
Worship Matters Video Vignettes

A while back I recorded four brief videos (3-4 minutes each) that serve as an introduction to the four sections of my book, Worship Matters, but can also be used as stand-alones. They deal with four areas:

  • The Leader (what do I love the most?)
  • The Task (what exactly is a worship leader trying to do?)
  • Healthy Tensions (what false dichotomies do we create in corporate worship?)
  • Right Relationships (how can I worship God in my relationships with my team, church, and pastor?)

I recently was surprised to find out that the October issue of Worship Leader magazine mentioned them as a resource for worship leaders, pastors, and ministry teams. Since I’ve never posted all of them in one place, I thought I’d put them here. Sorry that the still picture for each video is my face in various stages of contortion. Bummer.

The Leader

The Task

Healthy Tensions

Right Relationships

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16 Responses to Worship Matters Video Vignettes

  1. Nicki O'Donovan October 3, 2008 at 10:35 PM #

    Thank you Bob! That was so edifying and enriching. You always give me another aspect of God to meditate on and delight in.

  2. Wes October 4, 2008 at 8:39 AM #

    Bob, this isn’t really related to this post, but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your book. I found it to be the single most helpful thing I’ve ever read on worship, perfect mixture of theology and practicality. I come from an Armenian (Wesleyan) background, and just started leading worship last year for a church who’s pastor attends the So. Baptist Theological Seminary; hence my introduction to you, SGM, etc. I’ve been overwhelmed and a little dismayed to find how many incredible resources there are that only seem to make it to the reformed community. We need some missionaries to take this stuff to the rest of the Church! :) Seriously though, thanks for your ministry. May the Lord bless you brother.

  3. Bob Kauflin October 4, 2008 at 8:55 AM #


    Thanks for the kind words. If you can think of any way of getting the resources out to a broader audience, let me know. Better yet, pursue it! I’d agree that the reformed community is scandalously rich in terms of teaching and resources. My prayer is that God will use word-of-mouth and the Internet to change that over time.

  4. Kyle October 4, 2008 at 9:53 AM #

    Regarding reformed-based materials that don’t seem to penetrate the church as a whole, I read the issue of Worship Leader magazine that Bob references in his post; it was a review of all the best worship resources (from gear to CD’s), and I was astonished at SGM’s absence from the list. Bob’s book shows up and these four video vignettes show up, but there’s not a single SGM CD in the music portion. My first instinct is to write to WL magazine and point them toward the rich resources available from SGM, since they apparently are not informed. (I haven’t sent the letter; not sure if I should.) To have a list of the best worship CD’s of the year that does not include “Come Weary Saints” at the top of it is a deficient list indeed.

  5. Bob Kauflin October 4, 2008 at 10:23 AM #


    Thanks for your kind words. I was pleasantly surprised to see my book and blog included in the WL issue. I’m sure that a letter to WL magazine about our music wouldn’t hurt. Thanks for thinking of it.

  6. Jadie Stiven October 5, 2008 at 4:50 PM #

    Bob – this is a helpful taster!

    I am presently reading through your book, and thoroughly enjoying it. It is proving to be most helpful in my task to lead worship. Within even the first chapters I have had a whole host of emotions run through me, from laughter to tears!

    The one thing I have benefited from the most, is the example of humility you display in the book. I am aware that I can never stop having less of me – and more of Jesus Christ.

    Your book has helped reinforce in my heart and mind – that I am wholly inadequate for the job I have been given, but it is only through the grace of Jesus Christ that I may effective.

    By His Grace – for His glory

  7. Jake Peterson October 6, 2008 at 5:29 PM #

    Bob – I recently saw you at the Desiring God National Conference and was blessed by your session in many ways. I think most powerfully was in the way you brought everything back the the Gospel. As a worship leader and ministry leader among young adults I seem to be CONSTANTLY sifting music and songs and theological positions through the filter of the Gospel and helping those around me to understand WHY we sing or don’t sing a particular song or WHY we hold to a particular view. I decided after lunch at the DG Conference to stop in and get your book and to my dismay it had sold out (I think you struck a chord with others there as well).

    Thanks for these little video segments. I am already able to use them with some of my worship team leadership in their development as lead worshippers and your book will soon be coming!

    Thanks brother for all your work and more importantly, your faithfulness to Jesus, which I know, is only by His Grace!

    Your ministry is reaching farther than you know!

    In Him,
    Jake Peterson
    Fargo, ND

    p.s. thank you too for your vulnerability during the panel discussion time; “it wasn’t that I was too hopeless… but that I wasn’t hopeless enough.” That wrecked my heart in such a way that I have still not recovered… and for that I am grateful!

  8. Matt MacDonald October 7, 2008 at 9:27 PM #


    Appreciated your kind words and encouragement this morning at the Straight Up Seminar. May God continue to use you to encourage and bless worship leaders, inspiring them to remain faithful to their calling. Your book truly has been a blessing and I will keep you and your ministry in my prayers.


    2 Cor. 12:9

  9. Bob Kauflin October 7, 2008 at 10:54 PM #


    Great meeting you at the Straight Up conference. Thanks for serving the Lord faithfully. Don’t despise the day of small beginnings…and remember Prov. 22:29.

  10. Greg Burrell October 13, 2008 at 2:07 PM #

    Wow, I really love these videos. I have also suspected that leading worship is about the skillful use of the Word as well as music. Guess I’ll have to buy your book, doggone;)

  11. Kaleb January 29, 2010 at 2:55 PM #


    I’m going to get your book Worship Matters and read it. I have been meaning to for a while. Now that I know where the videos are I am going to watch them, too.



  12. Thiery Laverdure May 28, 2011 at 5:31 AM #

    Bob, you have been a great influence to my growth. I have you book and it has been a great tool. I thank God for what you have done, continue doing, and will do because you have kept me on track.

    The topics that you speak on are very relevant. You answer some of the toughest questions.

    Thanks for all you do.

    • Bob Kauflin May 28, 2011 at 2:10 PM #

      Thanks for your kind and encouraging words, Thiery. Glad God has used my book to serve you.

  13. Dan September 18, 2011 at 2:06 AM #

    Hi Bob! I am planning on using the “Healthy Tensions” video with (for lack of a better term) a focus group I have implemented to develop our worship ministry’s values and to transfer those values to the larger community of our church. I was wondering if there was anywhere I can download a higher quality copy then what is posted on Youtube. Thanks for your time!

    Grace & Peace,


    • Bob Kauflin September 18, 2011 at 9:01 PM #

      Dan, I’ll check on it.

    • Bob Kauflin September 19, 2011 at 6:36 PM #

      Dan, you can get Healthy Tensions here:

      If you’re logged into Vimeo (free), you can download it.

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