chosen you for this test
And my grace is sufficient for all that you need
For my grace will lead you to Me.

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21 Responses to More Songs from New Attitude

  1. David Guion May 31, 2008 at 10:19 AM #

    Hi Bob,

    Thanks for including the audio from Devon’s song, Nail My Glory, in this post. (And the strings sound amazing!)

    I’m convicted each time I’m confronted with the lyrics to this song…

    Now for His love I bear His name
    My former pride I call my shame
    What was my gain I count my loss
    And I nail my glory to His cross

    Also, I’m looking forward to your upcoming post next week about spontaneous songs.

    Thanks again,

    David Guion

  2. Sam Branchaw May 31, 2008 at 10:20 AM #

    Is there any way to get that version of Nail My Glory as a download? I remember hearing that at the conference and wishing I could get a recording of it because the strings were so amazing.

  3. JM May 31, 2008 at 12:13 PM #

    Thanks for posting these Bob! It’s great to hear a little about what the Lord did at NA through the music this year! I love NA and was particularly disappointed that I wasn’t able to make it out this time around.

    (BTW – the spontaneous songs seem to be playing very fast or at an incorrect sample rate.)

  4. Bob Kauflin May 31, 2008 at 5:24 PM #


    Thanks for stopping by. Not sure what you’re hearing on teh spontaneous songs. They play okay on the computers I’ve tried them on. Let me know if the same thing happens on another computer.

  5. JM June 1, 2008 at 12:20 AM #

    You are right, Bob! I tried it on my wife’s computer and it played perfectly… still plays at chipmunk speed on mine, although Nail My Glory plays fine… very interesting. For whatever it’s worth, we are both running OS 10.4.11 but I am on a PPC G4 and she is on a newer Intel machine. It could just be that my machine just has issues though.

    Sorry about that! I should have checked that out more thoroughly before posting.

  6. LJ June 1, 2008 at 8:08 AM #

    Just thought I’d let you know I’m having the same problem with the spontaneous songs (but I don’t have another computer to try them on right now). We’ve never met, but I’m quite sure your voice wasn’t that high the last time I heard it on the blog! (The songs are still understandable, especially since you posted the words, but “chipmunk speed” was a very accurate description)

  7. David MacKenzie June 1, 2008 at 9:02 PM #

    JM and LJ,

    Sorry for the problem with the spontaneous songs. Old versions of the Flash plug-in (released before late 2007) play MP3s encoded at some sample rates at the wrong speed, and we overlooked checking for that before posting them.

    We’ve updated the MP3 files for the spontaneous songs, so they should play at the right speed for everyone now.

    David MacKenzie
    Sovereign Grace Ministries

  8. Collin V. June 2, 2008 at 2:02 AM #


    Bringing in a string ensemble sounded great and I am sure it was refreshing bring something new to a time of worship. I am near completing “Worship Matters” and have been feed a great deal as well as our worship team with some quotes during our devotions before practice.

    Now I have a question that is a little off this topic but I figured this is the best medium to address you with a queston. A little background, I am the current worship director at a medium sized church, 500-600, in Mount Vernon, WA. I have been in this position for about 4 months but have been the main worship leader at the church for over 1 year. With my limited experience I am able to lead a full band on Sunday mornings but it stops there. Our church has many capable individuals that would be involved in a choir but my limitations keep me from taking the plunge and just going for it with some simple choir pieces. Do have any suggestions, for someone with my limited experience, how to go about leading a choir? Should I hold off and wait until I have proper training in leading a choir? I know a choir would serve our worship time so it is something I would like to see on occasion on Sunday mornings.

    I know you get a lot of questions like these, so if you have time and feel answering a question like this would serve the readers of your blog please do so. I read your blog as often as you post and look forward to your insight in the future.

    God Bless,

    Collin V.

  9. Don Fields June 2, 2008 at 9:38 AM #


    I thought the spontaneous song about pain was tremendous. My wife suffers from chronic physical ailments and it was especially encouraging to be reminded of God’s truth. Are you considering putting this song on an album? Have you ever taken a spontaneous song and put it on an album?

  10. Kyle June 2, 2008 at 12:17 PM #

    Off topic from the post, but I’m taking the opportunity to piggy back on Collin V.’s question.

    I also am the main leader of corporate worship in our 500-600 member church (in Houston, TX), and am struggling through a number of issues regarding choir ministry. My situation is slightly different than Collin’s, but I think we’re probably asking ourselves similar questions. (Collin, I’d welcome correspondence with you via email, if you’re interested.)

    We have had a regular choir ministry for decades at our church; however, one year ago we moved to a new location, changed our name, and have significantly modified the stylistic context of our corporate worship to (we pray) better reach the community in which we find ourselves. So now our Sunday morning meetings are pretty modernized, with a full band and a pop/rock type musical style. So my pastor, choir leaders, and I have been asking ourselves how to incorporate a choir ministry into a modern context in a way that makes sense, and doesn’t feel disconnected from the rest of the meeting – and, hopefully, in a way that will encourage more people to become involved with the ministry.

    I apologize for moving this comment thread off topic (delete the comment if you need to), but thought I’d add weight to Collin’s request by making known similar concerns from another leader in another part of the country. Any thoughts you have to offer in this category would be treasured.



  11. B. Minich June 2, 2008 at 10:08 PM #


    It is good to hear this again! I LOVED the string section. Are there any more out there? I would love to hear Ransomed again – I absolutely loved the string plucking during that song.

  12. Collin V. June 3, 2008 at 11:03 AM #


    My question about choir was definitely off topic sorry. I think it is more a question of knowledge and some traing. Let me know if you have any suggestions in how to learn more in that area.


    Our questions are definitely related. We run a fairly contemporary service as well, and a couple times we have had the choir sing a song of their own for a musical offering and they gracoiusly stayed on stage to add support for one of the songs we sang for worship, How Great is Our God. It was awesome. That is how I see choir being effective in a worship time, as a worship focused choir rather than a performing focused choir.

    In Him,

    Collin V.

  13. Gabriel Gagnon June 3, 2008 at 11:35 AM #

    Hey Bob!
    I wish I could have been there at the conference! Some of my friends went and really enjoyed it! These songs are really cool! The words go straight to the heart and brings our heart to calvary. Well I hope I can see you again at the next Na conference, or the men’s conference. Well, continue writing and singing about what Christ did at Calvary!

  14. Bob Kauflin June 3, 2008 at 2:11 PM #


    I updated the post so that you can now download Nail My Glory. Thanks for asking.

  15. Tara Daukas June 3, 2008 at 4:16 PM #

    Thank you Bob for posting these songs. The worship night with the strings was amazing! I was praising God for the various gifts he has given throughout the church. Thanks for making it available for download!

    Also I wanted to let you know that I was particularly ministered to by the prophetic song on chronic pain. I’ve been dealing with chronic low back pain for about six months and after rounds of chiropractic care and not much relief I have been fighting discouragement. God used your song to remind me that it is He who has ordained this for my good and He who has the power to heal me if he chooses to. I felt the care of the Lord through this song. So thank you for making it and the lyrics available as well!

  16. JM June 3, 2008 at 9:47 PM #

    Thank you David! Much appreciated!!

  17. Jeremy June 5, 2008 at 8:50 AM #


    Was at NA ’08. I sat and watched the mighty Holy Spirit minister to so many people around me through “Do you Believe.” I am training for the pastorate (under-care with the PCA). I’m wondering if you can point me to some of the books that you have read that have given you clear insight into the Bibilical function of tongues and prophecy in the local church. Thanks for your time and service to our great God and King, Jesus Christ.

    jeremy (West Palm Beach)

  18. V June 12, 2008 at 5:02 PM #

    “Nail my Glory” is such a powerful and edifying song. I really love it. I think that for the next Na band CD release they should do a new version with the strings behind and bagpipes added in it. That would definatley have an awesome sound. Thanks for the such God-glorfying, powerful songs that you guys produce!

  19. Jacob Young July 1, 2008 at 4:24 PM #


    I’m not sure if it’s just me, but the links for yours prophetic songs are not working. Sorry to be late on this one! Just thought I’d let you know.


  20. Bob Kauflin July 1, 2008 at 5:18 PM #


    Thanks for the heads up. There’s some kind of problem with the server that hosts those songs, and they’re working on it. Hopefully they’ll be up soon.

    If you email me at, I’ll be happy to send them to you.

  21. Jacob Young July 3, 2008 at 10:41 AM #

    Thanks Bob! The downloads are working now. Thanks so much for your leadership. I was greatly blessed by your example at NA, and I’m thankful for the recordings!


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