Archive | Free Stuff


My Year of Bible Reading with No Chapters or Verses

Not too long ago I took one of my grandsons out for a bagel and asked him a question. “What’s the most important thing in the world?” I told him it had to be a person or an object. After a long pause, he responded, “The Bible?” “That’s right,” I said. I went on to say that apart from God’s Word, we would have no way of knowing God’s thoughts, commands, warnings, or promises. We’d be limited to general revelation, which gloriously declares aspects of God’s character and deeds, but is silent when it comes to our separation from God and his plan to reconcile us to himself through Christ. The Bible is an unspeakably precious gift that …

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Another New Reformation Song

Back in February, I posted a song that Chris Anderson and I wrote for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. We called it “Reformation Hymn.” I wrote about it in this post and Chris tells the backstory of how the song was written here. Around the same time, Tim Chester, a friend from the UK, asked me if I’d be interested in putting music to some lyrics he was working on, also based on the 5 Solas of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura: Scripture alone Solus Christus: Christ alone Sola Fide: faith alone Sola Gratia: grace alone Soli Deo Gloria: glory to God alone I enjoyed writing Come Praise and Glorify with Tim a few years ago and thought …

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A New Song – Reformation Hymn

As you’re probably aware, 2017 marks the 500 year anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of a church building in Wittenberg, Germany. While not seeking to separate from the Roman Catholic church, he called for substantive and specific changes in her practices and theology. Luther was joined by many other Reformers whose teachings were eventually summarized in what we call the Five Solas, “sola” being a Latin word meaning “alone” or “only.” Sola Scriptura: Scripture alone Solus Christus: Christ alone Sola Fide: faith alone Sola Gratia: grace alone Soli Deo Gloria: glory to God alone These phrases carry …

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The Winners of Psalm Songs, Vol. 1

Thanks to everyone who left a comment on my last post about Psalm Songs, Vol. 1. It was so encouraging to read how God has used various Psalms in people’s lives. It reminded me how God gave us the Psalms to help us not only pray and sing to him but to know him better. There really is no emotion or circumstance we go through that isn’t addressed in some way in the Psalms. These are the five comments I picked for their impact and creativity: In the darkest night of my soul, I challenged God to prove His existence. “Though the mountains fall into the heart of the sea” suddenly resounded in my mind. It brought me to Psalm 46. Verse 10 …

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A New Soundtrack for the Psalms

A few weeks ago I came across an album called Psalm Songs, Vol. 1, put out by The Corner Room, aka Adam Wright. I hear hundreds of albums each year and when one stands out, it’s obvious. Psalm Songs stands out. These aren’t congregational songs, but Scripture songs, word for word from the English Standard Version. It’s really difficult to set longer Biblical passages to music without making it sound forced and un-musical. Adam and friends overcame those obstacles. Combining elements of bluegrass, new country, pop music, and folk, these songs are musically fresh, skillfully played, and a joy to listen to. After listening to the …

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New Song from Keith & Kristyn Getty (& Graham Kendrick)

Not too long ago I was in Nashville with Julie and we stopped by to see our friends, Keith and Kristyn Getty. While we were there Keith asked me if I wanted to hear a song they had been working on with Graham Kendrick. Of course, I said. He played “My Worth is Not in What I Own.” I immediately thought, I want to sing this song and I want other people to sing this song. Now we can. But you can hear it for yourself. Col. 3:16 says that songs are meant to teach and admonish us while enabling the word of Christ to dwell in us richly. This song definitely accomplishes both goals. Here are the words: My worth is not in what I own; …

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Prepare Him Room Giveaway Contest Winners!

Thanks to all those who participated in the Prepare Him Room giveaway contest. I learned a few things along the way. 1. People can have a hard time counting to 50, or else the joy of commenting on a post can cause a person to wax eloquent and ignore silly contest rules, e.g., a 50 word limit. 2. O Come, O Come Emmanuel is a really popular Christmas song. 3. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day has more content than I thought. I had forgotten how meaningful the words are: “Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: ‘God is not dead, nor doth He sleep! The wrong shall fail, the right prevail, with peace on earth, good will to men.’” I …

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Win a Free Download of Prepare Him Room!

In another post I shared the story behind our new Christmas album, Prepare Him Room. Now you can be one of ten people who can win a free digital copy. Here’s the deal. Leave a comment below telling us your favorite Christmas carol and why in 50 words or less. You can enter three times. I’ll pick some of the most creative answers as winners and the rest at random. How many random comments I pick depends on how many creative responses I get! You have until midnight on Tuesday, Sept. 30 to enter. I’ll announce the winners around noon (EST) on Wednesday, October 1. We’ll contact the winners by email with your download code. And if you …

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Resources and Reflections from WorshipGod UK: Called to be Faithful

It’s been over a month ago now that we finished up our first WorshipGod UK conference, Called to Be Faithful. This has been one of my favorite themes for a WorshipGod conference because it speaks so directly to how we should approach ministering the gospel in song. We aren’t called to be amazing, or popular, or cool, or technologically savvy, or better than the church down the street. We’re called to be faithful. God has revealed the mystery of the gospel to us and he now calls us to faithfully steward the unsearchable riches of Christ. You can download the main sessions by clicking the titles below. Session 1 – Faithful To Receive (Craig …

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Win a Pre-Release Download of “30”

We’re pretty excited about our new album, 30, available for pre-order tomorrow for only $7. It’s a collection of 14 more well known Sovereign Grace songs that some of our friends have recorded for us, including Paul Baloche, Kristyn Getty, Austin Stone Worship, Aaron Keyes, Matt Papa, Matt Boswell, and more. You can find more details here. The official release is next Tuesday, April 8, at the Together for the Gospel conference. CDs will be available from the Sovereign Grace Online store starting Tuesday, April 15. But you can enter to win a free download today and hear it before anyone else! All you have to do is: 1. Leave a comment …

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And the Winners Are…

Thanks to everyone who left a comment on yesterday’s post which automatically entered you in the drawing for one of 5 free copies of Keith and Kristyn Getty’s new album, Live from The Gospel Coalition. It was fascinating to read the responses. I’m not sure how many people thought they were limited to hymns penned by the Getty’s, but In Christ Alone was cited 44 times. Appropriate, I think. In any case, here’s who will be getting a free album (the number of your comment precedes your name): 61 – James 65 – Tony Weber 160 – MJ Wilson 187 – Sandy Spencer 212 – Stacy Sublett All these five people have to do is send your mailing …

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Win a Copy of Keith & Kristyn Getty’s New Album

My dear friends, Keith & Kristyn Getty, are releasing their first live album, LIVE AT THE GOSPEL COALITION, today. They’ve graciously allowed me to give away five free copies. Up until midnight tonight you can leave a comment below telling us what your favorite hymn is, and you’ll automatically be entered to win. I’ll pick the winners at random and announce them tomorrow morning. If you’d like to read more about the new album, you can do so here. And if you aren’t familiar with Keith and Kristyn, who along with Stuart Townend are writing some of the most theologically thoughtful, gospel-rich modern hymns today , check out their site. UPDATE: …

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Image Courtesy of Shutterstock

And Here’s Who Gets a Free Registration to WorshipGod East

I really don’t know why I keep doing these WorshipGod registration giveaways. I read through the comments and just want to give everyone a free registration. Unfortunately I can’t. Thanks to everyone who commented, especially those of you who just wanted to bless someone else. As promised, I picked 2 winners based on content (although I could have picked a dozen more) and picked 2 using a random number generator. Which of course really isn’t random because God controls it (Prov. 16:33). So here is who’s going to WorshipGod East for free: 1. Nick, who wrote: For Christmas, I asked extended family for the money to buy my wife …

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Four People Are Going to WorshipGod West for Free

WorshipGod2013 West: Called to Be Faithful is a little over five weeks away (June 27-29) and some of the seminars are beginning to fill up. We have a great list of teachers lined up this year, both in the main sessions and the breakouts. Kevin DeYoung, Craig Cabaniss, Jon Payne, Donald Whitney, John Martin, Steve & Vikki Cook, Sherri Gould, and more. In addition, Enfield will be leading us in song for a session, and Matt Papa will be joining us to share a few songs. As always, there will be a few surprises, a lot of laughter, and rich times of worshiping God through song, preaching, and fellowship. I’m especially excited about this year’s …

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El Dios Que Adoramos – Our Latest Release

If you don’t speak Spanish, you might not be interested in our latest release, El Dios Que Adoramos (The God We Worship). But then again, it might not make any difference. It’s that good. The album came about as a result of our relationship with Miguel Nunez, pastor of  Iglesia Bautista Internacional (IBI) and host of the Por Su Causa conference. For the past few years Miguel has been a dear friend and supporter of Sovereign Grace Ministries and Sovereign Grace Music. His church has been translating and singing our songs for a while now, and musicians from his church have attended the WorshipGod conference. They’ve also been a great …

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