We’re getting ready to head over to WorshipGod UK in Bath next week, but planning is in full swing for another event, WorshipGod West 2014: TRIUNE , July 16-19. The location will be the same as last year, Calvary Church in Santa Ana, CA. The folks at Calvary were stellar and we’re thrilled to be holding the conference there again. Why WorshipGod: Triune? Many Christians think of the Trinity as something like an appendix. We know it’s there but we’re not quite sure what it’s purpose is. And if we had it removed, nothing much would change. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Trinity is at the heart of our faith and at the heart of …
Tag Archives | worship-conference
Day and Session Passes Now Available for WorshipGod UK
We’ll be hosting our first WorshipGod conference, Called to be Faithful, in Bath, UK, 5-8th March. That’s a little less than a month away! Have you been wanting to come to the conference but aren’t able to join us for the whole time? Well, I’ve got good news. Day passes and individual main session tickets are now available! You can register for a day pass for Thursday or Friday (or both) for £45 per day. For that you get entry into the morning and evening main sessions, plus your choice of two of the seminars offered that day. Alternatively, you could decide to register for any of the six individual main sessions for just £15 per …
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Why Should You Come to WorshipGod UK?
I’m looking forward to a number of WorshipGod events in 2014 that include the Dominican Republic (July 3-6 at La IBI), and Orange County, CA (July 16-19). But in about 6 weeks (5-8th March), we’ll be at the Forum in Bath, UK, for not only the first WorshipGod event in 2014, but our very first conference in the UK, with the theme, “Called to be Faithful.” I’m excited to be joined by some good friends from the UK including Stuart Townend, Mike Reeves, Nathan and Lou Fellingham, Philip Percival of EMU Music, and others. I’m also looking forward to bringing some friends from the States, including Jeff Purswell and Craig Cabaniss, two of my favorite …
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Seven Reasons I’m Looking Forward to WorshipGod UK, 5-8 March
WorshipGod UK is two months away and I can’t wait. The conference will be held at the Bath Forum in Bath, UK, 5-8 March. We’ll start Wednesday evening and go through Saturday noon. In a previous post, I highlighted how the conference came to be, largely as a result of conversations with my good friend, Nathan Smith, pastor of Grace Church Bristol. Here are reasons why I’m personally looking forward to the conference. 1. Encouraging and spending extended time with those serving in corporate worship in the UK. I’ve had many opportunities to chat with folks in the UK about how music in the church is going. As in many countries, there are highs …
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Come Join us for WorshipGod UK!
I’m excited to let our European friends know that Sovereign Grace Music will be hosting our first WorshipGod UK conference 5th-8th March, 2014, in Bath, England. The theme is Called to be Faithful. WorshipGod UK is designed to encourage and equip pastors, musicians, vocalists, songwriters, tech personnel, those involved in planning or leading congregational worship, and anyone who wants to grow in their understanding and practice of biblical worship. The lineup of speakers and musicians includes Mike Reeves, Jeff Purswell, Tim Chester, Craig Cabaniss, Donald Whitney, Stuart Townend, Nathan and Lou Fellingham, Philip Percival, and more. The …
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One Day Gathering Event in Indianapolis
On Saturday, Dec. 7, I’m heading to The Chapel in Indianapolis, IN for The Gathering Midwest. The event will take place from 1-9 PM and I’ll be bringing a group of musicians primarily from my home church in Louisville, KY for a day of singing, teaching, food, and fellowship. We’ll start at 1 PM with corporate worship and a message called Gathering Around the Gospel. In the afternoon you’ll have the opportunity to attend two breakout sessions, designed to equip leaders, bands, and songwriters. After dinner, which will be provided, we’ll spend the evening celebrating the gospel in word and song. The idea for The Gathering comes from an album …
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Reflections on WorshipGod West: Called to Be Faithful
This past week, almost 900 people gathered for our first ever WorshipGod West conference, held June 27-29 at Calvary Church of Santa Ana, CA. They came from as far away as Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Ireland, Canada, and Mexico. Some drove 18 hours to be there, others simply drove down the street. Although this was a new location for a WorshipGod conference, we enjoyed many of the evidences of God’s grace we’ve seen in previous years. Ultimately, that was due to God’s kindness and the prayers of his people. Humanly speaking, it was due in large part to Sheri Goodrich and the generous staff of Calvary Church, the members of …
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Four People Are Going to WorshipGod West for Free
WorshipGod2013 West: Called to Be Faithful is a little over five weeks away (June 27-29) and some of the seminars are beginning to fill up. We have a great list of teachers lined up this year, both in the main sessions and the breakouts. Kevin DeYoung, Craig Cabaniss, Jon Payne, Donald Whitney, John Martin, Steve & Vikki Cook, Sherri Gould, and more. In addition, Enfield will be leading us in song for a session, and Matt Papa will be joining us to share a few songs. As always, there will be a few surprises, a lot of laughter, and rich times of worshiping God through song, preaching, and fellowship. I’m especially excited about this year’s …
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Two Days Until WorshipGod West Rates Go Up
Maybe you’re thinking there’s plenty of time to register for WorshipGod2013. And there is. Kind of. Registration for WorshipGod West doesn’t end until June 14. You can register for WorshipGod East all the way up until July 19. But here’s a few reasons you might want to sign up soon. 1. People who sign up early get first choice for seminars. Some of the seminars have capacity limitations. So bottom line, if you don’t sign up early you may not be able to go to the seminars you want. 2. Rates are going to go up. For WorshipGod West rates go up on May 1. For WorshipGod East they increase June 1. I mean it’s fine if you want to pay …
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What I Learned from Leading WorshipGod08
I think I’ve recovered from last week’s conference. What a joy to see so many folks come from so many different places to learn and experience what God has told us in the Psalms about worship. Although we barely scratched the surface of the topic, I think people went away encouraged and equipped, with plenty to think about and apply. After a few weeks, I’ll meet with the admin staff and talk about what worked and how we can serve people more effectively at the next WorshipGod conference in 2010. In the mean time, I wanted to share a few things I learned during the course of leading this year’s conference. 1. Having a detailed schedule really …
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Thoughts from WorshipGod08 Speakers
Blogging is minimal at the moment as I’m preparing for the WorshipGod conference next week. With 45 seminars and 6 main sessions, I think the 1600+ people who are coming will have plenty to chew on. But what I’m most anticipating is God encountering folks in ways that are unique to their situations. Encouraging a leader who’s grown weary. Convicting a musician of self-exalting pride. Strengthening relationships between team members, husbands and wives, pastors and worship leaders. Equipping a keyboardist to serve her church more effectively. Hopefully even healing some who are physically ill. I’m grateful that even though I don’t know every person’s …
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Worship Conference Registration Closed
I was informed this morning that when registration for WorshipGod08: Rediscovering the Psalms closed last night a total of 1626 people had signed up to come. That’s both humbling and exciting. What that means is that registration for the conference is closed. People who show up at the door will only be able to attend the main sessions. This is a problem I’m not used to having. A few stats: 760 first time attendees 127 high school students 619 worship leaders 31 international guests (including 14 from Canada) Largest age group: 26-40 with 571 Second largest: 25 and below with 436 Largest church size group: 101-300 with 635 people Largest …
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WorshipGod08 Registration Rates About to Go Up
If you’re thinking about attending the WorshipGod08 Conference: Rediscovering the Psalms, you might want to make a decision soon. On April 1, the rates for students, individuals, and groups all go up $25. If you have any questions, most of them are probably answered at the WorshipGod08 Website. But feel free to ask questions here as well.
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What I’ve Been Working On (not this blog, obviously)
When I first started Worship Matters two years ago, I was posting five days a week. I’ve loosened up some on the schedule since then… I’ve been working on a chapter for a book on worldliness edited by my good friend, C.J. Mahaney. Crossway will be publishing it some time next year. It originated from a series of messages we gave at our a few years back on 1 John 2:15-17. My chapter develops the thought that listening to music without discernment or godly intent reveals a heart willing to flirt with the world. Other chapters address possessions, media, modesty. The final chapter suggests ways God has called us to love the world around us. Most …
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WorshipGod Conference 2008
Some people have already asked me if Sovereign Grace was planning a worship conference for next year. Indeed we are. The dates are going to be July 30 – August 2. The location will again be my home church, Covenant Life, in Gaithersburg, Maryland. We haven’t finalized the details yet, but we’re working on them. Lord willing, we’ll have produced two more CD’s before the conference, so we’ll have a number of new songs to teach. For more information you can check out the Sovereign Grace website.